Nia's fear vision

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~{Chapter 31}~*this chapter is set in (season 6) of Supergirl after Nia had a fear vision from the prime phantom on the tower ship. When she got back home to National City... She had that same fear vision again every night since then she had been reliving that same fear vision for weeks now! So, she just kept it to herself to not worry her friends or Brainy. But it starts to become obvious at work, at the tower, and even when Brainy stays overnight at her place. As he noticed her having nightmares every night and wants to know why and help her through them. I hope you like it, Enjoy!*

*Late at Night, around midnight*
Nia kept on tossing and turning and talking in her sleep...
as She woke up breathing heavily while scared out of her mind.
Reliving that same fear vision for not being able to interpret her dream right away and loses
Brainy. that nightmare haunts her every time she dreams of something terrible.
Lately, she's been a bit on edge screaming in her sleep as Brainy and woke up sensing fear in Nia's eyes.
"Nia, is everything alright?" Brainy asked concerned with a worried look. "Yes. I'm fine," Nia answered him softly.
But he knew what she said wasn't true. As he sighed sadly and said. "Nia. I know that's not true. You've had nightmares
almost every night now. You think that I wouldn't noticed." he said softly while eyeing Nia.
Nia sighed knowing that he was right. she should've known that she couldn't keep something like from her boyfriend...
And he wouldn't figure it out. He's a 12th-level-intellect after all😅.

As Nia told Brainy the reason why she's been having nightmares every night.
And he had no idea she would have that fear vision from the prime phantom...and she didn't conquer it!
"Nia. I had no idea," he paused softly. Brainy added. "And that won't happen. I assure you that," he said softly comforting his girlfriend.
As he held his hand in hers lovely💗. But Nia snapped at him. As she let go of his hand and got out out bed and shouted out in tears💦.
"You don't know that for sure! It could happen or it will happen... I still can't interpret my dreams and I know that fear vision wasn't real."She paused sadly. "But it felt so real... and what's to stop that from coming true." Nia said said softly while looking down.

Brainy immediately got out of bed and walked up to her. As he placed his arms around her shoulders to calm down and relax for her
not to worry about losing him. "Nia, listen to me. You're not gonna lose me, I promise you that. It was just your fear showing you what
you fear the most." Brainy said softly while explaining Nia's fear-vision. Nia nodded at him in that being right. As she laid her head on Brainy's shoulder. he pulled her in closer and wrapped his arms around her dearly while comforting her through this.
like a sweet loveable boyfriend would do for their girlfriend. As they broke their warmth embrace hugged and faced each other While
getting back into bed and both fell asleep... as Brainy went into [Sleep mode]. And Nia fell asleep too dreaming✨
but this time she didn't have that fear vision anymore. Just sweet wonderful impossible visions of certain events and the future...

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