Love❤️is a battlefield💥!

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~{Chapter 33}~*this chapter is about Brainy and Nia's 2-year wedding anniversary! So, the whole superfamily is having a big party to celebrate! But when the party gets started something or someone interrupts their big party bash by some chaos in the city... it actually turned out ok in the end. I hope you like it, Enjoy!*

As the Superfriends pinned their glasses🥂and drinks🍻🍹🍸together in celebration of the two love birds-💚Brainy and Nia💙. As kara was about to give a toast in saying a few words to her two best friends. "I would like to make a toast... to Brainy and Nia." Kara said happily with a bright smile. they all cheered happily as Brainy and Nia looked to each other lovely💗and pinned their 2 glasses together in their love❤️and marriage lasting for 2 years and then they took a sip... that's when Nia had a Dream🌀flash✨about an powerful gust of wind💨came in knocking them all out with a loud explosion💥. As she dropped her glass spilling the beverage on the floor with fear in her eyes. It shattered into pieces on the ground in slow-motion. As Brainy looked at Nia, sensing fear from her. "Nia, are you ok?" he said dearly in a soft soothing voice to her for comfort. Nia's eyes moved side to side fearing the worse to come for what she saw in her dream😰. "Get down!" Nia shouted warning them about the danger. As they got down on the floor for cover! While Nia used her powers creating an dome made of dream🌀energy✨around them to protect her friends and herself from the blast. *BOOM BANG* coming from outside as an powerful gust of wind came blowing in💨bursting the windows wide open!!! As they all got up holding on to one another for dear life while Feeling the pressure of the blast... As it was finally over!

Nia lifted the dream energy dome🌐down as she sighed with relief and began panting out of breath while feeling exhausted from keeping that up for so long. As Brainy walked up to Nia, his wife. "Nia, You dreamt this would happen. Didn't you?" Brainy asked. Nia nodded and she replied softly. "Yeah, I did. Brainy. But I fear that this is just the beginning." Nia answered wisely while fearing the worse just to come!
"Right! you are Nia Nal," An male voice said in the distance. As a small hurricane came whirring in to reveal An gang of criminals and these are people who have the ability to command the wind🌬in different types of technics of elemental powers. As an woman stepped forward in saying. "We Are The People of the Wind. And I and my husband will destroy you, "SuperFriends". She said introducing themselves in having powers of the wind from Asia.

*An hour later*
They began fighting their enemies together and separate. As they took their fight against the Wind people out in the streets... as Kara fought one of them in the air, John making sure their battle doesn't put any of the citizens in harms ways! And as for Brainy and Nia fighting along side each other as Partners- (Husband and Wife) even with the amount of gusts of wind. They still tried their hardest to stay together. And to stay United until this Battle is over! "Having a good anniversary? Brainy," Dreamer asked lovely while shooting out multiple Dream🌀blasts at the same time and converting it into a lotus flower🪷made of dream🌀energy✨ collided into blue spirals of blue sparks of Lights🔆that look like tiny fireworks🎆. "Oh, Nia Nal. The best! I'm with you after all." Brainy answered lovely while knocking out two of the wind benders with his combat technique moves. As he ran up to Dreamer kissing her. As they broke their passionate kiss short to continue fighting the good fight of this Epic Battle! One of the male Wind bender grabbed Dreamer began choking her. As she could barely breathe... When Brainy saw that he immediately reacted to it by removing their hands off Nia's neck to prevent them from choking her to death. he shoved them away from his wife then punch and kicked the guy.

