Chapter 36: Meant The World To Me

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Third Person's P.O.V

"Are there any news about Tsunade-sama's condition?"

"No. Apparently, she is still unconscious."

"Then I'm sure the elders are to going to make another meeting to discuss who will be the next Hokage."

"But..." Izumo, one of the two shinobis assigned to watch over the main gate of Konoha, inquired, "...don't you think it will be confusing? Danzo was the Sixth Hokage but he died before he officially took the office. So what position would the next Hokage have? The Sixth or the Seventh?"

Kotetsu, the other bodyguard, was struck by shock and realization regarding that matter, "Ah, that's true! Now that you mention it, I'm wondering the same thing! The elders must be scratching their head when they talk about this."

"So, who do you want to be the next Hokage? Any candidate in your mind already?" queried Izumo.

Kotetsu looked up to the clouds decorating the blue sky and replied, "Hmm... I would vote for Kakashi Hatake. It is obvious that he is one of the strongest Leaf Jounins."

"I'm thinking of choosing him too!" said the other Chuunin enthusiastically, "He is definitely fit as our future Hokage."

"Yeah, and..." Kotetsu caught a glimpse of a figure from the corner of his eye. He paused to glance at it which led him to gaze outside of the gate. A slender figure wearing the attire of black and white was ambling towards the entrance. He sat up straight and told the clueless Izumo, "Look. It seems we have a visitor."

Izumo casually gazed at the newcomer and raised an eyebrow, appearing not eager to welcome them, "Oh, must be from another village."

When the mysterious figure eventually became much closer to them in distance after a few seconds of walking straight but still had not yet reached the entrance gate, their eyes immediately went wide in quick recognition. Izumo even jumped out of his seat dramatically and gasped, "Oi, oi, isn't that Reina's younger sister?!"

Kotetsu's jaw had already dropped to the table before he responded in surprise, "It is! I heard she got kidnapped once again!"

"Then why is she here?!"

"How would I know?! Hey, go find Reina and tell her about this!"

Just as they said, it was indeed Ayuda Makino who had just arrived at the Leaf Village in a seemingly casual and unharmed condition. Once she walked past the gate, she turned to them and put on a sad smile saying, "Hey."

And just like that, Izumo took off, sprinting to search high and low for the older sister of the newcomer. Kotetsu, who was flabbergasted at the sudden arrival of a supposed kidnapping victim, instantly recovered and rushed around the table to walk closer to the dark-haired lady, "A-Ayuda-san, are you alright? We've just received news of your kidnapping but now you are fortunately here!"

Ayuda averted her eyes and replied, still with a sad smile gracing her features, "Well, about that... I managed to escape from my kidnapper."

"That's great!" enthused the male Chuunin, "Oh, let's get you to the hospital. Just to make sure you are totally fine and all."

The purple-eyed lady nodded her head with a warm smile, "Sure."

However, just before they could take their fifth step from the spot, a woman's voice called out to the young lady, halting them in their tracks, "Yuda-chan?!"

Ayuda whirled her head to the side so fast upon hearing the familiar voice of a person who was the world to her. What she saw next was the heartwarming sight of her sister dashing towards her hurriedly. The crow that always accompanied her was flying and tailing her from behind with the same hasty speed.

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