Sweet Dreams✨

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~{Chapter 32}~*this chapter is about the Super-Friends getting sprayed with Sleeping😴powderby a thief robbing the NC bank🏦and waking up when the thief got away with the money💵. I hope you like it, Enjoy!*

Brainy and Alex get an alert⚠️that someone is robbing National City Bank and all of the employees are dropping like flies.
As they contacted the others and all headed there together to investigate to stop the person responsible! they arrived to see a thief in a dark blue cloak with black gloves heading to the vault where all of the money💵💰is stored. The SuperFriends looked around seeing everyone in the bank passed out on the floor and knew that the thief is the one responsible for doing this to these people. As they all yelled out loud in unison. "Hey, Stop right there!" They said wanting the thief to step down. As the thief stopped and chuckled lightly under its hood while turning around to be human and male. he spoke out to the super friends dramatically with a wicked smile. "I was wondering when you "Heroes" would show up to stop me... It took you long enough," he said softly while glaring at the super friends. Supergirl and the others were posing in their fighting stance and knew their opponent was about to strike as he took off his hood letting his guard down to them and sighed while saying. "I don't want to hurt you. But I will get what I want." He said as he took his gloves off and the palm of his hands were glowing yellow🔆like stardust✨. "So, last chance. Let me walk out of here with all of the money💵💰Or it's lights out for all of you!" He shouted out while threatening them. As they looked at each other and nodded not letting the thief get away with this. "Not gonna happen," Kara said. "Suit yourself then," He said while blowing a mist of sleep powder✨from his hands at the Superfriends. they felt dizzy, tired, and sleepy while trying to stay awake. Dreamer was the first one to completely fall asleep. She yawned while closing her eyes drifted off sleeping and fainted on the floor. As Brainy immediately ran to Nia's side dearly while trying to wake her up and said. "Dreamer. Wake up! Snap out of it. I-I..." Brainy said worriedly as he paused while yawning and fell asleep onto of Dreamer.

As the rest of the team fainted falling asleep on the floor too. "Sweet Dreams," the thief said softly once the super friends were sound asleep. He took this as a chance to rob the bank🏦. Finally! He thought to himself. he walked to the vault while bursting open the door grabbed loads of cash💵and into his duffle bag. As he walked out of the bank having succeeded again... not even the SuperFriends could stop him.
Or maybe they will somehow.

*An hour later*
The SuperFriends all woke up still in the bank🏦they realized the thief gotten away and all of the money from the vault was gone!
As the manager, security guards, and employees woke you too and were shocked and confused to see all the money from the vault was gone.
So, Supergirl and John promised the bank that they'll find the thief and return the money💵💰to them immediately once they catch him😅. But first, they plan on getting more info on this thief's background. As they quickly rushed over to the DEO to do some research on him.

*At the DEO*
Alex and Brainy searched the Alien database for the person who put them to sleep.
To learn more about his abilities and how they work. but there were no alien species in the database
matching to his description. Except for Naltorians (Nia's species). And they discovered he was human.
But he did have some criminal background... His name is Dr. Fredrick Williams and he was a former scientist at NC Department of Science institution when he was fired 6 years ago, for doing dangerous Experiments! And he's been arrested for 10 times for stealing money and making people pass out for no reason at all😅. They all tried to piece together how he'd got his powers... when suddenly, Dreamer has a Dream🌀Flash✨about how the thief got his powers and it was a freak accident from chemicals that got on his hands in his sleep.
And when he discovered his abilities, Dr. Frederick Williams turned to a life of crime! As she opened her eyes and told Brainy and the others what she saw in her dream vision. they were glad Nia dreamt of it and now they know how he got his powers but still didn't have a plan yet. they all decided to come up with some plan to catch this guy somehow without falling asleep...

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