Brainy in "Love"❤️

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~{Chapter 19}~*this chapter is about when Brainy gets these feelings and is nervously around Nia Nal
Without an explanation for it! So, Kara and Alex tell him that he's in love with her. But he's in denial...😅
I hope you like it, Enjoy*

Brainy began pacing around his apartment while fiddling with his legion ring nervously.
And Kara and Alex watch him and help him out with a problem that he's happening...

"I don't know what's wrong with me. I can't eat. I can't sleep. Or even
think straight... Without thinking about "Nia Nal." Maybe I'm coming down with something.
Like a computer virus." He said unsurely.

Kara and Alex turned to each other And both shared a small chuckle.
Knowing exactly what's wrong with him...
And it's not a computer virus or anything like that😅.
It's "Love"❤️. But Brainy didn't know that.

"Oh, I know what you have. Brainy.
Right? Alex." Kara said as she turned to her sister.
"Yes definitely," Alex said agreeing with Kara.

"Well, what is it? What do I have? It's not serious?!
Is it?" Brainy began asking multiple questions all at once
What's wrong with him...

Kara added. "Nope, not at all Brainy." she paused.
"The L Word," she said softly.

"The L WORD?!" Brainy questioned.
As he paused.
"I'm not sure I understand..." Brainy said as he looked confused.

Kara sighed. Having a feeling that he wouldn't know what it means.
As she walked up to him puts her hand on his shoulders and said.
"Well, let's just say this... Brainy.
It's "love". You're in love with Nia." She answered softly with a smile.

Alex commented. "Oh yeah. That's right! Love." she said.

Brainy's eyes widened in shock when Kara said that.
"No, you're wrong! I couldn't possibly be in love.
Especially with Nia Nal..." He yelled out for it not being true...
Afraid of disrupting the space-time continuum and the future
if he dated her.

Alex added. "Think about it, Your feelings and
strange behavior over the last 2 months
That would explain a lot!" She said wisely.

Brainy still processing it...
When a few words come to mind.

"Yes. Perhaps I am in love with Nia.
And it wouldn't be so bad if I dated her..."

Kara and Alex nodded.

Kara commented. "Aww... if you guys get together
You two will be the cutest couple!"

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