💙Forgotten You💚

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~{Chapter 22}~*this chapter is about when a supervillain blasts Dreamer🌀with a memory wiper blaster🔫
causing her to lose her memories of Brainy! She forgot him. Including who he is And even their entire relationship too. So, it's up to Brainy to get Nia's memories back and help her remember. I hope you like it, Enjoy!*

When a mad scientist named "Thomas Michaels" at the NC University of Science department
invents a memory wiper ray becomes a threat to the City! And Plans on using it on the "Super-Friends".
Kara and the others face him As he fired a beam of light🔆at them! But it only hit Dreamer🌀. She sees flashes✨of memories in her mind of Brainy and their relationship disappearing... Losing those precious memories of him.
she closed her eyes and fell to the ground. "Dreamer!!! No!" Brainy shouted when Nia got hit by the memory wiper As she fell to the ground. And ran to her side to help her up. "you ok?" He asked softly with concern.
While hoping she didn't lose any of her memories that were too important. But it turned out, she did😅😔!
Nia opened her eyes when she heard him. And shook her head to the side while sighing and looking oddly confused at Brainy.
Not recognizing him at all and having no idea who he is... But she did find him "cute". "Uh, I'm sorry do I know you?
Who are you?" Dreamer asked with a confused look. As she looked up at Brainy not remembering him.

They all gasped in shock. Especially, Brainy. his eyes widened in shock that Nia forgot about him. Only him...
They immediately took Dreamer to the DEO to run some tests on her and scanned her brain waves.
As a result of Nia's memories of Brainy being the only ones erased!

Brainy sighed sadly. "So, you really don't remember me? Nia." He asked sadly. Nia tried to remember him... But it just came up blank
in her mind. Having to memory of ever meeting him or knowing who he is. "I'm sorry, I don't..." she answered softly while wishing that she could remember him somehow. Brainy softly sighed with a smile. "It's ok, don't worry. I.. Uh, we will help you get your memories back!" He said devotedly to Nia remembering him. Lena suggested reversing the memory wiper, somehow to restore Nia's memories.
Brainy disagreed and had a better idea in mind. "Actually Lena I have a better idea," Brainy said while looking at Nia.

Brainy's idea is to take Nia on a trip down "memory lane"
that's by showing her places they went to and telling her about their relationship.
But none of that worked!😅 they came back to Nia's apartment to keep trying to jog her memory
She was stressed out and thought there's no point in trying it anymore...
"I'm sorry that I can't remember you or about us! Maybe you should just accept the fact that
I'm not getting my memories back..." Nia shouted out in tears. "Nia, no. I refuse to give up on you!" he shouted back at her.
"We tried everything! And nothing works..." she said while turning away from him.
Nia added. "Maybe you should just Go," she said softly tears in her eyes.
"But, I..." Brainy got interrupted by Nia. "Leave. GO!" she yelled at him in kicking him out of Her apartment.
Brainy slowly turned away from her... He sighed sadly about to walk out the door🚪and says.

"I only did this to help you get your memories back. Not just to remember me. But to
Remember "Us" Because I love❤️you, Nia Nal. And deep down you know it too. I've been a big part of Your life since the day I met you.
And If you don't want me in you're life anymore... I understand that. The Most Important thing to me is your happiness.
Even if I'm not in it with you." Brainy said passionately with a sad look.

Nia looks at Brainy sadly. as he walked out of her apartment closing her door quietly without saying a single word after that.
Her heart💙beating fast like a Jack Hammer🔨. As he was outside Nia's apartment building while crying😭his heart💚out.

*Nia in her apartment*
She sat on her bed when she found pictures of her and Brainy "In love❤️" before she lost her memories of him.
When Nia has a Dream flash, Seeing flashes✨of memories of Brainy, 💙her with him💚, and their whole relationship!
and she started to remember him... it all became crystal clear to her. She opened her eyes Back in her apartment smiling happily
that she got her memories back! "I remember now," she paused. "Brainy," she said softly and knew that she had to find and tell Brainy before it was too late...

Nia rushed out of her apartment and looked for Brainy. She looked outside her building...
When she saw him. "BRAINY! Wait." she cried out to him. As he turned around in shock to see her.
And thought she didn't want him in her life anymore... As Nia ran into his arms while crying Happy tears🥹onto Brainy's shoulder.
" Brainy, I remember everything now. I remember you, And "Us". She said whimpering as Brainy wrapped his arms around her
when he heard Nia say that. caused him to tear up. "Oh, Nia that makes me so happy!" he said lovely while spinning her around in his arms.
she smiled and laughed happily. Brainy stopped as he put her down and faced each other and leaned in pressing their lips
Against each other while feeling their smiles. wrapping their arms around one another pulling closer into the kiss.
"Just to confirm that you have your memories back of me..." he paused. "You'll have to answer a few questions." Brainy said softly.
Nia nodded in agreement. As she answered all of Brainy's questions "correctly". As a result of her having all of the memories
back of him in her mind/brain.

They shared another kiss...
But this time it was filled with more than just "Love"
It had a desire in it, too.

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