chapter 76

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China blue, a restaurant with furnishing that was also decorated with green ornaments today that Ethan could have sworn even his face looked green when he saw a mirror when he was walking in.

Even system 005 was laughing at him now.

[Host, do you like what you're seeing right now because for me I like it, no, I love it so much!] System 005 happily said while laughing.

'Shut up!' Ethan angrily said.

[Why should I? Don't you think it's very fun? Here I also wear a green baby suit like all of you and to think that even all the service here also wear green uniforms. Karma is really real, look at you now. This is redemption for you slaving me.] System 005 mockingly said to Ethan while he fly away because of the dangerous gaze Ethan were giving towards him.

"Old man, I will wait for you next door." Yuki gently said while he held Ethan's neck and gently tiptoed to kiss his lips.

Ethan held Yuki's waist and deepened the kiss and let go then he whispers into Yuki's ear: "Be ready later, I will surely punish you."

"But I'm pregnant and we can't have sex." Yuki whispered.

"It's okay, I the doctor said it's okay not to overdo it so wait for you to be punished later." Ethan teasingly said on Yuki's reddish ear.

"Then I will surely wait for it." Yuki answered back before going to the next room.

"Sir, we’d be just next door with Mrs. Wolford. Just call if you need us and we’ll be here at once."

With that final reminder captain John and his men took their leave and strode to the VIP room next door.

They have done all they could to help their boss and now, they could only hope that Ethan would not be softened towards his ex-wife and his fake son.

Mark and Michael were late. Ethan sat alone inside his VIP room while chatting with Yuki for an hour to let him eat first before the father and son finally came.

To make sure he could once again win Ethan back, Mark had taken a great effort to dress himself up and had specially chosen the clothes he had once worn before when Ethan and him were still madly in love with each other. He needed to be able to capture him today.

Already an attractive man, a fully-groomed Mark looked ravishing and the entire room seemed to light up the moment he entered. He was sure he would triumph to win him back.

Ethan looked up immediately when he noticed the door swinging open and when he saw Mark wear clothes that could blend with the green furniture in this VIP room, he frowned.

What is it with green today?! Is it really the most popular color of the year?! Even the person who gives the original owner a green hat was also wearing green colored clothes!

"You’re late for an hour." Ethan coldly said.

Mark didn't expect to hear those words from Ethan. Instead of praises and flattery, Mark froze his smile on his face although he managed to recollect himself from the shock Ethan gave him.

"I wish to put on my best for you. I hope you won’t mind that." Mark coquettishly said, his waist swaying as he approached Ethan's side with Michael shadowing behind as quietly as a rat.

Ethan ignored the remark and did not respond. Is he really taking me for a fool, or a dog waiting for his owner's call? How shameless!

Meanwhile, Mark immediately picked up the awkwardness that followed after Ethan’s disregard for what he said and a foreboding dread began emerging in his mind.

What is going on?! Ethan loves me the most! Don't tell me that he was really hooked at that slutty bitch! No, maybe he was still mad at our sudden divorce! But what is this cold shoulder he was giving them?! Is he blaming me?! Never! This must be a facade! He’d never abandon me, much less blame me before!

Mark bite on his red lip and tugged at Michael’s hand, urging him to take the seat right in front of Ethan.

"It's been a while." Mark sadly said then he added: "You look nothing different at all, still as handsome as ever."

Those words hit another wall, Ethan ignored him yet again.

An embarrassed Mark quickly struck up more conversation about something else, hoping that he would be able to steer it back towards reconciling things.

It was all going contrary to his plan! He thought Ethan would be excited to meet him and they would talk and talk to no end where he would admit he has his still-lingering feelings towards him and all it would take was for him to demurely hint at a chance of getting back together and Ethan would do the rest.

But Ethan’s cold shoulder towards him and things seemed to have spiraled beyond his expectations and control.

"Mmmmm." Ethan uninterestedly said. Then he asked: "So what’s the purpose of this meeting?"

Ethan knows that his wife was watching him right now on the small camera he secretly placed on the wall so all actions here, his wife will know.

Mark could not help furrow his brows with dismay. His beautiful face squirmed with resentment.

"Are you still angry at me? I’ve tried to stop thinking of you since our divorce. I thought I had no more feelings for you. But only now do I realize I still miss you. Ethan I... I still love you, and I now know that I have always loved only you. I cannot lose you. Please come back. I know that you're already married but so what. We have a child that is bonding with us but that omega will only hinder us to get back together."

"Reconcile our relationship?" That rather surprised Ethan.

He had to admit, he had underestimated Mark. He did not expect him to come to such lengths.

He thought that he would only want him to return to the Cruz company at most, while biding time for the opportunity to get Yuhan company and be part of Cruz company's.

So he thought that he wanted him to remarry him, surrender to him Yuhan company, and spend the rest of his life wallowing in the self-delusional fantasy of returning to become President of the Cruz company? Who and why made him think that I’d agree, Ethan thought.

What makes him think that his plan would succeed without a hitch? He also even wants me to divorce my wife for him? What a very delusional person he is!

Ethan didn't hide his disgust towards them. Instead, his gaze panned to Michael, whose face only screamed loathing and shame as he struggled to settle in the chair beside Mark’s.

"Your father wishes that we reconcile. What do you think about it?"

Michael had been doing nothing but shrunk himself as much as possible but to no avail. Ethan’s question came like a bolt of lightning out of the blue.

He’s trying to embarrass me. That’s it. He really wants to embarrass me.

Michael tightly-clenched his fists under the table, his face distorting with intense hatred as he struggled to say the words: "That’s between you and daddy. You don’t have to ask me."

On the other hand, Ethan was rather amused by Michael’s bitter and spiteful behavior.

He’s more like his daddy than his dad, I suppose, he thought. At the very least he did not inherit his father’s thick skin and shamefulness. If he were here, he would do anything to achieve his purpose, even if it means him admitting defeat.


While on Yuki's side he tightly held the tablet in his hands and coldly said to his mind: 'This bitch was trying to snatch what is mind! That's my man! He was really courting death!'

Seeing Yuki's reaction without speaking they know that he was really mad even though he was not showing it but he was letting a murderous aura on his body.

"Boss please relax. See Sir Ethan was giving them cold shoulder so please relax and let them talk." Captain John said.

Then Yuki continued watching the show on Ethan's side.

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