Chapter 11: Have Faith

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"T-that's ridiculous! S-Sasuke should let go of that lady because... y-yeah, kidnapping someone is bad, right?!" the Karin woman began to spout nonsense, "And on top of that, why would Sasuke want to keep her here? He should have a very good reason to-"

"My, my, Karin, it seems like you want him to get rid of that woman quickly. Are you perhaps jealous?" Suigetsu was, without a doubt, grinning mockingly.

"No, I'm not!" Karin hollered loudly that her voice echoed throughout the hallway, "Anyway, I'm outta here! And don't tell a single soul that I came here, okay?! Or I will rip your innards, you hear me?!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, now go back to wherever you came from," Suigetsu responded with an obvious nonchalance and uncaringness which must've irritated Karin who growled before she finally left. A few seconds after that, another set of footsteps resounded and they were getting farther and smaller in volume until they completely disappeared into silence.

Comprehending that I was left alone now, I brought my eyes back to the ceiling and I could not help but furrow my eyebrows in discontentment. Who was that girl and what kind of relationship does she have with Sasuke?


Ayuda's P.O.V

After several minutes of turning around in bed and mindlessly staring at the ceiling, I finally succumbed to a deep slumber that was soon shattered by the rough noise of the door creaking open.

I looked to see that the newcomer was undoubtedly Sasuke whose condition puzzled me a tad bit. Unlike before, he returned with a few scratches and dirt marring his skin and outfit. They were too obvious – so obvious like imagine seeing multiple splotches of color thrown at a plain white canvas. That's how obvious it was.

Ever since I got abducted by him, I never saw him like that before. Not even after he had a rough training with Orochimaru. I surmised that he had just undergone a battle which he had no problem winning due to the absence of blood on his body. Despite his unusual condition, he still seemed pretty casual and imperturbable as always.

His eyes locked with mine straightaway after he closed the door behind him. He quietly approached me with that usual expressionless face of his that made it nearly impossible for anyone to read his mood and figure out what's on his mind.

Along the way, he reached out, grabbed a chair, and dragged it across the room until he placed it down next to the bed. Assuming that he probably had something to give me, I sat up and let the blanket covered me only from my hip down, while Sasuke quietly settled himself down on the chair.

The youngest Uchiha then handed me a plastic bag, "Here."

I silently took it and threw a sneaky glance at the content. Just as I expected, he bought me a meal which was still very warm as if it had just been heated up in the oven one minute ago. The meal he purchased this time was Japanese curry rice.

Before I could do anything, Sasuke spoke up in his usual monotonous voice, "Drink your medicine first before you eat."

I looked and saw him opening the bottle of the medicine that was originally concocted by Orochimaru. Oh, it's that sour medicine again. But, truth be told, ever since I consumed a bit of that thing, my unusually high body temperature has been receding at a great pace until now. If this goes on, then I predict I will be as fit as a fiddle by tomorrow. I don't know if I should be thankful to Orochimaru or not. He is, after all, my enemy.

Now that I had a great impression of Orochimaru's handmade medicine, I had enough ease to drink a lot more of its content and Sasuke remained silent at this change of my behavior. After gulping down some of the sour remedy, I proceeded to take out the Japanese curry rice and busied myself with stuffing my face with it. Sasuke, on the other hand, unenthusiastically revealed another plastic bag which apparently contained his own meal and then started to devour it in a relax manner.

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