chapter 109

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[Ding! Transfusion starts in






Ding! Successfully bound! Hello host! Welcome to my system space! By the way I'm system 005 your old Dad system and also your uncle who teaches you good things about scamming people before when you're in highschool! My dear nephew do you know why you are here instead of your father? Did the System God told it to you already?] System 005 loudly asked while on his child's body.

"Yeah you really teaches me a lot of good things uncle." Ethan said then he added: "I don't know and he didn't say anything about it."

[Well your dad just let his soul be sealed with your family in exchange for you to be able to become my host instead of him.] System 005 explained.

"Why would dad do that?" Ethan looked at system 005 and asked.

[You already know the answer.]

"What answer is it? I really don't know." Ethan said while scratching his head.

System 005 happily explained while thinking about how he could scam his nephew while doing missions: [You really don't know? Okay let me explain it to you. You know the system God let him do the mission but he refused and said you can do better than him, he was also sure that faith would lead you where Yuki's souls remnants located at.] Then he added: [In exchange for that he needs to exchange some of the five human senses so we let him choose what to exchange but he didn't choose any of it instead he exchanged his own soul and be with your family whose soul has been sealed and let me tell you, he also made a bet to me. Don't worry I tried to stop your dad but he says he really trusted you.]

"What type of bet is it?" Ethan curiously asked.

[Hey bastard give me some respect too! As for the answer to your question is I can't say it.] System 005 added while looking at his data: [Nephew from now on you will be a tasker and would do missions in different worlds.]

"Then uncle do I also need to exchange something before I could start my missions?" Ethan carefully asked.

[Yes as I said like your father chooses to exchange his soul so what about you? What do you wish to exchange?] System 005 seriously asked.

"Uncle is it really possible to save them?" Ethan eagerly asked.

[Yup as long as the system God spoke then everything is possible so what do you want to exchange? Is it your sense of Sight, Sound, Smell, Taste, or your sense of Touch?] System 005 asked and ready to take action.

"I wish to exchange my memories and let it be sealed." Ethan immediately said.

System 005 was shocked then shockingly asked: [Your memories but why?! Of all the five human senses I have told you, you chose out of those options, is there something wrong with your mind?!]

"Because I can lose my memories but I know I could also recover it from getting sealed. Besides I don't want to seal my five human sense for the reason that I still want to see my wife's face, hear him, talk to him and taste what he cooks when I can meet him again doing worldly missions with you." Ethan calmly explained while thinking of his wife Yuki.

System 005 sigh and said: [You are really father and son, what you said is also what your dad said to me and the one we both bet. Damn this time I got scammed by him!] 005 sighed then sadly said: [It's a pity I already got scammed but I also lost one billion of credits to him, now I'm totally broke again.]

Ethan laughed seeing the sad appearance of system 005, for the second he felt happy and loudly laughed again since the day he lost all of his family.

"Well we are indeed father and son." Ethan proudly said.

System 005 said while preparing a trial world for Ethan: [Then if that's the case you will lose your memories and let it be sealed based on your own wish. Now I will put you into a trial world first in where you need to fend for yourself to leave and have some skills before the start of your first worldly missions and also for giving you a false new memory too. In that trial world I wouldn't be there to help you and you will think that you came from that world but don't worry we will meet again in your first mission world and accompany you until you finish every of your tasked missions.] Then he seriously added: [Do you have any questions before you go and before I sealed your memories?]

"No it would be useless because I would also forget about it." Ethan calmly said.

System 005 laughed then embarrassingly said: [I forgot about that....]

Before Ethan could laugh again, system 005 immediately sent him in the trial world and sealed his memories to cover his embarrassment.


Seeing those memories, Ethan smiled then he got sucked away and woke up from his deep sleep remembering all of his memories.

Ethan looked around and saw no one this time so he stood up and walked to the balcony and breathed some fresh air to calm himself before he went down and looked for his two uncles.

But when he went to the balconies he saw his two uncles happily swimming in the endless clear see.

He went down and walk to their area and said: "Uncles I'm back."

Tristan looked at his nephew who was  fine and disturbed his time with his wife so he annoyingly said: "Yeah you're back but don't forget you still have missions to do."

Ethan laughed because he knows why his uncle was annoyed but still he loves teasing him: "Uncle Donovan where is 005? Can we continue our missions now?"

"005 he was really fine, you can continue your mission, now do you like to go back in the system space of system 005?" Donovan gently said.

Ethan nodded but before he could talk his uncle Tristan already sent him back to system 005 space.

Donovan looked dumbfounded seeing his husband childish actions.

"Why did you do that?" Donovan asked.

"Do what?" Tristan said while looking away at his wife eyes.

Donovan walked forward and hugged his husband then whispered: "You are really childish and that's why I fell in love with you....."

Tristan blushed then he kissed his wife to his forehead, nose then to his lips.


Ethan seeing 005 system space and seeing system 005 again he felt happy.

[Welcome back host!] System 005 happily said.

"Yeah I'm back uncle." Ethan said then he added: "From now on you will get forty percent from every points and credits points I get in our mission world because of saving my wife and sons."

[Really?! I thought you would forget about it.] System 005 said happily flying around then he added: [Do you wish to go into our next mission or learn some skills first?]

"Uncle I will learn some skills first before we could proceed to our next mission." Ethan said looking at system 005 happy appearance then said to himself: 'You fool, why did you do that? Why did you spend all your hard work good points to save my family? Is it because you love me calling you uncle? Or is it because I said that you will be always part of our family? But still thank you and when we finished our mission I will give all my points and credits points to you as a thank you for your goodwill towards me and my family.'

Then Ethan entered the Skills private learning space again and this time he spent twenty years training more his skills to fly, drive a mecha while fighting other mechas to make him more proficient. Another ten years to make himself more knowledgeable in science engineering researching and creating advanced technology.

After thirty years Ethan finally got out and decided to do his next mission.

Transmigrated as a scumbag husbandWhere stories live. Discover now