Brainy's big romantic❤️gesture

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~{Chapter 13}~*this chapter is about when Brainy pays Nia a surprise visit. Without Nia knowing it at her apartment...
And he does a big romantic❤️gesture for her when she gets home! I hope you like it, Enjoy!*

Nia arrived at her apartment, as she walked inside putting her keys on the counter beside the front door and took off her coat.
She walked towards her bedroom and opened it to find... Brainy sitting on her bed with a rose🌹in his hand smiling at her lovely while rose petals were sprinkled on the bed Romantically❤️And 2 glasses with wine🍷🍷in them on her nightstand.

She was in shock to see this and to see him here.
"Brainy, Wow! What's all this?! And why are you here? I thought you said that you'd be at work all day." Nia said asking multiple questions all
at once Nervously.

Brainy sighed. As he walked up to Nia and handed her the rose. she sniffed it and smiled at Brainy, her loveable boyfriend.
"change of plans... I got off work early.
So, I thought that I would spent the day with my lovely girlfriend. My Nia Nal." Brainy said romantically❤️.

"Aww... Brainy. This is so sweet of you.
And a big romantic gesture of you."
"Well, only the best for you. Nia."

As they leaned in for a kiss
And spend the day together...

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