chapter 93

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Ethan nodded then he saw his uncle deposited another one hundred again but when he cashed out it said not enough balance then he saw him chat with the agent again but still he kept asking his uncle to deposit more.

"Now that it becomes seven hundred thousand credits and the agent still said to add more so it's definitely a pyramid scheme now but don't worry I already put the virus in this app and all the money they earned would be directly into my anonymous bank account overseas...."

"Then aren't you also stealing the people who lost their money uncle?" Ethan suddenly asked.

Tristan looked at his nephew's innocent look, he couldn't help but to gently raffle his hair then carefully explained: "Yes it is stealing but did they not also steal it to others?"

"You're right uncle but it is still bad to do what they were also doing? If you do that then you are no different from them." Ethan reminded.

Tristan didn't immediately speak for a while as if thinking then after a minute he laughed then said: "Well you're definitely right but that money I would get would be given to your dad as an investment and would also be used for our plans to build a university for the people who couldn't afford to study in our country so even if that money came from doing bad things but it also used into good things, right?"

Ethan thought for a while then said: "You're right uncle but what about those people who got scammed? If you do that then their money won't be given back right?"

"The people who got scammed were because they're greedy and too lazy to work to earn money in the right way instead they choose the easy way which leads them to lose more instead of earning. Nephew you know in this world there is no such easy way to earn money at all without real skills that's why a lot of people even though they're already rich they still choose to study to learn more and could use what they learned to earn more money and could buy anything they wanted too." Tristan said to his nephew, This child is still really a child even though he was quite smarter than his peers then he added: "Do you know what a pyramid scheme is?"

"No uncle so what's the meaning of the pyramid scheme?" Ethan asked.

"A pyramid scheme is a fraudulent system of making money based on recruiting an ever-increasing number of investors but no return at all, they would let their investor invest again and again until the investor would realize that he got scammed and would try to get it back but in the end they would get nothing." Tristan explained then he added: "Now shall I show you how we can cash out our money?"

Ethan excitedly nodded and eagerly waited.

"Okay, now I will show you how I will transfer my earned credits in this app and also by stealing all these scammers money they got by scamming a lot of people before we would report them to the police officials. Now I will only use my terminal brain without using a computer or a desktop at all." Tristan said while he topped his terminal brain monitor then directly opened a string of numbers and letters that turned his monitor green then he added: "Now if I typed one word here all those scammers money would immediately transfer in my anonymous bank account overseas without them knowing it."

Ethan looked carefully at his uncle's action and waited for it to happen.

Tristan finally put the final word to full function of the virus he put and entered the defense of those scammers then within fifteen minutes he successfully stole it and he received a text message in his anonymous bank account overseas.

After that he erased all of his traces in only five minutes, now even police officials wouldn't be able to track him so he anonymously reported the location of those scummers before removing that app and finally clicked his message inbox to show to his nephew how much he got.

"Look nephew uncle got one hundred million credits from those scammers, they really scammed a lot of people especially in the middle and lower class families but don't worry this would be added to my investment for the upcoming universities that me, your dad, to your uncle Bryan, Zajel and lastly your uncle Sebastian were planning to build. And always remember that not all mortals are good, some of them were worse than satan itself. The lesson for today is that don't easily trust anyone because you don't know when they are planning to backstab you. Mortals greed would always win over their goodness and they always try to get what they wanted to get even if it means of stepping the people close to them they would do it without crossing an eye as long as they could get their purpose and satisfy their own greediness." Tristan said then he added: "Now you can go back and play again on your own because I'm going to sleep for a while so wake me up when they return especially when your uncle Donovan returns."

Looking at those memories, Ethan couldn't help and be thankful to him for teaching him bad things that could turn to good things if it was used the good way, he also learned a lot staying with his uncle everyday especially when system 005 visited them, he learned a lot from that scam system.

That's why when he grew up, he was cold to others and doesn't trust anyone except his own family and sometimes his uncle and system 005 words were really meaningful even though they looked shameless and crooked.

When his uncle Tristan and uncle Donovan leave with them while his growing up he becomes much closer to his uncle Tristan and secretly steals money from different scammers.

That's why he became much closer to him than to his dad because of him being afraid of hearing the repeated words of his dad like a lullaby which is how naughty he is while inside of his daddy's stomach that his daddy always feels tired and even until he became older his dad always reminds him of that to the point that he always avoids staying alone with his dad hearing those repeated words again and again but he miss those memories especially seeing his whole gone except him and his eldest brother no one remained.

They were suddenly gone and no one remembered them except him even his wife's parents don't remember him as if his parents and wife don't exist in this world. Even his own brother was not his own brother anymore. He doesn't know who did it all but one thing he was sure of, it is a higher being that he can't fight with.

At that time he always asked himself why not him? Why did higher beings target his family? Why did he do that to us especially seeing his wife  turned to ashes in front of him and can't do anything about it at all.

While he also doesn't know where his parents and grandparents are being sucked together by a vortex. He was lucky that he was just led away in a distant island part of their country but his parents and grandparents location was unknown.

If only he had power back then maybe he could still save them but it was too late to regret now because even if he goes back in time he would never have the power to fight back or stop it at all.

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