chapter 10

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The house has been repaired. Inside of the main room, looking at the big kang that can accommodate five people and the newly repaired room, Yuki felt warm in his heart.

"We will live here first. When I earn a lot of money in the future, I will buy a yard in the town and let you live in a bigger and more beautiful house. Of course, if you want to go to the capital, then we will go to the capital to buy a house and settle down there." Seeing the joy on Yuki's face, Ethan happily said.

"It is enough to live here." Yuki pursed his lips and said in a low voice, he is content to live in such a spacious and clean house with a good husband.

"The small room is for you to take a bath and it is specially made for you and don't worry, I will definitely not peep at you."

He wouldn't do that kind of nasty thing like peeking at someone's bath, but he had to let Yuki know.

Yuki glared at Ethan with a blushing face, which made Ethan chuckle and the relationship between the two seemed to have taken another step.

His wife dared to glare at him now, it seems that he has grown courageous.

"Yuki if you want anything else, you can tell me and I will give it to you."

"I want to plant vegetables in our backyard."

Yuki who never put forward conditions, looked at Ethan with expectant eyes for the first time and expressed his wish. How could Ethan be willing to refuse?

"Okay when I go into the mountain again and build our fence wall, I will buy and give you vegetables seed."

Ethan has always remembered to replace the fenced wall in to a high wall. Yuki is timid and always afraid when he is alone at home. Building up the wall and replacing it with a stronger one will make him feel more safe.

"Husband please don't go into the mountains again." Yuki doesn't want Ethan to take risks by going into the mountain again.

Thinking of Ethan's appearance covered in blood last time when he came back from the mountains, Yuki was still afraid, he was afraid that he would never see his husband again.

Yes they will have a lot of money but he didn't want his husband to have an accident at all.

Their family still has acres of land. As long as they work hard, they can always have money and there is really no need to take risks.

"I promise you this time I will only go to the mountains to collect herbs and I won't kill big animals again. If I encounter them, I will definitely turn around and hide and I promise I won't get hurt."

Seeing that his wife finally cared about him, Ethan was relieved.

Yuki still had a worried look on his face, Ethan coaxed him for a long time before he reluctantly agreed.

"From now on, you will sleep at the top of the kang. I am going to the carpenter's house to order a small table and a small book shelf, I will put it on the top of the kang. You can sit there reading. Wife do you know how to read?"

The children from a rich family like this should know how to read even as a servants and Yuki should have learned some, right?

Yuki indifferently nodded.

His Dad had taught him to read and write when he was alive but after his Dad passed away, he no longer dared to hope that he could read again.

"Then I'll buy some books in a few days and we'll read them together." Ethan said with a smile.

It's just that Yuki never thought that his husband could still read and write, that's why he looked surprised.

Ethan got off the kang and went out for a while, then came in with a big old wooden box in his arms, put the old wooden box on the kang and opened it and it was full of old books.

"This is left by my dad when he was still alive, he said it was from my great grandfather. This book is already old. If you don't want to read it, we will just buy some new ones."

Hearing him say the word "father", Yuki was startled again.

In this Village, only Ethan's family last names are very unique because he is the only one who has a last name Wolford. Could it be that his family is not a local of this village?

Although there were doubts in his heart, Yuki didn't ask.

"Then I will put it in the corner first, and if you have nothing to do, you can also try to read it to pass the time."

Since the things were moved here, Ethan didn't plan to move them back, and directly moved them to the corner of the kang against the wall, so that it was easy for Yuki to get it.

Seeing Ethan started to put on his shoes, Yuki thought his husband was going out, seeing that it was getting dark, would he go to drink again?

"Hu.. Husband..." Yuki's eyes flickered, his hands tightly clutched his sleeves, he pursed his lips and boldly said,

"It's time for dinner, is my husband going out?"

Ethan was taken aback, he didn't understand what Yuki meant, he didn't react until he saw the fear in his eyes.

"I'm going to clean the guest room." Hugging the new quilt, Ethan said with a smile.


Yuki blushed, feeling ashamed of his wild thoughts but when he heard Ethan said that he would move to the guest room to sleep, he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

This was originally the room of his husband and the big kang should belong to him.

But ever since his husband beat him, he seemed to feel guilty all the time and gave him all the best and now he even gave him the main room.

Ethan thought Yuki would say something more but after waiting for a long time, he didn't open his mouth so Ethan went out with the new quilt in his arms.

Compared to the previous stove and bamboo chairs, this new kang is really comfortable to sleep on, Ethan fell asleep as soon as he closed his eyes.


Yuki couldn't fall asleep for a long time, his dark and shiny eyes flickered for a long time in the night, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

As soon as the rooster crowded outside, Ethan got up. He had to go out early to go into the mountains again today. He got his bamboo knife and rattan backpack and he also carried an arrow that he tricked system 005 to get it for free.

Author( I will try to update a lot of chapters because, I received bad news about my health and don't worry I'm not dying. I will not say what bad News it is so I will update more chapters as much as I could.。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。)

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