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~{Chapter 3}~*WARNING- Sad chapter. I just wanted to try something new.*
*Nia has a nightmare about everyone she loves in danger including Brainy dying and when she finds out it's true.
But She's trapped in a dream state. Like a living nightmare, she can't wake up from... Hope you like it😅. Enjoy!*

*Nia's POV*
Supergirl failed. We all failed, But mostly I failed... And now? We're all gonna die. Because of it. Everything was lost, vanished, and Gone. No hope of surviving this fight, As I looked around me as Dreamer🌀seeing only chaos, despair, and destruction. Not even one of Kara's hopeful speeches could lift my spirits up. My fighting spirit is gone. And The fire was burning🔥rising flames in National City!
The world was ending. The stars🌟in the night sky🌃were dying as they're brightness started to fade away and came falling down from the sky and onto the ground. The moon was destroyed too. It was hard to see in the smoke💨and hard to breathe. Where is everyone?
Are they even alive? Am I the only one left? One thing was definite... No one is making it out alive. I know that.
So many unanswered questions in my mind. All is lost, I saw my loved ones, my friends, my family, and even Brainy on the ground bleeding and dead. As I cried in tears, Feeling my heart break💔seeing everyone I love❤️like this. Is this my fault? It has to be...
It's all my fault that this is happening!!!

Nia heard a voice in the distance...
"Nia Nal". WAKE UP! You're having a nightmare... It's not real." (The voice echoed around her)

Then Nia recognizes the voice she heard.
It was Brainy.

As she felt the ground begin to crumble and shake around her while feeling a touch on her shoulder.

No! it wasn't an earthquake. It was something else.
Just like that, Nia glowed blue🌀as she exited the dream realm✨from this horrifying nightmare👁‍🗨.
Without her knowing it!

Nia woke up in bed and gasped.
As she jumped out of bed when she saw Brainy in front of her. she backed up against the wall with fear in her eyes... like she saw a ghost or seeing something terrifying😰.
Brainy looked at her worriedly and in confusion. "Nia, what's wrong?! It's me," he said softly in a comforting voice.
Nia said while breathing heavily. "No no no no no. No! You can't be... You're not real. I saw you... You're dead." Nia said hyperventilating.
"No?" Brainy frowned. wondering why Nia said so many nos at once in one sentence out loud...
To his distress, he saw Nia was trembling in fear. Knowing that she must think what she saw in her dream was real. But it wasn't...
It was just a nightmare. Like a fearful vision that isn't real. Usually, when Nia had a nightmare He would just comfort her till she went back to sleep. But it seemed like she didn't even want to be near him at all.
"You're dead," Nia whispered crying her eyes out!
Brainy knew he had to convince her... she wasn't dreaming and that he was alive and here with her! And what she saw in her nightmare wasn't real. Just her fears. That's all! he walked up to her slowly while saying. As He got closer to her.
"Nia," Brainy said softly, sitting by her as he reach out for her hand. But she turned away from him.
He added. "I'm not dead. I'm right here. With you."
Nia sat there on the floor in silence. Hoping he would go away. Thinking he was just a ghost. But he wasn't. He's pretty much alive.
she didn't get that or see that... Nia finally said something.
"Go away! You're not him. You're just a ghost." Nia shouted out with fear in her eyes.
Brainy had no response.
Nia inched further away from him.

Brainy knew he had to try harder to help her with this. And he knew exactly how to do that!
He looked deeply into her eyes, as he reached out for her hand again, but slowly... wrapping his hand in hers. Nia flinched.
When he did that, Nia turned around and looked up.
"Nia, if I weren't real... then you wouldn't feel my touch". Brainy said softly As he felt his heartbeat. Nia's eyes were puffy from all the crying, and she looked small curled up on the floor.
"You're just a ghost. You're not real!" Nia said stressed out with her hands over her head.

He replied. "That's not true. And you know it! Nia. I'm right here." He said as he placed his hand on Nia's cheek.
To show her that he's alive. And to prove to her that what she saw in her dream wasn't real!
Nia gasped feeling his warmth on her cheek.
She felt his touch, really felt it! She didn't want to believe it... but couldn't deny it. She felt him. She really did.
She started to calm down a bit. still in shock.
He continued. "My warmth. You feel me? Don't you? That just proves I'm alive. 100%." Brainy said with a smile. To show her that he's not dead... He's pretty much alive. Seeing is believing! Right?😅Or feeling I should say.
He whispered in her ear. "I'm here, Nia Nal. Always." He whispered softly. As Brainy leaned in kissing Nia on her lips.
Nia looked into his eyes after that kiss.

That's when she really knew that he truly was alive.
She realized that what she saw in her dream wasn't real and just a nightmare.
And Nia immediately leaped into his arms hugging him dearly saying...
"Brainy. It's you. IT REALLY YOU! You're really here." Nia said whimpering with happy tears🥹in her eyes.
Brainy hugged her back. Comforting her.
He answered. "Yes, I'm here. And I not going anywhere." Brainy said lovely.
Nia breaks the hug and faces him while wiping her tears away.
"I should have known that it wasn't real.
I'm so sorry. Brainy." Nia apologies sadly.
Brainy sighed and smiled at her.
"Don't be. Nia. It's ok." he replied. While standing up with Nia's arms wrapped around him still.
He carried her back into bed, and laid her on it.
As he laid right next to her lovely on the bed. Letting her curl into his side dearly.
Nia slowly calmed down, but still clung to Brainy, and kept her hand wrapped in his. And her other hand resting on his heart💚on top of his chest, just making sure he's still there.
Brainy just laid there peacefully, letting Nia be calm again. And it worked!
Nia looked up and smiled.
"I need to start reading my dreams better. I should have known that this one wasn't prophetic." Nia said sadly.
Brainy nodded.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" Brainy asked.
Nia shook her head. In disagreement. Not wanting to talk about what she saw in her dream yet.
"No not yet," she replied softly.
"Alright, whenever you're ready... I'm here for you. To listen." brainy said lovely. Being an understanding boyfriend to Nia.
And that's one of the reasons why she loves❤️him so much.

*An hour later*
Nia tells Brainy what she saw in her dream.
And he understood why Nia reacted the way she did.
"It's ok. Nia. Come here." Brainy said in an understanding voice while pulling her into a warm embrace hug.
Comforting her lovely. As both fell asleep in bed without knowing it.

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