Crisis on Infinite Earths~ (Earth 1's final last days)

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~{Chapter 1}~ *This chapter is about if we got to see the last Brainia scene on Earth 1 before it got destroyed by the antimatter wave.*
Note: I feel this song "if the world was ending".
really fit the scene when Earth 1 died in crisis on infinite earths If we got to see Brainy's and Nia's final moments together.

As the sky turned Red♨️quickly Earth🌎stopped, Pets ran to their owners, and loved ones❤️just holding on to each other dearly for their lives. What looks to be the end of the world again! People prayed and hoped for their Heroes to save them. To save the day like always... But they never did. No One came.

Alex and Kelly looked at each other~ knowing that it's the end. As they wrapped their arms around each other dearly.
Holding on to dear life. As for Brainy and Nia, she shouted out to him in tears💦. "BRAINY!" she ran into his arms lovely with
tears in her eyes. Feeling the warmth of her arms around him. As he pulled her in closer. To ease her tears.
"Nia," he said softly. "It's happening... The antimatter is here. Earth 1 is dying. And I don't want to die." Nia said whimpering while holding
Brainy Tightly. Not wanting to let go. Or to die like this😰.

"I know. Nia Nal. I don't want to die either. But you won't die alone. I'm with you. And you're with me.
at least we have each other and can die together." Brainy said dearly, feeling tears💦flow down his cheeks.
And looking deeply into her eyes.

Nia nodded. "We have each other," she said softly while looking into his eyes too.
Brainy leaned in and kissed Nia passionately.
Nia kissed him back passionately. As Her lips pressed against his. Feeling his smile.
Feeling her warmth. He loved feeling this close to her. He felt lots of love in his heart💚.
Not wanting to let her go. And she felt the same way about him as well.
Their lips locked into one. Sharing one last kiss with one another. Knowing that it would be their last.
It felt like one of those epic kisses. Which it was!

they broke the kiss and pulled away slowly. While gazing into each other's eyes. Wishing they had more time with each other.
They've only been dating for a month. They've only just begun. it felt like the end of their love❤️. But it didn't. Because their love for
each other can go on for eternity and will last forever. Even in death. Love lives on! no matter what.

As the antimatter wave gets closer, everything and everyone is destroyed before their very eyes.
seeing Animals, buildings, trees, and people running for dear life...
And they were next...
Brainy grabbed hold of Nia's hand lovely. Wrapped his in hers. Knowing this really was the end.
He and Nia knew that not even Supergirl can save the day this time...
He looks in her eyes and said.
"I love you, Nia Nal." He said softly.
She smiled and said.
"I love you too. Querl Dox," she said softly.

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