chapter 84

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Standing all alone on the tall and wide stage in front of all those scrutinizing eyes of reporters and journalists could have terrified anyone and filled one with stage fright. Yet Ethan stood there as stable like an old bull that no one called shake, looking down at those people as he began to speak.

"It’s safe to say that within the voices of the masses now denouncing the good of S- bot, there are those who might be pedophiles around you, although they might not know or you don't know. They add their voices to the cries of the masses to blame S- bot, all because they fear that they would one day be arrested too like what happened to others who tried to commit those filthy crimes against their own relatives and childrens."

Members of the press standing below the stage could not believe what they heard.

Isn’t that just being arrogant?! What gives him the right to judge others!? Does he really believe that the S- bot to be so perfect?! How dare he say that to us!

Even the people watching the live broadcast have the same question like the press.

The personnel of the PNSA tasked to keep Ethan safety. Ethan’s abrupt change of behavior puzzled them; it was out of his character that he was behaving oddly high-handedly this time.

Even so, the members of the PNSA found no reason to contradict what Ethan said. Ethan’s present position and worth allowed him to say those words without suffering any repercussions.

But his message was captured live by the cameras these reporters brought and all people were watching right now.

"Don’t you feel that it’s very snobbish to say these things, Mr. Wolford? I’d pray that you refrain from deviating from the subject, it’s undeniable that S- bot carries a 24/7 recording function. That’s a blatant infringement of human rights. So kindly explain that? Instead of leading us to a different topic!" Enzo Ford fielded that question. His scathing gaze raked over Ethan like a hungry stare of a predator bearing down on its prey and this is his chance to humiliate Ethan.

Ethan gave him an uninteresting look, his eyes did not show any emotion at all.

"Before I answer your question, allow me to present some facts that would lead into an interesting discussion..."

In the wake of Ethan’s cold voice, the  area in front of Ethan was covered by a big visible screen like the monitor of a terminal brain.

"According to an incomplete data that my men gathered, we have more than a thousand children in our country who have been subjected to molest and rape every year mostly by their own fathers, uncles or even their own mothers. But this being incomplete data shows how little we know, that this is only the tip of an iceberg, for more similar acts have been left unreported if not utterly stifled into silence." Ethan calmly said and walk beside the monitor to show all the  chart of children who were got molested and raped then he added:

"To say that the number of children being hurt by adults is far greater than what we know. So just because you don’t know about this or you have been fortunate to not endure such trauma, does that give you the right to deny these facts?"

Then Ethan breathes for a while before he continues to speak: "Perhaps you might think a thousand is not too big a figure, it’s true. If compared to the full number of seven million children all around the country, thousand children are but merely a negligible figure to some. But let’s visualize how big a crowd this number is. Can you honestly say thousands of children were a small figure?"

The screen of lights that formed the holographic presentation of numbers and facts displayed a new image, now it covered the entire area with children's.

A video of a faceless boy. More children appeared beside him. Then more, and more, until they made up a whole crowd of children that stretched far beyond everyone’s sights. They look up to it seeing faceless children covering the whole monitor that was being displayed with a body full of kiss and bite marks, anyone could see what terrible things happen to them.

When the numbers were illustrated visually in the most direct way from the mere number, only then the reporters, journalists and the people watching the live realized how big a number thousand actually was.

Many times numbers do not convey the true significance of things and in this case, only after the holographic presentation demonstrated how large a group of thousands of children could be, did everyone finally understand why.

"And this is only the figure from the data that my men and the police collected after reports were made. What about unreported cases? Believe me when I say this, we have more children being sexually harassed and hurt every day and we know nothing about it!"

Ethan’s voice sounded into the ears of everyone present and watching the live broadcast like a thunder then he spoke again: "Some say that blood relatives won’t ever hurt the children related to them. Some even say that some who had been implicated in this crime were nice and good people and many could vouch for that. They would never hurt children, many insisted in their favor. Then even some said that adults of the same gender would never sexually abuse children."

After that Ethan touched the monitor and put it to the next stage before speaking: "Well, you know what? Here is the data that was gathered by our authorities this time: All the convicted molesters or rapists of underage children are people whom the children were very close with, and more than half of this number are their own blood relatives. Many judge these convicted individuals based on their job nature, their everyday character, their gender, and people’s perception of these individuals."

"You always believe what you see and hear on the story of one side who you think is right but impact you have never tried to listen to others side reason before making a conclusion, if they're right or wrong instead you already choose a side to ally yourselves and condemned the other side for it's downfall. But these are not the right criteria to ascertain if a person is a paedophile predator. The heinous acts they committed against these innocent children and only that should be the one thing we judge these people for...."

Ethan stopped for a while then looked at everyone even the live broadcast before he continued to speak: "These people hurt our children, causing them such irreparable damage and trauma. Can you honestly say that these monsters deserve to be free from the crimes they have committed?! They are convicts! Those people who sides with them who want to save and defend them from the very crimes they had committed against the poor children whose lives they destroyed for their own lustful nature were all idiots!"

"If they are all hurt by my words 'Idiots' then who can tell me if the word 'Idiot' was not the right term to use for those people?!"

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