Feelings✨comes back!

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~{Chapter 62}~*This chapter is set in "Season 5" when Nia gets badly injured and she has no one to look after her since her roommate "Yvette" is out of town visiting her family. This is why Brainy volunteered to help take care of her instead of going on one of Lex Luther's secret missions/jobs against Leviathan! Because no matter how hard he tries to pretend to not have any feelingsfor her anymore... his love❤️for Nia Nal will always find🔎a way back into his heart💚again.
I hope you like it, Enjoy!*

*At the DEO*
Dreamer🌀was unconscious for a few days while resting in the Med Bay while recovering from her surgery on her wounds getting patched up. Then, she finally woke up and saw Brainy by her side as he said💬. "Nia, you're up! I was so worried about you," Brainy said worriedly as he was glad to see her finally awake. Nia was confused about it since he had broken up with her and wanted nothing to do with her anymore... until now! "Brainy, what are you doing here? And why do you care?" Nia asked dearly in a weak, soft voice while regaining consciousness. He sighed and said. "I'm here to look after you until your wounds are healed. And of course, I care about you!" Brainy explained that he still cared about her and wanted to help. Nia sighed annoyed then said out loud. "I don't need your help. And since when do you decide to now care about me... For weeks, you ignored me, distanced yourself, and became a cold-hearted jerk!" Nia shouted out angrily😡💢expressing her emotions about how she'd felt what he had put her through while refusing his help and could do it herself.

Nia got up slowly out of the hospital bed and tried to walk off the pain if she accepted his help... because he would just leave her all over again. Brainy felt bad about that and then stopped her from leaving and saying 💬. "Nia, wait! Look, I know I haven't been the best person lately. Especially, to you. But you're still recovering... there's an 89% chance that you'll reopen your stitches," Brainy said explaining his actions for the way he'd treated her after their break-up then stated her medical condition from her surgery. "Yeah, you have been! But I'm fine. I-I. Ow," Nia said upset while in pain still as she placed her hand on top of her stomach where her stitches were... She was about to fall feeling unbearable in her body. Until Brainy caught her before Nia collapsed on the floor while holding her in his arms and said. "I told you. You need me, Nia. You need me," Brainy said dearly while looking into her eyes to somehow convince Nia that she does need help. And it worked! believe it or not... she cleared her throat and said💬. "Yeah, you're right," Nia said softly with a slight smile admitting that Brainy had a point and was right About needing his help after all. He helped her up and then carried her back onto the bed as she lay on her back to get some rest. "Thank you," Nia said in a soft, weak voice with her hand on her stomach while breathing in pain. "I'm always here for you! Nia Nal," Brainy said sweetly with love❤️in his eyes and then his eyes widened in shock realizing what he had said, and continued on... "Sorry, poor choice of words..." he spoke out sadly apologizing for saying that. But Nia didn't mind it as she said💬. "It's okay," she said weakly forgiving him while chuckling happily💓with a lovely smile😊. Brainy looked at her with a sad look in his eyes while hearing Nia's breathing and knew that she was going to pass out soon. Which will be in less than a minute or two...

Brainy got closer to Nia as he placed his hand on her cheek while looking deeply into her brown eyes to say💬. "Nia, look at me! How many fingers am I holding up?" he asked her dearly if she was still with him while holding up 4 fingers in his left hand. But she guessed wrong!😔
"Seven?..." Nia answered breathlessly as her vision was getting blurry and then she passed out while falling asleep😴💤dreaming✨of the impossible🌌. "NIA!" Brainy shouted out in tears💦hoping that she was okay. As his voice echoed inside her head.

*4 hours later, at Night🌃*
*At Nia's apartment*
After she woke up Brainy brought her home and took good care of Nia by making her a special tea🫖☕️/tonic🧪to ease her pain that helps Naltorians🌀heal✨quickly from their injured wounds. Then, they talked💬for hours...

