Nia's da💥Bomb💣!

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~{Chapter 82}~*This chapter is about when Nia was ambushed by two bad guys posing as *government agents* who wanted to talk💬to her💙until they knocked her out cold❄️to get the drop on "Dreamer🌀" to put a micro bomb💣in her neck into framing/blackmailing "Kara Danvers" aka *Supergirl* to surrendering herself to them or else her friend dies... I hope you like it, Enjoy!*

*In the morning, In National🏙City at CatCo Worldwide Media*
*10:20 a.m.*
Nia was working at her desk on a top story that Miss Grant and Kara assigned her to write today. Until "unexpected visitors" walked into the building🏢dressed in suits🤵🏻‍♀️🤵🏼kinda like the *Men In Black* but different without the "hunting aliens" part😅. Lol😂! They approached her at her workspace💻📑📝📰and said💬for dramatic effect... "Miss Nal, do you have a moment? We'd like to speak with you in private. We are from the government agency," Edward Dearborn said as an introduction to who they are. Nia sensed there was something off about them and wasn't sure if she could trust them and thought to ask the obvious question. "Okay, what about?" Nia asked out of curiosity.
"It's about your boyfriend Querl Dox," Clarissa Ford explained to Nia why they came to her work to talk💬to her about "Brainy". Which was a big *white lie* so, that they could get her alone with no witnesses around... then, She went outside the building with the two government agents who aren't who they say they are. "We got her, we got Dreamer," Edward Dearborn said on comms confirming that they have the "Naltorian hero" and they successfully injected the *micro* bomb💣in her and were ready for the next phase of their plan.

*An hour later*
Nia was unconscious on the ground out cold as she was passed out... Brainy walked by heading to see Nia Nal at *CatCo* apartment for their lunch date to pick her up until he immediately noticed his girlfriend💙passed out and quickly acted on it! "Nia, wake up!" Brainy said loudly trying to wake her up from being "out cold" and wanted to know if she was "okay," Nia moaned in pain gasping for air waking up at the sound of Brainy's voice and looking around "unsure" of what happened? which is what he wanted to know... "Nia, are you okay?" Brainy asked as a concerned worried boyfriend. "Yeah, I think so," Nia said softly feeling fine. "But what happened?" he asked. "I was at Catco about an hour ago until these two government agents but I think they lied about that part just to knock me," Nia explained to Brainy, her boyfriend what happened to her.

*At the Tower*
*11:31 a.m.*
Brainy wanted to make sure that Nia really was "okay" by running some tests on his girlfriend just in case. But sadly, she wasn't... until his *coluan💚scanner* picked up something inside her skin that shouldn't be there. There are Traces of "thermite" in her skin like an Explosive💥but she is the explosion or the teen slang "She da Bomb," Meaning, there is an actual active *micro bomb* in her neck. "Sprock! It's a bomb. When you were knocked out they must have injected you with it..." Brainy said smartly stating the facts of the obvious of Nia's current situation. And he was spot on! So, Alex and Lena tried to find the bomb💣in Nia's body by scanning it with a *magnetic🧲detector* device to locate it so, that they could surgically remove it... while Kara was out in the city searching for the two people who did this to Nia.
"Put the magnet down!" Brainy demanded immediately walking into the main room from the  *tower lab* warning them both to be careful with the "magnet device" Because it's a "concentrated bomb" it'll combust when in contact or exposed to magnetic🧲friction⚡️and an oxidant. Meaning that the bomb will explode and kill Nia if it comes in contact with "air". Which Brainy explained to the three of them as Alex and Lena immediately know what he meant by that and both stopped what they were doing in slowly moving away from Nia in shock to that realization. This made Nia worry and she was concerned about what they all knew sensing that it wasn't "good". "What's wrong? Why did you guys stop and what aren't you telling me?" She asked multiple questions out of curiosity. "Air. Uh, the micro-bomb💣will explode💥if it comes in contact with "air". Meaning you," Lena explained wisely more in detail to Nia for her to fully understand. Nia blinked her eyes in shock scared by the fact that she could die... but she knew and trusted her friends and Brainy that they would find a way to save her before the worst happened. "Don't worry, Nia. We're gonna find another way to get it out. I won't let anything bad happen to you. I promise," Brainy Said devoted to saving her no matter what. Then, the 3 of them went to the other room to come up with a plan on how to remove the microbomb in Nia's neck that doesn't involve losing her... "What if we use a quick enough device to remove it from Nia's neck?" Lena added as a suggestion. "No, it's too risky. I'm gonna find a way to get it out. I just need more time," Brainy said logically while stating the facts that Lena's suggestions to using a fast device to extract and disarm the bomb safely that doesn't seem too risky and Nia's life was on the line so, he wanted to find an easier solution to getting out.

