Double Date❤️💖

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~{Chapter 26}~*this chapter is about Brainy, Nia, Alex, and Kelly out on a double date together outside a restaurant.
Nia leaves the table to use the restroom inside When washing her hands Someone ambushes her and she has to fight back somehow. While Alex talks to Brainy about when he's planning on proposing to Nia someday? since he told her about it last week. Also, when Nia comes back she's running through the restaurant being chased by someone dangerous! Who claims to be from another dimension... I hope you like it, Enjoy!*

"I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be right back!" Nia said as she got out of her seat and went inside to use the restroom.
Brainy nodded. "So, now that Nia left. Are we going to talk about it?" Alex asked curiosity.
"Talk about what? Alex." Brainy asked nervously. And knew exactly what she was talking about. Kelly and Alex sighed. "The fact that you told us that you're planning on proposing to Nia someday..." Kelly added softly. Brainy smiled. "Oh yes, definitely. I have thought about it for some time. Ever Since I came back to be with Nia. And I calculated there is a 100% chance of Nia and I would get married someday." Brainy said happily with a bright smile. "Oh, we know. John told us about that." Alex said. as she looked at her wife. "And to answer your question, I plan on proposing to Nia later on tonight!" Brainy said Lovely while thinking about Nia. As Alex and Kelly smiled happily.
"Brainy, that's wonderful! I'm so happy for you!" Alex said excitedly. "She'll definitely say "Yes." Kelly added happily with optimism.
Brainy smiled as he showed a glimpse of the engagement ring💍to Alex and Kelly. they loved it, thought it was beautiful and Nia will definitely say "Yes" there's no doubt about it!

*Meanwhile with Nia*
She was in the bathroom just washing her hands when she saw something or someone in the reflection of the mirror🪞in front of her
As the door🚪got locked🔒without anyone touching it and no one around except for herself.
She noticed that as she dried her hands off with paper towels. "Hello? Is anyone there?" Nia asked while looking around.
Then she heard a voice cackling in the distance and felt a strange wind coming from inside the bathroom. She thought maybe it was a
window🪟open😅. A vortex portal suddenly appeared and a shadowy figure came out of it cackling wickedly. To reveal a Man in a dark navy blue cloak with ancient writings on his arms and spoke out "You're just the one I've been looking for... Nia Nal. Dreamer🌀." He said dramatically. As she was in shock and speechless. As she leaned back against one of the sinks and gasped that this mysterious man comes out of a vortex portal and knows who she is... Nia knew that she had to defend herself with her powers🌀But what if that's what he wanted her to do? He added. "You see, Nia Nal. My name is Elex Cruso. where I come from is entirely different from Earth Prime. It's a dimension. I'm the King there! But it's dying and things are starting to fade away... So I'm going to need your powers. Along with your Life force." He explained. As he walked closer to Nia about to grab her when she dodged out of the way by jumping above him and said. "So, what? In order to save your world by trading my life away." Nia questioned. Elex nodded that being correct. "Well, I'm sorry. But that's not happening." She said heroically. As she immediately ran towards the door and unlocked it quickly and ran out as fast as she could. "GET BACK HERE! Naltorian." Elex shouted out as he chased after her while blasting dark dimensional energy out of his hands trying to take her with him by force!

When Brainy, Alex, and Kelly heard screams and commotion coming from inside the restaurant.
As they stood up while saying to each other. Alex commented. "Do you guys hear that?" she asked. "Yeah, I hear it," Kelly replied
as she agreed while nodding. "Yeah, same here. What's going on in there?" Brainy questioned at first. Then he paused
Seeing Nia running from something or someone inside. Like someone was chasing her! Which was actually happening...
Brainy added. "Wait, is that Nia?" He asked worriedly.
Nia was finally able to get outside and she kept running for dear life. Like her life depends on it!
And saw Brainy, Alex and Kelly as she was about to run by them while saying quickly... "I can't talk right now. Being chased!!!" Nia said as she ran passed them. "What? By WHO?!?" Brainy shouted out to her. But she didn't respond. As him, Alex and Kelly saw a man run by chasing after Nia right on her tail. Brainy gasped. As he immediately ran after Her with his super speed to talk to her.

