A lot has changed in 3 "Years"...😅

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~{Chapter 93}~*This chapter is about when's been 3 "Years" later in *National🏙City* after Brainy left with Winn & Mon-el going back to his time in the future "31st century" and he decides to come back to the *present* (2024) to be with Nia💙Nal, the love❤️of his life but she wants nothing to do with him cause she's moved on... How will this story end?
I hope you like it, Enjoy!*

*Three years later, in National🏙City*
*In the morning, at CatCo*
*11:31 a.m.*
Nia was at her desk in her very own corner *office* working on her "latest story" on her laptop💻that Kara assigned her to do and for the last 3 "Years" she has been living her best life in *National🏙City* after all the heartache when "Brainy" left her choosing to sacrifice himself in the future✨over staying with her so, she had had no choice but to move on with her life without him💚in it. Great job/career, new boyfriend, and crushing it as protector of the city as "Dreamer🌀". Then, one of her colleagues came up to Nia to tell her that he received a call from someone who knew her and wanted to see her again after 3 years. "Excuse me, Miss Nal? You got a phone call from your boyfriend," Ted said. "Okay, well, tell Chis that I'll call him back later," Nia said assuming that it was her current boyfriend "Chris Floyd" who tried calling📲her but it was actually the boyfriend who got away I mean left her. Meaning, Brainy. He sighed with a nervous look and said. "Actually he said that his name was "Querl Dox" Something about coming back to the "city" and wanting to see you again and talk to you," He said telling her who it was that called her but she wanted nothing to do with Brainy as she said to her colleague to make a point. Her eyes widened in shock as she snapped out of it and said. "I never want to hear the name "Querl Dox" or "Brainy" ever again," she said dramatically storming out of her *office*.

*Two hours later, at Kara's place after being told by Nia that Brainy is back!*
*1:14 p.m.*
"Wait, Brainy is back?" Kara questioned softly looking at her friend if it were "true". "Yup, he's back... and wants to talk to meet with me to "Talk". Nia said consuming a whole wine🍾bottle drinking her feelings caused her ex-boyfriend who she thought *died* but didn't. Who turns out to be alive and traveled back in time to the *Present* 3 "Years" later wanting to see her for whatever reason Brainy had while doing air quotes cause she had no interest in seeing him. "Maybe you might wanna slow down on the wine," Kelly added softly to her friend trying to be supportive. "Yeah, I know. Kelly, the wine is helping with my feelings that I'm feeling from just finding out that Brainy is back 3 years ago leaving me to go back to his time in the *31st Century* in sacrificing himself to save his species but now, I find out that he didn't
and I have no idea what to say when I see him!" Nia replied back loudly struggling with her emotions of not sure how to deal with Brainy yet or say. Kara sighed sadly knowing how hard this might be for Nia. "You're going to have to face him sooner or later," she said. "I know Kara, I'm just not ready to face him... at least not yet," Nia said. "Speaking of Brainy. Alex just texted me that he's at the *Tower* now." Kelly said. Nia sighed as she wondered how Alex and John were doing with seeing Brainy again after so long...

*Meanwhile at the Tower, Brainy with Alex and John*
*1:34 p.m.*
"So, Brainy, You're back. And here I thought you left us to sacrifice yourself in the future to save your species. But why did you come back to the *Present* 3 Years later?" Alex asked the obvious question crossing her arms and glaring at him intensely. "I know it's been a while Alex, but I made a decision to come back to the *present* and my choice to come back will not only alter the timeline. And I stand by my decision, coming back here," Brainy said. "A while? It's been three years?! It may have felt like just Yesterday to you Brainy, but to us, it's been three years and a lot has changed since you left. We all had to move on with our lives without "You". Including, Nia." Alex said stating the facts of how much has changed since he left in *2021*. "So, tell us the real reason why you came back?" she added crossing her arms with a serious look for dramatic effect in wanting "Brainy" to fess up and tell the *truth*. He sighed sadly looking at his two friends to say💬. "Yeah, I know it's been 3 "Years" Alex, But I had to come back for Nia. To be with her because I realized that she was the only "Woman" for me and leaving her was the worst decision I ever made. And I'll do anything to make it up to her! She's my future✨and I'm hers," He said finally making up his mind to choose to stay in the *present* (2024) permanently and of course, to be with Nia, the love❤️of his life. "Well, that's sweet and all Brainy, but I think you're too late. Cause Nia has a boyfriend now." Alex said softly dropping mind-blowing info on Brainy about Nia moving on and finding someone "new". "Wait, what?" Brainy questioned in shock but he did know from *future information* on "Nia Nal" that she married a human because he left her in "2021" three years ago, and that she'd moved on with her life But still thought she would wait for him because of the kinds "love" that they had for each other💚💙.

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