As Brainy sensed that the guy was about to strike back at him and in the moment he avoided it quickly while anticipating his opponent's every move and dodged it fast as lightning⚡. Dreamer helped him out with a kick and little Dream🌀energy✨of her phone cord lasso. As she tossed it and wrapped it around the bad guy then she threw him into a corner hitting the ground and knocked him out as he fell asleep.
After that, They looked at each other seeing what amazing team they are together! "El Mayora". Meaning: We are Stronger Together Than we are apart. "We make a really great team. Brainy," Dreamer said heroically while looking at Brainy lovely💗As he smiled brightly at her. "Absolutely, the very best! Dreamer." he said softly. He added. "I didn't realize it before until all these years of fighting by your side And today... I'm happy to call you My Wife, Nia Nal." Brainy said dearly to Nia with love❤️in his eyes. As he wrapped his hands in hers dearly.
"I feel the same way about you. Brainy," Nia said softly while looking into Brainy's eyes as well. "I LOVE YOU!" Brainy and Nia said to each other in unison. As they leaned in for a kiss... then they suddenly get interrupted by 2 Wind bender coming at them from behind. As Brainy pulled away from the kiss to stop the bad guys. Then they knocked them out... as the bad guys groaned in pain on the ground.

As Brainy turned looking at Nia and walks back up to her saying. "Now, where were we?" He said Romantically❤️. As she smiled lovely🥰at him when Brainy said that to her. And so they continued their Epic Kiss without any interruptions this time... as they pressed their lips against each other deeply into the kiss while feeling their warmth, each other's smile, and wrapped their arms in one another lovingly❤️. Then after that Epic Kiss, Brainy and Nia joined together with the rest of the team and all fought as one against the people of the Wind🌬. As they finally defeated them and Arresting them for causing so much chaos in their fair city!

*At the DEO*
Alex, Brainy, and John locked the gang of criminals who say they're the Wind people. Whatever that means🙄. Probably people who worship a Wind Goddess who gave them Wind powers to be gods too. They locked them all in separate cells with power-dampening cuffs on to prevent them from breaking out with their powers.

*Later that Night*
It's not the day I expected it to be... but it turned to be the Best 2-year wedding anniversary I had with Brainy. My husband. Nia thought to herself softly with a bright smile on her face. As she looked at him as they walked in the streets of the city downtown with a bright starry sky with the full moon🌕lighting up the Sky beautifully✨. Brainy and Nia walked hand-in-hand lovely❤️as she laid her head on his shoulder sweetly. then they arrived at their apartment and sat on the couch together lovely just enjoying the night🌙✨on their 2-year anniversary.
An hour later, Brainy and Nia are on the balcony gazing at the stars🌟in the night sky🌌while looking at each other with love❤️in their eyes and in their hearts💙💚. then for a split second Nia had a Dream🌀flash✨... seeing a bright near future with Brainy.

In her dream, Nia is in the Dream realm walking through the forest when she sees her future self with Brainy in their place but it looked different like a few years into the future. then she heard children voices and older voices matching hers and Brainy's... As she saw 2 kids running around an girl and boy and had similar features to herself and Brainy. Nia realized that she was actually dreaming of Her future... So those children are her and Brainy's Future Kids both being- Half-human, Half-Naltorian, and half-Coluan. And that made her so happy seeing this as She smiled brightly excited about her near future with Brainy. As she opened her eyes and gasped at what she saw in her dream. As Brainy looked at Nia with a worried look. "Nia, is everything ok?" He asked his wife dearly. As she looked back at her husband and smiled brightly at him. "Everything's fine." Nia said softly lovely❤️. As Brainy smiled brightly and said. "I'm glad," he said softly while wrapping his arm around her Romantically❤️. As Nia looked up to the sky feeling the wind in her hair thinking about the future... then she kissed him on the cheek. he smiled when she did that as they leaned into a kiss deeply in love❤️with passion and desire. After that, they just talked and enjoyed the night together! as time skipped to Midnight Brainy and Nia went back inside and got ready for bed... Both fall asleep in bed together as Husband and Wife. Which they are! As Nia closed her eyes dreaming of something impossible... Or dreaming about the Future again😅 Brainy closed his eyes too after watching Nia fall asleep. As he went into Sleep-mode.

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