Within a second, Brainy got caught up with Nia while running beside her and says...
As she noticed him right away and heard Brainy say something to her. "Nia, what's going on?
who is this guy chasing you? And why are you Running away instead of fighting?!?" Brainy asked quickly
While running at the same time. Nia sighed. As she explained to Brainy who this guy is and what he wants from her.
Brainy gasped when Nia told him everything! And knew his Nia Nal was in danger and had to fight by her side to make sure nothing bad would happen to her. Nia added. As she told him the rest as well. "And the reason why I'm running is If I use my powers then everyone will know my identity," Nia answered quickly. Brainy nodded. "I understand that, Nia. But you can't run forever." He said softly.
"I know Brainy, but this guy just won't stop! I can't outrun him..." she said distressed about the situation she's in.

Brainy added. "You may not be able to outrun him... But I can!" Brainy said heroically. As he immediately grabbed Nia while running
Wrapped her around his arms and held her tightly As he flew off into the air. And landed on top of a building rooftop just 4 blocks away...
As he put her down and she was on the ground again! Well, rooftop😅. Nia wondered why he did that. "Brainy, what are you doing?" Nia asked Brainy. "Saving You!" He said protectively. Brainy added. "And giving you time to transform into your Dreamer suit." he paused.
He continued on. "So that you can fight as Dreamer. And not have to hide your identity." brainy explained softly.
Nia nodded with a smile. And did just that. As she closed her eyes and her dream energy surrounded her...
In a matter of seconds, her Dreamer Naltorian suit materialized on her Body along with her dark blue mask over her eyes and face.
Brainy smiled brightly loving to see her like this! "But what about you?" Dreamer asked while turning to Brainy. He sighed softly. "Don't worry about me. I've got that covered." Brainy answered as he took a small device out of his pocket and held it in his hand... Pushed the button◼️at the top. And his brainiac purple suit materialized as well. He added. "And I'll be fighting alongside you. Dreamer," Brainy said sweetly and wanting to fight by his girlfriend's side.

The team came together and was able to capture Elex Cruso while taking him into custody at the DEO
and locked him up tight in a cell. As Lena worked on an device to help save his dimension...
And it only took an hour to do so. And Elex went back to his dimension peacefully and
thanked the super friends and apologized for causing so much trouble to Nia and their world.

After that, Nia and Brainy were walking hand-in-hand to their apartment
they walked inside closed the door while locking it and took off their coat and jacket.
As Brainy fiddled with his legion ring nervously and knew that this was the moment for him
To propose💍to Nia. The girl of his dreams! As he turned and looked at Nia lovely with a bright smile.
"Nia, There's something that I want to tell you..." he paused. Nia was curious about what Brainy wanted to tell her.
As she nodded. "Sure, what is it? Brainy," she asked softly with a smile. While looking at him. "Well, this is something
I've been wanting to do it for a long time... since the day I came back from the future. choosing to be with you, Nia Nal." He said
devotedly with passion❤️. Hearing this from Brainy... Nia was in shock and speechless while wondering where this coming from...
"Brainy, I..." she said. As she was interrupted by Brainy while continuing on. "To be your forever, to be by your side, to be your partner through worse and good time. And to love❤️you always! Because you are my Future! And I am yours..." Brainy said as he reached out of his pocket and took out the... Ring💍! "Nia Nal, Will you marry me? And Be my Wife..." he asked while standing on one knee and holding the ring in one hand.

Brainy's words echo in Nia's head. As she closed her eyes for a split second...
had a dream🌀flash✨seeing what her future would be like with Brainy if she says "YES" to marrying him.
And what she saw was wonderful, and beautiful, and most importantly She saw her future self with Brainy happy and
having a family of their own. And seeing that... Made everything clear to her. She knew exactly what she wanted her answer to be.
she opened her eyes and smiled brightly. "Yes, Brainy of course I'll MARRY YOU!!!" Nia answered happily and excitedly As she ran up to Brainy and hugged him lovely. As he hugged her back lovely. "Oh, Nia. That makes me so happy!!!" he said happily with love❤️in
his heart💚. "Why wouldn't I say Yes, it's you! And I've always dreamt of marrying you someday. Querl Dox." She said happily with love❤️in her heart💙as well. they broke the hug while facing each other as Brainy placed the ring on Nia's left ring finger.
And just gazed into each other's eyes lovely💗As they got closer to one another and leaned in for a kiss. While pressing their lips against each other, feeling their warmth, and wrapping their arms around each other to pull closer into the kiss.

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