I'm feeling✨ "Happy" today!

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~{Chapter 67}~*This chapter is about when "The Superfriends" get infected by alien creatures called "happy😊slugs🪱" that cause them all to be extremely happy more than usual today. Then, Brainy is able to break free and they want to help the others... but it possesses them and attacks him to get what it wants the most! I hope you like it, Enjoy!*

*At the DEO*
*3:00 p.m.*
Director Danvers and other DEO agents came into the building and brought a glass cage with an Alien creature inside... a "blue slug" to be exact! That crash💥landed on Earth🌎just last night🌌outside the city🏙. As she asked Brainy, Agent Dox to put it into a secure cell chamber until they figure out if the blue slugs pose a dangerous threat to Earth. Also, do some research on the creatures since the DEO database had no info on them And so Brainy did as he was told! He placed the blue slugs in a cell for the time being and locked up the little creatures with a push of a few buttons◼️as the cell doors began to close slowly... one of the slugs slipped through the sliding door undetached by anyone... including Agent Dox himself. As it slithered up around his leg and up on his back after locking the cell up, he came out and walked into the main unit. But that's when the slug made it up to his shoulder and then crawled into his ear to infect his brain and take control of his mind someday and the others around him... including his friends. Then, Brainy scratched his left feeling something had gone inside but he just ignored it and got back to work!

*The next day, on a Saturday morning*
*9:30 a.m.*
Brainy woke up with the happiest smile😊on his face feeling✨extra happy today as he got out of bed quickly excited to start the day... and couldn't wait to see his beautiful girlfriend the woman he loved❤️the absolute most! He saw Nia drinking her coffee☕️in the kitchen by the counter wearing a stunning blue💙casual dress👗that made her look like a "dream". "The prettiest girl I've ever seen," Brainy thought💭to himself feeling as happy as ever! "Morning, My Nia Nal! Don't you look beautiful today?" he said lovely💗to her just coming out of the bedroom expressing his love & happiness towards the girl of his dreams🌌. Which caught Nia completely by surprise as she almost choked on her coffee and said💬. "Uh? Good Morning, Brainy, you sure seem like in a good mood today." Nia said softly. "Why would it be? I have a beautiful girlfriend who dreams✨of the impossible, a wonderful job, and on top of that I'm a 12th-level-Intelligent!" Brainy answered with excitement as he began to dance🎶with Nia twirling her around the room and into his arms. And Nia kinda likes it! But she did sense that there was something a little off about him today... like he was being too much of a romantic❤️toward her and overjoyed with happiness💖. Which is not like Brainy since he's been so in control of his emotions lately! Then, he kissed her passionately out of the blue and she loved that but also wondered why he did that in the first place. "Wow! Brainy, I've never seen you so happy and able to express yourself like this. I-I," Nia said sweetly pausing for a moment then she smiled brightly feeling happy & excited more than usual. Because the blue slug multiplied and one of them crawled into Nia's ear after they kissed.

After that Brainy and Nia went to *the Tower* to express their happy feelings✨for each other and without knowing it they infected their friends too. Well, except for Lena and Kara who were both immune to it. "I'm so happy!!!" Nia shouted out excitedly while dancing happily with Brainy. "I love you so much! Nia Nal," Brainy said with excitement expressing himself to how much he loves❤️Nia with all of his heart💚. Cause she makes him so "happy" and she feels the same way too. "And I love you, Querl Dox!" Nia replied excitedly feeling so much happiness in her heart💙. Lena and Kara watched all of them dancing with happy smiles on their faces. This made them both look at one another in confusion having no idea or clue "What The Hell was going on?!" with their best friend's behavior today. And that's when Kara noticed some odd glowing✨blue slime on the floor... both looked at each other thinking💭the same thing that this was the work of the blue slugs but they had to be sure. So one of them went to the DEO to check if the creatures were still in containment... and the other stayed
*at the Tower* to keep an eye on their friends so they wouldn't hurt themselves. As Lena got there and counted all of the slugs until she noticed one was missing😰.

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