Chapter 48: "Goodbye, Sasuke."

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A/N: Y'all better prepare some sweet, sad songs for the upcoming scene. For me, I wrote the chapter while playing Hana Kimi Soundtrack 22 - Peach (Instrumental) on YouTube.


Third Person's P.O.V

As soon as Ayuda opened her eyes, the first thought in her head was that she would be seeing Sasuke later that day. She stayed in bed, giving her body time to recover and her mind a chance to prepare for the events of that afternoon.

She rolled over in her bed, eyes still closed, and felt the warmth of the morning sun on her face. She thought of Sasuke and all the things she wanted to say and ask him. She pressed her face into the pillow more, enjoying its softness. It was soft, but not too soft, there was just enough give to it to make it comfortable when she pressed her face into it.

The sun warmed her face, while colors danced in her eyelids. Light streaked around her, settling on her form. Like a young acorn, she held on to the pillow. She buried her face even deeper, enjoying this relaxing moment for herself.

After a while, she finally forced herself to get out of bed. She checked the time, then headed to the bathroom to prepare herself for the day. She had a meeting to keep.

Once ready, she exited her apartment and reached the streets. She walked slowly, taking in the sights and sounds around her. She passed by a group of children playing, their laughter filling the air. She walked past a flower shop, the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers tickling her nose.

Even though the environment around her was calming, she still felt a knot of nervousness as she prepared for her first visit to Sasuke in prison. Despite the pain of remembering everything he had done, she still had to visit him in order to get a sense of closure and start the healing process. She knew from the onset that forgiveness wouldn't be coming any time soon, but going to see him was necessary for her own peace of mind.


She spun around to find Naruto, Sakura, Kaito, and Kazuki standing exactly where they said they'd be. Naruto and Kaito were both giving her a cheery wave. Once Ayuda stood by their side, Sakura inquired her with concern, "Are you ready?"

Ayuda took a deep breath and exhaled, "As ready as I can be."

Naruto smiled, looking at ease at the fact that Ayuda finally got to join them in visiting Sasuke in jail. He said, "Let's go."

As they approached the prison, Ayuda's heart rate spiked. She took deep breaths, trying to calm herself down. As they checked in, Naruto gave her a reassuring pat on the back. She silently thanked him for the gesture.

Just as they were about to go through security checks, a caw belonging to a crow was heard from the entrance, and then another male voice stopped them, "Well, this is unusual. You all look excited, especially you two, Naruto, and Sakura."


A prisoner was sitting on his bed in his dark jail cell, a few faint rays of sunlight streaming through the window. He sat with a bend on his back, and he seemed lost in thought and was unmindful of what was happening outside of his cell.

The gleam in his different eyes was duller, the shine stripped of all its usual luster. His face was puffy and bloated, his cheekbones had a rougher texture, his skin was a sickly shade of white and he seemed to have shrunk in size. His hair was black, unkempt, and much longer than it used to be. Thin stubbles decorated his chin and jaw. He looked at a loss and seemed resigned to his fate.

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