Chapter 51: The Makino Summit

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"So let me get this straight," said Naruto, his blue eyes wide with surprise

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"So let me get this straight," said Naruto, his blue eyes wide with surprise. "The powerful Ayuda Makino needs a bodyguard?"

Two months had passed since Ayuda began the trials to become the next head of the Makino family. She had demonstrated her worth and strength, but other candidates also had strong support within the family — Keiji and Iseri.

However, the trials were not the only challenges Ayuda faced. She had also endured several bone-chilling ordeals that left her shaken. These experiences had driven her to visit Naruto at his flat one morning.

Ayuda blushed, unable to hide the scowl on her face. "Idiot. Compared to you, I'm not that strong. And yes, I do need one."

"But why?" Naruto pressed, leaning closer across the table. "You are strong, Ayuda. You can strike fifty enemies with one chakra arrow!"

Ayuda averted her gaze, worried that Naruto might think she was overreacting. She looked toward the window above Naruto's kitchen counter, where a crow perched quietly, its black beady eyes watching them. She recognized it immediately — it was Itachi.

Naruto continued, puzzled, "And why would you need a bodyguard around the Leaf Village?"

"It's not around the Leaf," Ayuda corrected. "Most of the Makino family will head to the Makino Summit, our convention centre in the Land of Rivers, next Monday. It will take a half day to get there, three days in the centre, and then another half day to return to Leaf."

Naruto was in awe. "You have a centre in the Land of Rivers? Which building is it? I've only seen a few grand buildings there in the middle of the forest. Sometimes, I wonder who would have them built there and why."

"It's the white castle surrounded by wisteria trees," Ayuda described. "It's large, with multiple tiers and elegant rooftops. The walls are coloured white. It's built on top of a mountain."

Naruto's eyes widened in astonishment. "That building?! It's huge! I always look at it whenever I cross the Land of Rivers on my way to the Sand Village. I didn't know it belonged to your family."

Ayuda smiled at his transparent awe. He was definitely a ball of sunshine, she thought.

"Yes, the Makino family had it built ages ago. Madara Uchiha and Hashirama Senju even held a meeting there with the first Makino patriarch."

Naruto's cerulean eyes sparkled with awe like a child seeing his first snowfall. "Wow! But if it's such an important place, there must be guards all over. Why would you need a personal bodyguard?"

Ayuda's expression shifted, concern etching deep lines into her usually composed face. Naruto noticed this instantly, along with the glimmer of fear in her eyes. Was she hiding something from him?

"Naruto, these past few days, many things have happened... behind my back," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.

Naruto leaned in, his curiosity piqued. "What do you mean?"

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