Chapter 19: Mark Of Possession

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Ayuda's P.O.V


"But why, Sasuke?!" snarled Karin, "Why didn't you book another room with two single beds instead of one with only a queen-sized bed?!"

Sasuke seemed fully prepared to answer this inquiry for he responded without delay, "The man at the counter said the rooms with single beds are all fully booked except one only. So I took that leftover one and select another room with the queen-sized bed. It couldn't be helped."

Everyone seemed fine with the idea even more after hearing Sasuke's clarification except me and Karin. The latter was unmistakably enraged that I got to sleep in the same bed with the man she secretly had taken a liking on. I, on the other hand, was a blushing mess already.

S-s-s-sleeping in the sa-same bed with Sasuke?! Are you serious?!

"Suigetsu, this is the key to your room with Karin and Jugo," the ravenette said as he handed a key to the wielder of the Executioner's Blade.

"Alright. In that case, we will head to our room first then," told Suigetsu to me and Sasuke, "Good night, you two. See you tomorrow."

Suigetsu and Jugo walked away, followed by the grumbling Karin who sent me and Sasuke a very long baleful glare with her teeth clenched. I challenged her back with a pair of fake-innocent eyes as if I had no idea why she seemed so livid at us two. Once they left our sight, Sasuke cast his vacant eyes to me and said, "Let's go."


The next thing I knew, I was now in the bathroom that is connected to the bedroom Sasuke and I shared. I was now donning a traditional casual and simple robe called yukata that the inn had prepared for the customers to wear. At first, there were two same-patterned yukatas laid out neatly on the queen-sized bed, signifying that the staffs of this inn believed that whoever booked this room would be a pair of lovers or a married couple. As soon as we found these garments after we stepped into our room, Sasuke took off his attire and put on the yukata without minding that I was right behind him. Unlike him, I grabbed the robe and entered the bathroom to change and so now I was wearing it.

I still took some time in the bathroom, though, even after changing my clothes. I rarely ever felt this immense feeling of anxiety that made my heart beat so strongly and my legs wobbly. I was already breaking into a sweat because of this heart-pounding emotion. Never had I expected that I would be sleeping in the same bed with Sasuke. I had to admit that I was also feeling puzzled why I felt perturbed so much but then I remembered that Sasuke and I actually had an intimate moment together. Since we would be sharing a bed together, there was a huge possibility that that steamy situation would occur, although it's all up to Sasuke and his illegible mood. So it's understandable why I was feeling this nervous.

But nervous because of what exactly? Nervous because I am excited to have another intimate moment with him? Or nervous because I am frightened?

"Ayuda, are you done in there?"

Sasuke's voice enacted from the other side of the bathroom door. I was taken by surprise but then I hastily replied, "Um, yeah, I'm... done here. Why?"

"I need to use the bathroom."

"Oh, right. I'll be out in a sec."

I turned on the tap water, gathered the clear liquids with both of my hands, and washed my face briefly. Then I finally opened the bathroom door. Just as I expected, Sasuke was standing there in his yukata glory with his arms crossed over his visible toned chest.

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