Brainy moves in with Nia

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~{Chapter 42}~*This chapter is about how Brainy and Nia first talked about moving in together as an official couple. Which they do. And love❤️it! Both are so happy!😊I hope you like it, Enjoy!*

*Late at Night*
Brainy and Nia are watching a movie📺🎬together💚💙at her place on the couch🛋️. Then at the end of the movie, they watched the credits for a while... as he got up saying. "Alright. I've got to go now. Nia Nal," Brainy said to her as he kissed Nia on her forehead got up from the couch grabbed his jacket. Nia looked at him dearly and said. "Already?" She asked him softly. "Yeah, it's getting late. And I should really head back to my apartment." He said softly after putting on his jacket. "You don't have to go," Nia said softly, She didn't want him to go. Brainy didn't want to go either as he said. "I have to. Nia," he said. She sighed sadly and said. "Well I want you to stay," Nia said lovely while looking into his bright✨brilliant, eyes. He looked back at her lovely glimpsing into her beautiful chocolate brown eyes. "I want to stay too," Brainy said her lovely💗. As he wanted to stay over at his girlfriend's place. But he had to go back to his apartment at some point😅. besides all of his stuff is there. "I'll miss you," Nia said lovely as Brainy had his hand on the doorknob about to walk out... he smiled when she said that as he felt the same. "Me too," Brainy said softly. he went out the door🚪as it closed lightly and walked towards the end of the hallway to exit the building stopping for a moment and looking back at Nia's apartment door realizing that he didn't want to go. He wanted to stay with her, wake up in the morning next to his Nia Nal, hold her close if she had nightmares, and make her breakfast... But not just for one night. Every night🌙and every morning☀️! And that's when Brainy knew that he wanted to move in with her and live with his girlfriend.
If Nia wanted that too.

As she was about to lock her door🚪for the night🌃... Then suddenly, it opened as Brainy came back inside while saying. "You know what? Nia," he asked her softly with a sweet look. As he had something on his mind. And Nia listened to him. "I just realized something that I don't want to go back to my apartment." Brainy paused for a dramatic effect. She walked up to him in shock and said. "Really?" Nia asked him softly. As he came in he closed the door behind him and continued on saying. "Yes. I just hate going to my apartment now. Partly because I live in such a small place. But also, when I'm there I really miss you," Brainy said being open to his feelings about how much he loves❤️Nia Nal for being apart from her. Nia had no idea what to say. She was speechless and smiled lovely💗at him to see where exactly Brainy was going with this😅. As he got closer to her and said. "So, do you want to move in together? If that's ok with you..." Brainy said softly. While asking the question of moving their relationship to the next level! living together💚💙as an official couple❤️.

Nia's eyes widened in shock. "Brainy. This is so... Yes! Let's move in together!" Nia said excitedly with optimism. Brainy smiled leaning in Kissing his girlfriend right away as he pulled away looking deeply into her eyes... and she looked into his As well. "Wow, we're really going to move in together," Nia said happily in this really happening! Which made her so happy😊with joy💖inside her heart💙. "Yeah. It is," Brainy replied softly as he nodded in that being correct.

*The next morning*
Brainy had brought over most of his stuff from his apartment to Nia's last night... as they fell asleep after that. Then, waking up to each other in bed while gazing into their eyes lovely💗without saying a word. And Just being here with each other in this moment. Right here.
Right now. It just felt right... as Nia was the first to say something. "I can't believe that I'm waking up next to you," Nia said lovely💗and loved❤️waking up to him like this. He smiled. "I know right," Brainy said nodding in agreement with Nia. As he felt the same way as she did! So, They just stayed like that for hours in bed together and Brainy made breakfast an hour later... after that, Both just enjoyed the beautiful day!

*Short chapter, Sorry😅.*

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