Another Coluan in town!

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~{Chapter 37}~*this chapter is about there being a female coluan in National City! And Nia spotted her as She offers her help. But she refused thinking that Nia Nal holds Brainy back from his true potential! And wants to end her life that will allow him to unlock the darkest parts of himself and rule the earth🌎! I hope you like it, Enjoy!*

Nia had just finished patrol, she's heading home as Dreamer🌀stopped to see a woman with green skin and blonde hair. Same as Brainy. realizing that the woman is Coluan! And maybe she could use her help. Dreamer then approached Her saying. "You're Coluan!" Nia said. While observing that the woman in front of her is of the same species as her boyfriend Brainy. As the woman looked at Nia and said to herself out loud. "I have to admit, he did choose a smart Naltorian." She mumbled softly. But Nia heard it! Looking confused at what the female Coluan meant by that. pretended she didn't hear anything and spoke out of the blue. "Look, you're a Coluan Refugee. Maybe my boyfriend Brainy can help you..." Dreamer stated carefully.

She cackled wickedly. "Brainiac 5 will conquer this world🌎someday! As I will rule by his side when that day comes. But your one standing in the way! And must be eliminated for him to realize his true potential." She smirked evilly with a murderous look. As Nia shot out a dreamblast🌀at the Female Coluan But she immediately dodged it saying. "Aw, You actually thought your dreams🌀powers✨can harm me." She said evilly and closed in on Dreamer about to Strike! As she quickly dove out of the way before that could happen! When she caught her by surprise. As Nia was on the ground not expecting that attack on her...

Nia was at her weakest the female Coluan saw this to finish her off! As she took out a small device from her coat🧥pressed the button◼️.
it sent out powerful high-frequency sound waves that only Naltorians can hear causing them a Painful feeling in their ears! She covered her ears screaming in serious pain. "You see, Naltorians are the only ones who can hear these High-Frequened sounds causing you to be in unbearable pain. Which makes it the perfect weapon to end you," She explained. As she walked up to Dreamer Leaning down on her knees to say. "My name is Amira Quinn. Remember it. Nia Nal," She spoke softly into Nia's left ear. As She heard those words echoing in her ears.
her vision started to get blurry then passed out...

luckily, supergirl just happened to be flying by seeing Nia laying on the ground out cold. she picked up her friend noticing her injuries and immediately took off into the air... flying to the DEO at full speed. Before it was too late and hoped to save her in time.
As she contacted the DEO over Coms in preparing the med bay. and they did exactly that! without asking any questions
But Brainy had a few in mind😅.

*At the DEO*
Kara landed on the balcony of the building, and super sped into the med bay with Dreamer in her arms.
As she saw Brainy standing in the room. "BRAINY!" she yelled. which caught the Coluan by surprise... He jumped when Kara yelled at him like that. "I'm right here, Kara. You don't need to yell. I-I..." Brainy said softly. as he turned around and paused at the sight of Nia passed out in Kara's arms badly injured. his eyes widened in shock and understood why Kara told them to prepare the med bay before she got here. "Nia," he said. "What happened to her?!" He asked dearly while worrying about what happened while whimpering in tears💦looked at Kara for answers. she sighed sadly not having the answers. "I don't know, Brainy. I just found her like this..." Kara stated sadly wishing that she knew more. Brainy sighed while saying. "Well, we'll find the person who did this to her. Until then, we must treat Nia's wounds immediately." Brainy suggested urgently. Kara agreed. She placed Nia on a hospital bed as Brainy injected a syringe💉into his girlfriend's arm. Then, Lena and Alex quickly came in with a first aid kit to treat Dreamer's wounds.

*2 hours later*
Nia woke up, realizing that she was in Med Bay at the DEO. Brainy was by her side holding her hand dearly.
"Nia! You're awake! what happened to you? Who hurt you?!!" Brainy said worriedly while asking Her multiple questions all at once.
she was about to answer but couldn't speak right now. But she managed to get some words out saying. "Coluan💚, Hate, You, Her, Naltorian💙, Me, Love❤️, weakness, rule the "World🌎". Then, Nia passed out again after saying that.
As Brainy and Kara looked at each other in confusion as to what she meant by that😅...

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