Chapter 42: Forelsket

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Third Person's P.O.V

As everyone marveled at Ayuda dominating the battlefield with her elegant yet deadly archery skills, all of them were caught off guard when three explosions occurred near them.

What replaced the smokes as soon as it receded to thin air were a colossal toad, an enormous snake, and a gigantic slug. Ayuda, who had stopped whatever she did and looked over, realized she had seen the second-mentioned animal before, when Sasuke brought her and him out of the vicinity of Deidara's ultimate, suicidal attack, while she'd glimpsed at the giant slug before when Tsunade summoned the same creature during Pein's invasion upon the Leaf.

There was one individual that stood atop each of the three summoned animals' head. For the slug, it was Sakura. For the toad, Naruto stood confidently on top of its head. And lastly, for the purple-colored snake, Sasuke was occupying the same spot on the head.

For anyone else that got to see this, the only thing that sprang into their mind upon gazing at this scene was that the three of them possessed the presence of the Three Legendary Sannin. Just like the three renowned figures, Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke were able to call forth the same summoning animals. Not to mention that the younger group was a disciple to different Sannins.

That's when Ayuda heard Kaito exclaim, "Not fair! I also want to summon a giant animal!"

Sakura immediately commenced her task in sending mini-slugs to everyone to resupply their chakra and heal their wounds. Meanwhile, Sasuke and Naruto told their summoned ally to wait and then jumped off of their head.


The boy whose name has just been called aloud looked over, focus momentarily wavering as he caught a glimpse of Naruto and Sasuke landing in front of him. The former was in his Nine-Tails Chakra Mode when he asked his fellow blond comrade, "We need your help. Could you use open your portals for us to go past the Ten-Tails' minions and teleport us straight to that big beast? We need to finish that guy as soon as possible so a quick teleportation is definitely what we need."

Kazuki took a brief glance at the subdued Ten-Tails which had been referred to as the 'big beast' by Naruto. Sasuke, on the other hand, remained quiet and let his teammate do all the talking.

"Sure," replied the boy with a pair of crimson eyes, "However, I cannot produce a teleportation hole beyond fifty kilometers from where I am. And in order for me to create portals, I need to stand still. If I walk or run to make a portal at a far distance, my control over that hole will be unstable and I don't want the portal to close on you and accidentally cut you into pieces."

Sasuke spoke up, "So you need to stand among the horde of minions to teleport us past them and to the Ten-Tails?"

"That's right," replied Kazuki solemnly, ignoring the vague fury he felt upon remembering that he was talking to Ayuda's kidnapper. After all, just like his female teammate, he also believed that they needed all the help they could get to win this war.

He added, "But I have to admit, I can't fight my way through all those fission beings. Even if I manage to stand among that crowd of minions, I would be completely vulnerable to them during the whole process of teleporting you since creating even one portal needs all of my concentration."

Naruto smirked, "That's not a problem! There's someone else that can definitely bring you to the spot you think is perfect and keep you safe throughout this whole plan. Hey, Ayuda!"

Ayuda Makino, who had just easily murdered a group of Ten-Tails' replicas with her skill called 'Hail of Arrows', cast her eyes over her shoulder to look at them. Naruto gestured for her to come to them, "Come here for a minute! We need your help!"

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