chapter 102

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After they are done eating, the four of them were now drinking tea.

"Son, are you and Ethan together now?" Bryan suddenly asked before drinking his tea.

Yuki hears his dad's question, naturally he does not know how to answer, the truth is he wasn't sure what he felt towards Ethan and he was not ready to enter in a rush relationship if it was because something happened between them and especially experiencing a failed relationship once but he still wanted to try seeing how sincere Ethan towards him and for now he doesn't want to let his parents know the label of their relationship, just in case nothing would click between them, knowing his parents and Ethan's parents were both close friends.

Ethan seeing Yuki hesitate, he gently held his hand and said to his uncle Bryan: "Uncle me and Yuki just met for a week now so we are still in the phase of getting to know each other."

Yuki felt warm being saved by Ethan again but he doesn't want to be independent of it just in case this relationship would fail.

Seeing that the two kids don't want to talk about it, Zajel decided to change the topic.

"Nephew what are you doing here in Moon country?" Zajel gently asked.

"Uncle I'm currently leaving here to complete my study at the university of Oxford majoring engineering and now I'm graduating this year." Ethan respectfully explained.

"Then you and Yuki were studying in the same university and will graduate this year, that's a good occasion to celebrate. I will immediately call your parents to talk about which place we would all celebrate it." Zajel happily said.

But Bryan was different, if his nephew was here for five years, how come he didn't visit them at all? So he asked about it instead of making his own conclusion that would lead into a misunderstanding: "Nephew if you are now leaving here for the past five years why didn't you come to visit our home at all?"

Ethan hearing his uncle Bryan question, he didn't immediately speak but took a few sip of his tea then began to explain: "Uncle the truth is I ran away from home and didn't say to my parents which country I will go to study so I didn't know that you're leaving here in Moon country at all because for the past five years I cut of communication to them and I planned to visit them next month with the invitation of my graduation for college as a surprise."

Zajel hearing his nephew's reason he laughed hard then said: "Let me guess why you didn't choose to stay in Star country and chose to study here. It was all because of your dad's nagging on how tired your daddy is while carrying you in his stomach, Am I right?"

Ethan was shocked hearing those words and he immediately asked: "How did you know uncle?"

Zajel laughed again seeing the cute and shocked expression of his nephew: "It all came from your daddy, when we talked about you  shopping together before back in our homeland, he said to me that you left home because of finally getting tired hearing your dad everyday nagging that's why you left and didn't tell them were you will going, he also said that you didn't get any money from them since highschool and until now which made them both distress."

"Really Yuri said that?" Bryan said then he added while looking at Ethan: "Then you must have worked hard especially studying and working at the same time at such a young age."

"Not at all uncle because when I left home and chose to study in Moon country I already started my own company here since my highschool days and now I have earned a small sum of money from it that could let me have a stable life." Ethan explained especially seeing Yuki's curious look listening to them.

"You're really such a good and hardworking child like your brother who also chooses to be independent instead of relying on your parents money." Bryan approvingly said and felt much more better and determined to let Ethan and his son Yuki marry early.

"Nephew what is the name of your company, please tell it to us so that we could help you." Zajel gently said while drinking his tea.

Before Ethan spoke again, he poured tea for his uncle, Yuki's empty tea cup first after he began to explain: "It's the HealthyU company in short HU company uncle, as a researcher my company vested interest in helping people attain and maintain optimal health. It’s cleverly designed to suggest that we are there for people no matter what." He stopped for a while then continued to speak: "For now me and my team decided to concentrate on creating the cure for diabetes."

Bryan hearing his nephew's words, he became more interested and said: "That was the new rising company which has a market value of hundred billion now because of creating the cure for Alzheimer's disease then does your company still need an investor?"

Ethan drank his tea and thought for a while then said: "Uncle if you want you could become one of my company's shareholders which I am still lacking but I can only give you twenty percent of it, as for the remaining shares will be left in my care so that I would still be the one who has the final say in every project the company would do."

Bryan hearing Ethan's words he smiled and gently said: "You are really like your dad, you think the same. I remember back then when we first cooperated he was just like you, he doesn't want to be led by others well except for your daddy and you as his son." Then he added: "While for the twenty percent I'm willing to buy it."

Bryan could see the great future of HU company that's why he was willing to be part of it as a businessman and a renowned investor. In fact since the start of HU company he already wants to invest in it but no one knows who owns it and doesn't accept any investors that's why he stopped and looked for other companies that also have good potentials.

Ethan chuckled, knowing that his uncle surely knows the great future of his company because if he doesn't trust its potential, his uncle would surely not waste his time to be part of it.

"Well a lot of people say that to me uncle especially I look like the young version of dad based on his personality and temperament but we are still different in terms of aspect in business." Then Ethan added: "Uncle if it's okay for you we will sign the contract three days later."

"It's okay just contact me in this number then let's decide the meeting location." Bryan said and gave Ethan his business card.

Ethan received the business card and put it in his pants pocket.

"Hey you two that's enough, you are making my head hurts again. Husband let the two kids talk and we should leave them, right?" Zajel asked but base in his expression that he was showing to his husband right now, it says'If you don't leave I will pull you to leave.'

"Okay, now that we saw each other. Me and your uncle will leave first because there's still an important meeting we need to attend too." Bryan said, he stood up and opened his hands for a hug then he said: "Son can't you give dad a hug before me and your daddy leave?"

Yuri stood up and walked towards his dad, hugged him and lovingly said: "I love you dad."

"I love you too son please always take good care of your health and if you need anything you could always ask dad about it." Bryan gently said hugging back his son.

Yuki nodded then proceeded to hug his daddy.

"Son, you're in good hands now so don't let Ethan be stolen by others, I know that you're still in the phase of healing but please try to open your heart for him and give each other a chance but if you really don't want then don't force yourself and imma stop it so that you can't hurt others." Zajel gently whispered while hugging back his son.

"I know daddy so don't worry." Yuki replied while letting go of the hug.

Ethan seeing them say goodbye, he said: "Uncles let me walk you out."

"No need, you and Yuki should have a lot to talk about so don't bother and waste your time for us elderly." Bryan said while he put his coat.

"No it's not a waste of time at all uncle so let me....." Ethan said but before he could finish Zajel already said: "There is really no need, now we will go back first." Then two immediately left the VIP room.

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