Nia Drunk🍾

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~{Chapter 9}~*this chapter is about when Nia had too much to drink at Al's bar with Kara after work.
And she's totally drunk when she gets home and Brainy sensed that. Noticed Nia's odd behavior...
I hope you like it, Enjoy!*

Nia arrived at her apartment building, she walked down the hallway to her apartment while spinning around and putting her hands
up in the air... Feeling like she was on "Top of the World!" she fell on the floor Not watching where she was going while laughing and acting silly about it. She got up feeling fine. Even when she wasn't... As she arrived in front of her apartment door🚪.
Just jamming her keys in the door trying to get the door to open... Like anyone else who was drunk and hammered would do.

While Brainy heard Nia struggling to get the door open. Which didn't make any sense to him
since it's never been a problem before😅... Brainy used his powers on the door to open it for Nia.
He placed his hand on the doorknob, as he turned it, and open it to see...
Nia! His girlfriend was just standing in front of him. And she seemed a little jumping and on edge.
He heard her voice. As it sounded like she was too excited about him opening the door for her.
Even for Nia. If she is the excited one of the super-friends group😅.

"Hey, you got the door open!" Nia said excitedly
As she walked towards Brainy in the doorway and she paused.
You're soooo S-smart!" Nia said as she taps Brainy on his shirt And loses her balance. she lands on him. As he immediately catches her, brought her inside, And closed the door while locking it. And sensed that Nia wasn't herself.

"Nia, are you Drunk?" Brainy asked.
Nia giggled.
"I mean maybe I had little too much to drink...
But I feel great!" Nia answered excitedly and was totally drunk! Lol🤣!!
As Brainy sensed Nia is not fine and was 100% drunk.
Nia added. "Expect for the fact, that I might be seeing dots
And seeing 2 of you." she said nervously with a slight smile.

Brainy quickly reacted towards Nia's drunken behavior
And said to her. "Okay, that's it! You're drunk!! Definitely 100%.
I'm getting you straight to bed. So you can sleep this off in the morning. Nia." Brainy said being an loveable boyfriend in taking care of Nia. As he grabbed her hand leading her into the bedroom. But she refused to go.

she just stopped and let go of his hand and said. "What? No way! I'm not even tired.
I can stay up for hours." Nia said while dancing🎶refusing to go to bed.
Not wanting to cause she's so drunk right now😅.
Brainy sighed.
"Nia, come on. Please don't makes this harder for me! Then it already is..." he paused.
"Just let me help you," Brainy said dearly.
But Nia didn't listen.

Looks like I'm gonna have to do this the hard way then... I'm so sorry about this! Nia. But I'll try anything to get in bed for you to sleep this off. And you're really gonna feel it in the morning. I know that's for sure.
Brainy said to himself.

As he reached out of his hidden pocket... For a tonic. emergencies like this with Nia!
This seemed to work on Naltorians in the future (31st century) even Nia's descendent "Nura Nal" when they're really drunk and will help them sleep it off. And to put them to sleep right away with just a small spray.
Brainy immediately sprayed a mist of the tonic spray on Nia. As she flinched and twitched a bit at first. As it started to take effect.
feeling light headed and loopy. she groaned saying nothing but nonsense while falling asleep right away!

*The next day*

Nia woke up in bed feeling like she had a hangover.
Which she did! She did drink a lot last night at Al's bar. So it makes sense but she doesn't remember much of last night exactly😅.
Except for Being drunk at home in front of Brainy. As she was about to get out of bed with a bad headache. She groaned in pain...
As Brainy came bursting through the door with a glass of water and pills💊on a tray to help with the hangover she had.
Like any boyfriend would do for their girlfriend. But Brainy was really devoted to making Nia feels better!
After what happened last night that is...

"Oh, thank you! Brainy." Nia said thankfully for Brainy doing this.
As she took the pill💊, drank some water, and swallowed it.
"Of course, Nia. I'm glad to help you in any way I can till you're better!" Brainy said devotedly.
"Brainy, I appreciate it! But it is just a hangover.
I'll feel better tomorrow..." Nia said letting Brainy know she'll feel better the next day.
Brainy nodded. Already knowing that.
"I know, Nia. It's just that...

Nia silently smiled as she groaned in pain.
"You ok?" Brainy asked worriedly.
Nia replied. "I don't know. But I think that my hangover might be affecting my powers..." she said
Brainy sighed. "Well I thought it might," he said softly.
"Yeah probably... She paused.
her eyes widened in shock.
"You... What?!" Nia questioned what he meant by that.
"Don't worry, Nia. It's perfectly normal. All Naltorians get it from overdosing themselves with alcohol." Brainy said letting Nia know that she'll be ok and it's nothing too serious to worry about. While stating the facts too.

"You mean drunk?" Nia asked.
"Yes," Brainy confirmed that being the term he was referring to.

"But it doesn't make any sense? I have gotten drunk before, but nothing like this has ever happened!" Nia stated her experience in the past of being drunk. Before her powers manifested...
"Well, wasn't that before you got your powers?" Brainy questioned.
"Yes. But. I... I... uh." Nia paused as she put 2 and 2 together in her head. And that's when she realized it was before she got her powers.
"Oh, yeah. That's right!
Nia replied finally realizing that.
"I knew it. He replied back to her.

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