*Late at Night🌙, close to nearly midnight🕛*
*11:45 p.m.*
Brainy was about to say good night to Nia when she stopped him and said. "Brainy! Wait, Before you go. I wanna "Thank you" for sticking around to take care of me tonight. Even though I was lashing out at you earlier... it wasn't fair of me to say that," Nia said softly feeling grateful for Brainy taking his time to look after her today while apologizing for yelling at him 4 hours ago😅. "It's okay, no need to apologize and I kinda deserved it actually😅... but you should know that I canceled my plans with Lex Luthor to take care of you, Nia Nal," Brainy said softly while letting her know that there's no need for apologies and told Nia that he chose her over working with Lex tonight. She was in shock that he would do something like that for her... as she said. "I can't believe you. Querl Dox, that is the sweetest thing!" Nia said looking at him feeling love❤️in her heart💙again. Brainy sighed sadly to tell her how he loved her and wanted to be with Nia Nal again! But couldn't say that as much as his heart💚 yearned for her. So instead, he said. "You should get some sleep," he said pushing down his feeling for her. "Okay," she replied in a soft voice and nodded her head in an "Yes" of understanding. "See you later," Brainy said softly walking past her about to walk out the door🚪. Until they had a moment as their eyes met gazing at each other for a long second... then he left closing the door slowly and carefully. "See ya," Nia said quietly in a soft tone in her voice when Brainy left while saying that. Speaking of he was still out in the hallway holding onto the doorknob not wanting to let go but then he did and was about to leave when he had a moment of weakness...
Not that Nia made him weak😅. She was his Strength💪that made him stronger and smarter actually🥰. Also, the love❤️he felt for her will "always find its way back into his heart💚" no matter how he tried to deny it or pretend not to feel anything "True Love" is something you can never get rid of... it's the strongest "love" there is in this World🌎!

Brainy walked back into Nia's apartment and immediately kissed her on the lips right away! Because he couldn't fight it anymore since his feelings for "Nia Nal" were stronger than ever... like he couldn't shake it even if he tried. And Nia should have been angry😡with him when he did that or pulled away to stop this. But she didn't. I guess in some way she wanted this to happen because of how much she still loved❤️him and missed this. Nia leaned into the kiss pressing her lips against his while wrapping her arms around Brainy feeling lots of love in her heart💙. Which seemed to last forever❤️. Then, he pulled away and broke the kiss as she said💬. "Brainy, Why did you do that? I thought you..." Nia asked him dearly still a little bit in shock at what just happened but also loving the feeling of it. But she had so many questions and that was the one that came out😅. Then, he interrupted Nia to answer her question as to why he kissed her. "I know Nia, I just couldn't lie to you anymore and you should know the truth..." Brainy said a little out of breath and about to tell her. "The truth?" Nia questioned softly wondering what that meant. "Yes, the truth! Because I never stopped loving you, Nia Nal, and yes I broke up with you... but I only did it to protect you from getting hurt by Lex if you knew," Brainy finally said and told her everything about why he did it.

"I'm so sorry, I hurt you! I-I. Uh," Brainy said out loud apologetically for breaking💔Nia's heart💙. She was in shock then smiled. "I forgive you, but you have to be honest with me from now on," Nia said softly forgiving Brainy for what he'd done but also wanting him to make a promise to her. Because love❤️always comes through in the end! "I promise you, Nia," he said softly making that promise to her. Then, they leaned into a hug🤗. After that, Brainy and Nia talked💬about their feelings... and during their conversation, she fell asleep😴on his shoulder as he smiled and tucked her into bed🛌to get some sleep. "We'll talk more about Us later, just rest. Nia," Brainy said lovely💗looking at her sleeping and sensing that she was dreaming✨ of the impossible🌌.

*3 hours later*
*2:00 p.m.*
Nia woke up and then they both💚💙talked💬for hours about their relationship... and how to make this work and that's by keeping another promise to each other to never keep secrets. So, they shook on it! And Brainy stayed overnight with her to make sure she was okay.

*Short chapter, sorry😅. I hope you enjoyed reading📖it though! Until next time...*

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