Sick Together

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~{Chapter 4}~ *this chapter is about when Brainy catches a computer virus. Causing it to feel like the flu.
And Nia gets a cold that she got from someone at work. So, it ended up being a Sick day for both of them...
And trying to take care of each other in the process. I hope you like it, Enjoy!*

Brainy was wrapped around in warm blankets by Nia before she left for work moments ago on the couch.
Nia would have been here taking care of him for the whole day... But he didn't want her to get his sickness.
Or to be a burden to her missing work.
He coughed and groaned at how wet the cough sounded. Brainy sighed and shifted inside a cocoon of blankets.
he wasn't even sure how he got sick in the first place; There were a few things that could infect an AI that is state-of-the-art as Himself.
He suspected it to be a computer virus, that had weakened his system enough for an organic virus to attack. Such as similar to the Cold or the flu that humans get when they're sick. Although his body was good at keeping viruses out of his system, it wasn't as effective when the virus was already inside.

Nia just got back from work earlier, She was caught coughing and sneezing at her desk by Miss Grant.
So she was sent home Immediately... Not liking sick people around in her workspace.

On Nia's way home, she was in the apartment building in the hallway coughing non-stop.
When she reached the apartment, she opened the door to see Brainy on the couch covered in blankets.
Right where she left him earlier before she left 3 hours ago...

Brainy looked up to see Nia was back from Catco earlier than expected...
"Nia, you're early? I thought you be at work for the whole day," he questioned.
Nia replied while blowing her nose with a small tissue.
She sighed sadly, feeling weak and sick.
"Well, I did. But Miss Grant send me home. Cause, I'm sick." Nia said weakly As she sat next to him on the couch. Feeling totally drained and out of it.
Brainy looks at Nia concerned and worried about his girlfriend. Thinking💭that he may be responsible for her being Sick.
He thought that, his computer virus might have affected her in some way...

"What? You're sick! But how?! You were perfectly fine 2 hours ago before you left. Oh, please don't tell me I got you sick..." He said worriedly while rambling.
Nia was about to answer that, till she began coughing while covering her mouth.
" Yeah, I'm sick. Brainy. But Calm down. Don't worry. I didn't catch it from you.
I think I caught it from someone at work today." She said weakly.

"How can you be sure? There's no way you could've gotta sick from someone at work within 3 hours of being there. 98% chance you got it from me." Brainy stated the facts. Even though he's sick.
(Nia sighed sadly)
"Brainy you're forgetting that I'm Half-human. I could get a cold or the flu just like any other human would. besides, we're not even the same species!" Nia answered. Being sure of herself.

"I didn't forget. I know that's possible for you... Nia Nal. But my half-computer side is supposed to prevent me from getting sick, and yet
Somehow I got sick. Who knows if my virus affected you... Or what it's doing to you, a fully organic life-form?" He said concerned for Nia.
And for her life...

"Brainy, you worry too much. Trust me it's just a cold or the flu.
Besides this means I get to care of you. Since I'm already sick.
And you can take care of me." Nia said softly. Trying to cheer him up
While being positive and optimistic.

Brainy pouted, wanting Nia to take this seriously. But his worry turned into a smile.
After hearing that, Brainy felt warmth in his heart💚. Knowing he'll get to take care of Nia Nal
And she'll get to take care of him.

Then he started coughing non-stop, and so did Nia.
When They both began coughing at the same time While comforting each other in the process...
After they both stopped coughing, they looked at one another...
As Brainy placed his hand on hers and said.
"What have I done to deserve you? Nia Nal," he asked her playfully.

Nia smiled while kissing Brainy on his green forehead lightly.
She replied. "Everything," Nia said softly with a bright smile.
Brainy had no words to say at this moment. When his girlfriend said that, there was nothing left to say.

"Do you want anything? Soup? Tea?" he asked

Nia replied. Not needing anything from him right now.
"I'm fine, thanks."
Brainy added. "I'll get you some water, just in case," Brainy said softly as he got up and went into the kitchen
To get some water. Even though she didn't need it or asked for it...😅

Nia rolled her eyes, Brainy had always been so protective of her, and
She was always so grateful to him for that.

brainy returned within seconds, he had a glass of water in his hands,
"Here," he handed it to her... When he said that.
As Nia had one sit of the glass of water and set it down on the coffee table in front of her.
She felt like her throat had cleared up a bit.

So I guess Brainy was right to get it for her. She did need it after all.

As her lovingly boyfriend wrapped his blankets around her, wanting her to feel warm...
Even though, he was also sick too. He wanted to make sure Nia was not cold, comfortable and relaxed.
He sat down on the couch next to her while wrapping himself in the blankets around him. just to be close to her.

She smiled brightly.
"I... I honestly don't know what I did to deserve you, Brainy. Thank you."
Brainy smiled. " No, Nia Nal. Thank you. And you didn't have to do anything.
You are 100% worth it... in so many ways possible." he said lovely💕.

Nia commented.
"I guess we'll be sick together then," Nia said softly. As she placed her head on his shoulder.
"Sure, looks that way. Nia Nal," he replied softly, while feeling her warmth on his shoulder.
Knowing that she's warming up a bit. And that made him happy.
He added.
"But by my calculations, there's a 99% chance I'll probably be the first to recover from this computer virus.
Due to my hyper-metallism ability. And you'll still need a few days to recover from this cold of yours." Brainy said stating the facts in his brain.

Nia sighed with a slight smile and looked up at him.
Even when Brainy has a computer virus infecting his system. He still managed to calculate the best outcome.
He's the smartest person I know. She thought.
"We'll see. Brainy." Nia said, as she drifted off to sleep without knowing it.
he smiled at her. Seeing his girlfriend fall asleep on his shoulder. And found it "cute".

*The next morning*
Nia woke up coughing  in bed while sneezing too. She's still sick.
As Brainy eyed her... Knowing that he would be the first to recover leaving his Nia Nal sick. Maybe even worst!
So I guess Brainy was right. As usual😅.

"I told you, you would still be sick,"
"I know, you were right," Nia said while sniffling.
"Of course, I'm right. You're dating a 12th-level-intellect". He replied in confidence.
"You're right. Like always!..." she said while placing her hand on his cheek.

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