Chapter 43: Until I Die

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Third Person's P.O.V

The ground suddenly shook, causing some shinobis to fall over while several others were struggling to maintain their stability. All of them were starting to question what could be happening then. Soon enough, their question was answered by a large wood sprouting out of the ground and soared so high to the sky. Unlike the Ten-Tails, this single wood alone bore four enormous Rafflesia flowers that faced various directions.

Upon remembering when and what that flower had done previously, everyone in the Allied Forces began to suspect if each one of them would create the devastating Tailed Beast Bomb. Their question was once again responded by the giant blooms themselves beginning to produce the said sphere-shaped bomb.

To prevent the Tailed Beast Bombs from being teleported away by the Second and the Fourth Hokage, Obito himself brought forth the renowned red barrier called Four Crimson Rays Formation which was the same one that had been put up by the four reanimated Hokages. This further increased the dread and panic everyone felt for they were so sure they could not escape the spot where they had been trapped in.

However, Naruto speedily summoned his chakra cloak upon every member of the Allied Forces. Katsuyu, Sakura's summoning slug, briefly clarified that the chakra that Naruto had shared to us did not vanish entirely but instead it merely shrunk down. Therefore, he did not have to make contact with everyone to bring forth his chakra onto them. Plus, not only all of them gained Naruto's chakra cloak, the energy that engulfed them this time was much powerful than the previous one.

After sharing his chakra to both Sasuke and Jugo, Naruto then called for Kazuki to come over and informed him of his plan. Naruto then placed his hand on his fellow blond friend's shoulder, followed by the Second Hokage who also learned about the plan.

As soon as the Tailed Beast Bombs were launched, Kazuki successfully teleported everyone out of the barrier. Typically, to teleport someone with him, Kazuki needed the other person to make a contact with him. But in this case, Naruto had shared all of his chakra to each member of the Allied Forces which means Kazuki did not have to make contact with every one of them. The only individual who needed to make direct contact with him was Tobirama since he did not have Naruto's chakra cloak.

The Tailed Beast Bombs, on the other hand, crashed into the barrier and exploded inside the confines. No one was harmed from the attack, including Obito for he had shielded himself with the pitch-black material that always accompanied him since he became the Jinchuuriki of the Ten-Tails.

Once the eruption had died down, the Second Hokage briefly praised Kazuki with a small smile, causing the latter to blush and swoon upon being complimented by a legendary figure. He was sure he would remember this till the day he dies.

Minato and Naruto then attacked Obito head-on. However, after failing to bring the Jinchuuriki down with their combined Rasengan, Obito rose and summoned the entire body of the Ten-Tails out of the blue.

The Ten-Tails lied on the ground on its back. After it wildly scanned the area with its one eyeball which was a mix of Sharingan and Rinnegan, its stomach then peeled open, revealing an unblossomed Rafflesia. It was that moment when Obito canceled the red barrier.

The moment the red barrier was dismissed, a large wood rose from the stomach of the Ten-Tails to the sky where a red moon watched over everything. The action prompted the whole ground to shake as more and more of its length came out of the same abdomen. That was when massive roots appeared and began to spread all over the area, towering and hitting many shinobis along the way. The large roots expanded across many kilometers which meant everyone was undoubtedly at harm's way. Another frightening characteristic of these gigantic rootlets was that they moved scarily fast. Shinobis were thrown to the air when the roots slammed into the ground near them with terrifying force.

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