*[Time skipped to the afternoon and then the evening]*

*An hour later, Back at the tower*
*5:30 p.m.*
Nia was waiting patiently in the main room for her friends with a new plan to save her from blowing up. Until Brainy stepped into the room with a "high-powered weapon" in his hand to use on his girlfriend to safely remove the bomb without setting off or triggering it to go off😅.
"Uh, Brainy? do you want to explain to me what you plan on doing with that high-tech gun? And why are you pointing it at me like that?..." Nia asked the obvious questions. "Well, don't worry, Nia this is going to help get the micro bomb out of you by pulling the trigger on your neck where the bomb is located inside your skin. The operating pressure on this gun is over 1,000 PSI. And this'll easily and quickly suck up the micro bomb out of your neck and into the barrel with one high powered shot." Brainy said softly holding the pressure gun in his hands while explaining to Nia in detail how to do it and stating the facts logically based on his calculations of there being an *80/90* percent chance of Nia's survival in the gun pressing against her skin. "Well, there is an 80% risk. The gun does use compressed air." He added concerned sensitive information. "I trust you, Brainy," Nia said softly touching his hand in letting Querl Dox know that she trusted him completely. Because her life is in his hands... which is in good hands since her boyfriend so happens to be a 12th-level intelligent. So, she knew that Brainy will save her! He nodded and said. "Okay, you ready? Nia," Brainy asked softly. "Yeah, just get it over with..." Nia said ready for the shot in the neck to get the micro-bomb out while trying not to look when he did it. So maybe it won't hurt as much😅. But Brainy was nervous and hesitant at first as Nia peeked her eyes out seeing fear in his eyes afraid to shoot her even if it was to save her life. However, he just couldn't bring himself to do it because of how much he'd loved❤️ "Nia Nal" with all of his heart💚and didn't want to hurt her or worse be the one responsible for her "death" if this didn't work. "Do it, Brainy it's okay," Nia said softly looking him in the eyes that it'll be "okay" and trusted Brainy more than anyone in the world🌎with her own life. He took a deep breath and slowly pulled the trigger placed on Nia's neck as a high-pitched sound of suction successfully got the bomb out of her just in time before the clock ran out🤩😉.
"I'VE GOT THE BOMB OUT!" Brainy said out loud in excitement that he did save Nia Nal's life after all! Just loud enough for Kara to hear over the *comms* at the bad guy's lair/hideout and immediately grabbed the remote from them and crunched it with her fist into a million pieces as Lindsey and Edward screamed "No" in defeat. Luckily, Alex, John, and the Police showed up just in time to arrest them for the crimes they committed today for impersonating government agents and attacking the hero known as "Dreamer" So, yeah They are going away for a long time...

*At night, in National🌃City, at Nia's apartment*
*8:00 p.m.*
Nia just got home to find Brainy on the couch waiting for her til she got back from work... So, She asked the obvious question to her boyfriend about. "Brainy? Were you waiting for me to get home all this time? After I left the Tower hours ago," Nia questioned sweetly asking the obvious while taking her jacket🧥, and purse👜off. Then, Brainy immediately got up to explain to her. "Of course, I was worried about you! Nia Nal, you could have died tonight, and the next thing you did after the bomb was out... you just went right back to work. Acting like nothing happened!" Brainy said loudly "worried sick" about his girlfriend💙considering the fact that she almost died today and still, Nia went to work after that. She sighed. "Brainy, I know you're worried about me. Like you "always" do because you have such a selfless, caring good heart. It's one of the reasons why I love you. Querl Dox," Nia said lovely in knowing how much Brainy was worried about her today while stating all the reasons why she loves Brainy with all of her heart and told him that he had nothing to worry about because everything worked out in the end. He smiled wiping her tears away about to say until Nia immediately kissed Brainy on the lips to express her feelings toward how much she loves❤️and appreciated him for being her "hero" tonight. Then, she broke the kiss shortly to say. "You saved my life, Brainy. And I am internally grateful for that because I may be "Dreamer" but tonight Querl Dox you were my "hero" and I love you for that." Nia said Lovely was entirely grateful for Brainy, his boyfriend using his intelligence and skills to get the bomb out of her neck today. "I love you too. Nia Nal," Brainy said lovely for saving his girlfriend's life and being Nia's "hero" today because he would do it again in a heartbeat.

*Sorry, short chapter😅.*

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