A hero gone "dark"

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~{Chapter 88}~*This chapter is about when Nia has a *dream🌀vision🌌* was an Alien female "water🌊bender" destroying💥the city and everyone in it including, her friends, Brainy, and herself💙. So, she tells the team about her dreamand they plan on stopping the Woman and convincing her not to destroy it happens in the first place... but as it turns out the water bender used to work for "Leviathan" and knowing that consumes Brainy into blind rage.
I hope you like it, Enjoy!*

*Late at night🌃, in Nia's apartment in her bedroom*
Nia was tossing and turning while mumbling💬non-sense fearfully in her sleep😴about her "nightmare". In her dream✨, she saw visions of destruction👁‍🗨and chaos💥in "National🏙City" and everyone she loved❤️was in *danger⚠️* and she was the only one who could stop this madness but couldn't. Cause it was something out of her control. And she also saw a woman who could bend water at will the cause of this "chaos"! Then, Nia gasped in fear at the sight of innocent people suffering in pain... as they dropped like "flies" on the ground being choked to death by water. Including, her friends and Brainy And then saw herself as a "Dreamer" not fast or strong enough to save them. "You can't save them or yourself for that matter. Naltorian, for what's coming..." The female blonde water🌊bender💙said dramatically when she approached her and then held Nia by the neck about to kill her. That's when Nia gasped awake from her dream in bed panting in fear of what she just saw as her own "death." As she looked at Brainy and took a deep breath glad that it was only a "dream/nightmare". However, that also, means what she saw... is bound to come "true" in reality. Which woke him up as he said. "Nia, I heard you screaming in your sleep. Something is bothering I can sense it on your expression on your face. So, what's wrong?" Brainy said concerned about his girlfriend💙. "Yes, everything's fine. And It's nothing..." Nia said softly with a fake smile telling a white lie. "No, it's not. Nia, there's fear in your eyes. Please, tell me." Brainy said laying his head on the pillow and looking deeply into Nia's eyes to tell him what was really bothering her. She sighed and said. "Okay, fine. I had a vision🌌of our *city🏙* in chaos💥and we all "died" at the hands of an alien water🌊bender and even I died too in my dream✨," Nia explained to him about what she saw in her "dream". Then, she burst into tears afraid of dying. "Nia, hey it's okay, I know you're scared but what you saw in your dream... but what you foresaw was one possibility of happening." Brainy said comforting Nia and giving her wise advice that isn't set in stone and the "future" can change. "Yeah, you're right." Nia said with a smile that her boyfriend💚was right as "always". "Of course, I'm right! I am a *12th-level-Intelligent* what you expect." he said. Nia laughed a bit with a smile😊on her face. Which Brainy just loved❤️to see. "You should get some rest, it's late," Brainy suggested wisely. "Yeah, you're right. Nia said agreeing with him that was a good suggestion and "correct". He nodded. Then, they both closed their eyes and drifted off to sleep😴💤beside each other💚💙.

*The next day, at the Tower*
*8:00 a.m.*
After telling the team about her dream... they all decided to take down the Alien female Water Bender based on Nia's sketch and ran it through factual Recognition "Jenna Waters" is her identity name who happens to live in National City in Apartment *S* # 23. Which turns out to be in the same building as Nia and Brainy's apartment complex. But then they looked a little deeper into her background and discovered that she used to work for "Leviathan" and knew exactly what they were dealing with and decided to confront her there to ask questions and probably pick a fight without thinking. So, they arrived on the scene at Miss Water's apartment and wondered if she was home before breaking down the door Kara used her powers as she said to confirm. "Yup, that's definitely her. She's home." Kara said using her *X-ray vision* on the door seeing that Jenna Waters was home and was painting a watercolor painting🖼with her water🌊bending powers. Not exactly what they were expecting to find🔎but she is a former member of "Leviathan" so, she must know how to pretend to be human and put on a "nice act". So, they immediately attacked her without thinking! "Jenna Waters! Put your hands in the air!" They said in unison bursting through her door🚪dramatically pointing their weapons at her and summoning their powers ready to use. Which gave her quite a "scare" as she stopped painted used her water-bending powers on them out of "defense" to stop them in their tracks as an act of "self-defense" and said after realizing that she attacked Supergirl and her team. "The Superfriends? Oh my gosh. Apologies... I hope that I didn't cause you any serious injuries. Allow me to heal you if I did," Jenna said apologizing for her actions and letting me go and heal their bruises with her water if she caused them any distress or pain. Why the compassion? I thought Leviathan was supposed to be the "bad guys". So, why would she heal us at all?" Brainy thought. "Wait, you healed us? But why?" Brainy asked her the obvious question. "Because you were hurt by my water and I don't like to hurt innocent people. Especially, heroes." Jenna said softly powering down her alien-bending powers of water and healing the Superfriends because of it, showing them mercy that she meant them no harm. "Well, this isn't what I was expecting..." Dreamer added not expecting this at all with confusion. "Wait, hold on. You break into my home accusing me of doing something... that I haven't happened yet! Or will happen based on a "dream"? Well, I'm nothing like "Leviathan". Sure, I was a member but they forced me into it. Cause they killed my family to recruit me to join them and I had no choice but to. Over the years, I knew it was wrong but there was no way↕️ that I could get out of it! Until I finally stood up to them and left to be a better person to help those who can't protect themselves. Because that's what my family stood for... and where I came from they were water benders who were "heroes" and warriors who lived by a code of honor & "always" standing up for what it is *right*. So, What I'm trying to say is that I'm not your enemy." Jenna Waters explained her life story in how Leviathan recruited her back in the day and the reason why she left in the first place leading up to this point right now in her life. "Oh, my apologies. Miss Waters," Brainy said being apologetic for barging into her apartment without having real evidence. She smiled and said. "No worries... it's all good. It could have happened to anyone," Jenna said softly in understanding with a smile. All of a sudden, She felt pain in her head inside her mind... like a psychic attack that someone was trying to control👁‍🗨her mind into hurting the "Superfriends". Which John did a *psychic scan.*Then, Her glass broke when Jenna landed on the ground trying to hesitate but couldn't as she said. "Maybe I am your enemy." She said dramatically with an evil look in her eye as she used her water-bending powers to create a small tidal wave🌊and shot it out at the "Superfriends" forcing them out of her home as the door🚪was destroyed💥bursting open the water💦out as they were on the carpet floor of the hallway in the *building🏪* groaning in pain all coughing up water after that sudden attack. "Why are you doing this?" She said getting up and asking the obvious question of "why" Jenna was attacking them in the first place. Because they thought that they were good. "What I was told to do," Jenna answered softly walking up to them acting like a *mindless zombie* in having no control over herself or her powers because someone else was pulling her strings.

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