Love❤️is the ultimate "Sacrifice"

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~{Chapter 77}~*This chapter is about when Dreamer🌀must sacrifice herself💙for the greater good of the World🌎and her friends from a great evil of darkness! But Brainy💚refused to lose "Nia Nal" even if it meant saving the world because he knows that all too well speaking from experience... there's no other way or choice cause it had to be done. It's her life or everyone else! She was prepared to make the "Ultimate Sacrifice" to save her home and the people she loved❤️the most in this world. especially, Brainy. And who knows maybe she'll survive and will find her way back to him somehow!
I hope you like it, Enjoy!*

*Late at Night, in National🌃City downtown*
The "Superfriends" were up against a powerful enemy meaning, a force of nature in the form of an "aura" that was "impossible" for them to defeat. Not even with their combined strengths & powers/abilities to stop it from destroying everything in its path! "This really is the end,"
Dreamer🌀thought to herself sadly cause she saw this coming in her dreams✨leading up to this point. She had a vision earlier today but didn't tell anyone yet until she could interpret her "dream" but when Nia finally figured it out... it scared the hell out of her! Knowing what she must do to save everyone on the planet🌎from suffering painful "deaths " to trade her own life for theirs. Things are bad like really Bad. Meaning that the world was coming to an end! Which it often is but tonight it was 10 times worse. "I know how to stop this," Dreamer added softly looking at her friends with a solution. "How?" Supergirl asked out of curiosity about the *how* part of saving the world. "Well, you're not gonna like this... but the only way to save the City and the whole World is for me to sacrifice myself." Nia explained her plan wisely based on what she saw in her dream moments ago. "No, that's out of the question! Sacrificing yourself is not the answer... Dreamer,
I am not going to lose you! Besides, we'll find another way. Like we "always" do," Brainy said loudly crossing his arms upset trying to protect his girlfriend from making a "death" wish refusing to lose the Woman he loved❤️. Even if it is to save the World😅and believe that they'll find a way One that doesn't involve Nia giving up her own to save everyone Like they always had since day one. Nia sighed having a feeling that he might react this way and then said. "I'm sorry, Brainy, but this is something that I have to do alone and it's the only way to save everyone! Even if it kills me... it's a risk I'm willing to take," Nia said believing that this is the right thing to do and was willing to go all the way if she had to die in the process. "He's right, no one is dying tonight," Kara added agreeing with Brainy on this one in coming up with another plan than Dreamer to sacrifice herself💙. "Look I appreciate your concern... but if this is the only option we have right now. I'll do it no matter the cost!" Dreamer said fearlessly in the face of death not afraid to take her own life. "Nia, please, don't do this... I'm begging you!! I love❤️you and it's not worth losing you," Brainy said in tears🥺💦.

She sighed sadly. "If you only knew what I saw in my dreams then you would understand... let me show you my vision for you to fully understand why I have to do this," Dreamer🌀said softly looking directly into Querl Dox's eyes. She pulled him in closer as their heads touched and then placed her hand on his green cheek while closing her eyes showing Brainy her future✨vision about Earth🌎dying if she didn't sacrifice herself now.

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