Elevator Kiss❤️

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~{Chapter 27}~*this chapter is about when Nia is trapped in an elevator on her way out of work
When Kara can't come to help her friend... Brainy comes to Nia's rescue! And they share an epic❤️kiss...
I hope you like it, Enjoy!*

*At the DEO*
"AGENT DOX!" Alex shouted out
Brainy immediately walked into the med bay when Alex called his name.
"What is it?! Alex. What's wrong?" Brainy asked concerned.
"It's Nia..." she paused. While looking down
As She continues. "she's trapped in an elevator at CatCo!
the cables could snap any minute... And Kara can't get to her in time.
Nia needs you. You gotta go SAVE HER!" Alex said urgently while ordering Agent Dox
To go and save his girlfriend. Brainy nodded. "I'm on it! I'll go save my Nia Nal!" he said heroically with passion
Go and save Nia before it's too late!

But he immediately stopped and realized that didn't know what floor of Catco
Nia is stuck on. "Oh wait! Before I go... What floor is she stuck on?" he asked.
Alex facepalmed on her forehead and forgot to tell Brainy what floor Nia is stuck on in the elevator.
"Oh, right. She's stuck on the 60th floor." Alex said. "Got it! Thanks, I'll get Nia out of there before the cable snaps" Brainy said heroically
As he suited up into his brainiac purple suit. And ran outside of the DEO with his super speed and jumped into the air and flew away heading to CatCo. He was flying. As fast as he could to get there in time before he lost the love of his life!

*Nia stuck in an elevator at CatCo*
She tried calling📲for help. Meaning Brainy!
But she lost signal and her battery died.
"Come on, you got to be kidding me?!" Nia shouted out frustrated.
that's when the elevator began to shake she heard a loud thud. she screamed in fear. Yelled out-
Help! SOMEONE, PLEASE HELP ME!" She cried in tears afraid of dying in an elevator.
When she had an idea to get out of the elevator on her own before it collapses. She looked up and saw an opening And thought maybe she could open up that small shack using her dream energy with her "phone cord lasso" to climb out of there before the elevator goes down to 60 stores. Which will kill her... And Nia wasn't planning on dying like this! And didn't want to end the cycle of the "Dreamer🌀".

It was worth a shot!😅better than doing nothing or waiting for Brainy to come to her rescue!
He was on his way... Coming as fast as he could! But Nia just could wait that long.
And she did just that. As she was able to open up the small door and climbed up using her powers to get herself on top
of the elevator and stood on top. But she couldn't fight a ladder or anything to get out of the elevator shack...
But the Elevator began to shake again! As Nia has done her best to balance on top while holding on to her DEAR LIFE!!!
As she saw the cables were about to snap... So, she had to think fast before that happens! She looked around looking for something to help
Her out in this situation she's in right now. When she looked down at her gauntlet bracelet and had an idea💡in mind.

Nia jumped into the air and threw her phone cord lasso made out of dream🌀energy with all her might...
As it wrapped around a pole and tightened. She sighed with relief. She was basically dangling down in an elevator shaft with
her "phone🌀cord lasso" being the only thing from keeping her from fallin to her death😰. Well, it's not the best idea I had.
at least I wasn't in the elevator. Otherwise, I'd be dead by now. Nia thought to herself scared with a nervous look.

lucky, Brainy showed up just in time! he saw Nia dangling from a pole holding onto her dream energy lasso
on the edge Of the elevator shaft. And he was very impressed with Nia for thinking of that.
"smart thinking! Nia," he said. Nia gasped when she heard him and looked up seeing him floating in the air. 
Well, flying like 3 inches above her. "Brainy thank god! You're here!" Nia said relieved that he came to her rescue.
"Yeah, I'm here! Don't worry. Just let go and grab a hold of my hand." he said softly as he got closer to her while putting
his hand out for Nia to grab onto to get out of the elevator shaft. Nia's eyes widened in shock when Brainy said that to her.
"What? Are you Crazy?!? I can't do that..." she yelled afraid of falling. As She added. "I have to focus on my powers to make sure
that I don't fall 60 stores down to my death!" Nia shouted out to him terrified with fear in her eyes.

"Nia, you have to trust me!" He said to her dearly. Her eyes widened when Brainy said that.
"Of course, I TRUST YOU!!! I'm just afraid of falling." She said scared😨.
As she looked down and back up. While Trembling in fear and shaking.
Brainy sensed Nia feeling fearful and her eyes had fear in them. he knew that
He should comfort her in this situation. And got even closer to her in mid-air...
"Don't worry, I won't let that happen... I'll catch you if you do. I promise." Brainy said devotedly with passion❤️in a heroic voice.

But I-I..." Nia paused. As she closed her eyes and had a dream🌀flash✨of her falling 60 stores down
when her dream energy lasso vanished from exhaustion as she fell to her death and Brainy wasn't fast enough to save her!
As she opened her eyes seeing just that While gasping in shock at the fear of that happening. And having trouble breathing!
Like a heart attack. As her dream energy lasso started to glitch a bit and started to fade away. As it disappeared and Nia screamed in the distance of falling down slowly in slow-motion. Brainy saw that as he immediately rushed toward her and caught her in mid-air!
As he held Nia in his arms dearly and tightly. "Nia, it's ok. I got you! You're safe." He said softly holding her closer to his chest While stroking her hair and comforting her to let her know she was ok.

Nia stopped breathing so hard and said. "Oh, thank you! Brainy You've saved me. I thought I was going to die!!
I saw a dream vision of it happening..." Nia said in tears💦while whimpering😭. As she cried on his shoulder
And wrapped her arms around Brainy dearly and tight. She added before he could answer. "then you stopped it from happening.
I can't believe you. I really don't what to say..." she paused softly. "Of course, I would save you... Nia Nal. You're my everything!
And I would save you. No matter what." he said heroically. Brainy added. "So, you ready to go up to the roof?" He asked softly while looking into Nia's eyes lovely. As Nia did the same thing by looking into Brainy's eyes lovely as well. "Yeah." she paused. "In Just... A second." Nia said softly. "Okay." He paused dearly. they both leaned in for a kiss Closing their eyes into a soft passionate kiss. Feeling each other's warmth. It was short. But it felt like the most epic kiss they've ever shared In situations like this...

After the kiss, gazing into each other's eyes dearly and lovingly.
"Hold on Tight. Nia Nal," Brainy said sweetly in a heroic voice.
"Okay," she said softly after almost having a life-death experience.
she held tightly onto him... Just as he told her to do.
Brainy quickly flew Nia out of the Elevator shaft and onto the roof.
And sat her down. As she was on her feet again! she couldn't help but run into his arms
and hugged her loveable boyfriend for coming to her rescue and saving her like that.
"I know I said before... But thank you so much! You really save my life!
You were my hero today. