chapter 24

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Since this person came to find him today, he must have been waiting here for a long time and he certainly didn't just want to buy a few pieces of soap, so in his own conclusion what he wanted to buy is the recipe of their soap.

"But what if I want to buy more than your soap? I wonder if we could negotiate the price?" The man looked at Ethan with a smile and there was an incomprehensible light in his eyes.

"I don't know how much the guest could negotiate."

This person must also be optimistic about the soap and he probably wants to get a share of it.

Ethan never planned to make a living by selling soap, this was just a springboard for him to start his own business.

"As long as the boss is willing to give it, the price is easy to negotiate."

Gerald behind Ethan couldn't help shivering, he always felt that the man in front of him was like an old fox but his second brother is also like that man that could tear them apart and swallow them in one piece.

The man hurriedly smiled and said: "There are many people here, would you like to go to a quiet place to have a talk?"

Ethan glanced at the people behind this handsome young man, then looked back at his worried brothers and then nodded.

"Okay, anyway I'm Ethan, Ethan Wolford."

"I'm Daniel, Daniel Ramirez a native of S City." Daniel said while raising his hands for a handshake.

In this era of strict social security, noble families always look down on ordinary people like them, let alone condescend to introduce his name to them.

"Nice to meet you boss Ramirez."
Ethan said while responding to Daniel handshakes.


Inside of the restaurant.

"Please sit down." Daniel led Ethan to sit down, then winked and asked his people to take Ethan's brother to drink tea in a different private room.

John and Anthony gave Ethan a worried look while Richard was holding Gerald who was afraid for his brothers Ethan and seeing Ethan nodding towards them they left in peace.

"I see that Boss Wolford is also a person like me so let's get straight to the point." Daniel personally poured a cup of tea for Ethan and handed it over, Ethan calmly accepted the tea.

"I want to buy your soap recipe so make a price for it!"

Ethan just faintly smiled, looked down at his tea cup on the table and did not touch it.

"Boss Ramirez really thinks highly of me. This soap is also obtained from other places that were passed down from my family and there is no recipe from it."

"I don't think so, I have been in business since I was a kid and no matter what kind of unique, it can't escape from my eyes. Your father is a scholar, not a simple scholar but one of the smartest scholars in this country but he chooses not to work in the government, instead he chooses to live a simple life far away from the capital." Daniel had already sent someone to the capital to investigate and no one in the capital knew about dishwashing and the body soap.

His informant said that this young man is the son of the top scholar in the imperial examination back then but his family was ruined, his wife was killed and raped by a jealous son of a noble then he seek for revenge by using his knowledge as the prime minister of the late king, he also ruined all the greedy nobles and led them into their downfall while taking care for his two years old son, after that he ask to resign and his Majesty the king granted it, until the death of the late king, no one knows where his whereabouts but now his son appeared in this small town.

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