Chapter 27: The Ones To Entrust

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Third Person's P.O.V

"Man, I miss Ayuda," drawled Suigetsu while he let out a mighty yawn.

Karin and Jugo, who were standing on his left and right side respectively, darted a shock and horrified glance at their white-haired companion as if he had just spoken out the date of their death. They then threw their eyes to their squad leader who was standing a few meters with his back facing them. A stunned silence followed as they perceived how Sasuke froze like a rock upon hearing the name of their escaped captive.

"Idiot! Don't say that out loud all of a sudden!" barked Karin at the purple-eyed male.

"Huh? What's the matter with saying it out loud, though?" retorted Suigetsu. In spite of the fact that he just gave a question to Karin, he immediately disregarded her afterward to cast his eyes on Sasuke who proceeded to wear his Akatsuki cloak. He then blatantly inquired the ravenette, "Hey, Sasuke! Since you said that we are going to destroy Konoha soon, we would definitely run into Ayuda there, right?"

There was a strained silence for two seconds before Sasuke responded grimly, "Yes."

"That sucks then. I might have a hard time fighting her since she is, after all, a good friend," commented Suigetsu, bringing his arms to serve as the pillow for his head.

Karin and Jugo replied with complete silence as their eyes turned downcast because, although they refused to express it out loud, they were also having the same dilemma about facing and battling with their former teammate.

That was when Sasuke, who they did not expect to interject in this chatter, spoke up, "No, we won't be fighting her. We will take her with us by force again and this time I will kidnap her myself since you three proved yourselves to be unreliable last time."

The rest of Team Taka shuddered in fear after hearing him say that to them with a sharp edge in his tone. Not to mention that he was sending them an accusatory yet disappointed glare at them three. They knew right away what their leader was implying at.

Their failure to chase Ayuda infuriated Sasuke so much that he demanded them to leave him alone – and the silent treatment persisted for four hours – after he found out how the Makino maiden escaped.

"I already told you, Sasuke. We couldn't pursue her because Kisame-senpai impeded us any way he could," reasoned Suigetsu as he flailed his arms around, signifying how he was slowly and increasingly becoming exasperated in trying to convince the Uchiha.

Instead of responding to his white-haired teammate's elucidation which he had heard many times before, he merely spun around and strode towards the exit of the Akatsuki hideout, "Let's go. The earlier we capture the Eight-Tails, the earlier we destroy Konoha."

Suigetsu then pouted his lips, sulking upon being disregarded by his fellow Uchiha friend.


Ayuda's P.O.V

After letting out a mighty roar of a yawn, I stretched my body and rolled around my comfy bed, all the while smiling broadly in pleasure for waking up in such fine mood.

Since the beginning of Sasuke's quest in assembling Team Hebi, that Uchiha always woke me up unbearably early in the morning and it was torturous for someone who hated getting up so early which was me.

Now that I got a long and pleasant slumber, I felt very refreshed that a smile automatically etched itself upon my lips once I had adjusted my blurry eyesight after waking up. After wasting some more time in the cozy warmth of my bed, I finally got up and dragged myself to the bathroom.

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