Justice never sleeps💤...

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~{Chapter 78}~*This chapter is about when Nia Nal💙aka Dreamer🌀has been the protector of National🏙City for the last "5 years" now and she's exhausted because she has been up all night🌃patrolling the city on her own with Kara and the others "off-world" even Brainy. But when they come back home Nia is so tired and sleepy😴... that she fails badly against a bad guy who knocks her off guard when she is in her weakest state. And of course, they came to her rescue! Including, her loveable coluan boyfriend. I hope you like it, Enjoy!*

*Late at night🌃, in National🏙City downtown*
*4:00 a.m.*
Dreamer🌀was fighting bravely against a group of "bad guys" She yawned🥱feeling✨completely out of it since this was her 10th time taking down another big bad in the last *2 months* by herself when Kara, John, and Brainy were "off-world". And she has no idea when they are coming back... so, she's been protecting the city the best she could on her own as the Protector of National🏙City. After turning them in to the police she went home to finally get some rest...

*The next day, in the morning*
*11:00 a.m.*
Brainy, Kara, and John just arrived back in *National🏙City* so he💚immediately went home and found Nia asleep😴on the couch in her *dreamer🌀suit* which made him think💭she must've stayed up all night protecting the "City" on her own in their absence... so, of course, Brainy let his girlfriend sleep in a little longer in getting the rest that she needed. But not for too long because Nia told him once to "never" do! Otherwise, she'll have bad dreams and they'll get "weird" like really weird😅. More than usual... "Sweet dreams✨, Nia Nal," he said lovely watching Dreamer sleep soundly, and then Brainy kissed💋her on the forehead, and went to unpack his things quietly in the bedroom. "Just five more minutes..." Nia said talking💬to herself💙in her sleep😴. The next thing she knew she was inside the *Dream Realm* seeing weird things in her dream except that she saw Brainy in her dream🌀vision🌌. This meant that maybe he had got back home from a mission with the others... or that she was still bad at interpreting her dreams✨. Then, Nia suddenly woke up wanting to know if it was "true" Brainy immediately noticed and heard Her voice to check on his girlfriend. "Nia, you're awake!" He said running up yo Nia glad to see her awake now. "Brainy, you're back! When did you get back home?" Nia said happily glad that he was back and asked when he arrived home. He sighed scratching his head. "Well, Nia that was 5 hours ago..." Brainy replied with a nervous smile. "Five hours ago?!" Dreamer🌀questioned out loud in shock stating the obvious as her eyes widened when he said that. "I slept for that long... oh, my god! Why didn't you tell me or wake me up?" She added loudly not realizing how she slept in for and was upset with Brainy not waking her up sooner.
"I know, Nia, but you looked so tired... I thought you might need the extra hours of sleep. Besides, I could tell that you were up all night fighting crime in protecting the city while I was gone." He said. Nia scoffed crossing her arms and said. "I told you not to let me sleep!" Nia yelled out angrily😡💢glaring at her boyfriend💚upset for letting her sleep😴 in no more than an hour. Then, she closed Her eyes for a split second falling asleep again. Which Brainy immediately realized and said out loud stating the obvious. "And there you go again... falling asleep again," Brainy said smiling stating the obvious sitting her the couch beside his Nia Nal. "Uh, what? I'm up! I'm awake, I mean." Nia said that she woke up immediately acting like she was alert and up the whole time and didn't just fall randomly asleep again😅. Lol😂🤣!

Brainy sighed shaking his head and said. "Nia, I gotta ask why would you force yourself to stay up all night when your body obviously needs rest and your mind needs it as well?" he asked Nia the obvious question. "Justice never sleeps... besides, I'm the only one in the city who can fight against the bad guys since the word got out about Supergirl being off-world and me "Dreamer" taking her place. Also, Kelly and Alex have been busy with Esme's superhero training and Lena has been out of town with Andreas for *L Corp foundation*." Nia said instantly with excitement stating the facts that everyone was busy helping her protect "National City" and she was the only one who could. Brainy sighed sadly not realizing how much pressure Nia was under when he was away. "If I knew that You were going to be like this... I would have stayed here with you by your side. I feel terrible," he said sadly feeling like an idiot for leaving Nia here by herself to defend the city. "Don't be... Brainy, it's okay and I am fine. I'm just a little tired that's all. Besides, the team needed you. You're the 12th-level-Intelligent on the team," Dreamer🌀said understanding by letting him know that she wasn't mad at him for leaving her because the "superfriends" needed him. He smiled. "Well, I promise you, Nia Nal, I'll never leave your side again," Brainy said making a promise to his girlfriend and he plans on keeping it. She smiled back at him and said. "I know you will, Querl Dox," she said softly looking into his bright, brilliant eyes deeply in love❤️with Her boyfriend💚with all of her heart💙. And they kissed. Then, Nia fell asleep again but on his shoulder... which Brainy didn't mind at all and quite loved feeling this close to Nia Nal in feeling his girlfriend's warmth on him. Then, he fell asleep himself closing his eyes turned his system off, and went into *Sleep Mode* and they both stayed like that for hours falling asleep without knowing it.

*Sorry, short chapter😅. I hope you enjoyed reading📖it though... until next time. Bye👋, for now!*

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