Chapter 23: I've Waited For You

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However, before I could move far enough, I overheard Reina speak up, "Itachi, how could I ever repay you? I am pretty sure that the money I will give you and Kisame for helping me in rescuing Ayuda are not enough for everything you've done. I owe you my life."

My eyes blew wide for I could hardly believe at what I was hearing. Reina sought their help to rescue me?

After a moment of brief silence, I heard Itachi reply, "It's alright. At least... I get to be a hero for the last time."


Third Person's P.O.V

An unpleasant weight appeared within Reina's chest upon hearing those gut-wrenching words coming from Itachi's mouth. By that time, the crimson-eyed Uchiha had already turned around and showed his back to her as though this was one of his typical ways to hide his emotions by preventing anyone from seeing his face. The brown-eyed lady could clearly perceive how his voice was truly devoid of any feeling, but the fact that he had hidden his countenance from her very eyes only aroused her suspicion and doubt. It made her mind form a belief that Itachi had not actually changed and became a barbaric villain – like everyone in Konoha thought – after the massacre of the Uchiha Clan which was his own doing.

Itachi had not only willingly accepted her request to save Ayuda, but also mentioned about being a hero for the last time. Regardless of how vacant his voice sounded like, all of these signs pointed out that he did miss the feeling of being in the good side, at least that's what Reina concluded as of that moment.

She might not know what prompted Itachi to slaughter all of his clan members but now she knew that Itachi wished to be a hero. To her, that was enough proof to show that he still was a good man deep in his heart.

Reina blurted out, "Come with me, Itachi..."

The said red-eyed man spun his head a tad bit, giving her a sideway glance over his shoulder, with a look of mild astonishment shimmering in his seemingly impassive orbs. Reina's cheeks suddenly took on a bright, pink hue as she spluttered nervously, "Umm... I mean like... you still have time to change everything."

Itachi whirled around, turning his entire body towards his ex-classmate. He said nothing for his curious Sharingan eyes signaled for Reina to continue with whatever idea she had. She added with a sad puppy-like frown, "I know you are still a good man, Itachi. You can say whatever you want. You can deny that, but you cannot deny that you want everything to go back to the way it was."

The older Uchiha remained silent, wordlessly taking in all of her words as the dark-haired lady appended, "I... I cannot deny that I still want you to return to the village. I still believe that you're a good man. You can start by... doing something significant as a way to apologize to everyone. I know that most people would not forgive you just like that, especially Sasuke, but I am sure you will... eventually gain their trust. I am willing to go through that path with you. I can help you with all of my effort. So please..."

Reina's voice trailed away as tears brimmed in her brown eyes steadily. She clamped her eyes tight, attempting to hamper or at least delay her tears from falling down her cheeks. She refused to cry in front of Itachi and she didn't want to take this as her last conversation with that man. She had a huge feeling, deep in her heart, that Itachi would reject this latest plea from her because he seemed like he had already planned his entire life from the beginning.

And she actually thought that her affectionate feelings for the older ravenette had already vanished for years but now...

It's blooming once again in her heart like a blossoming rose.

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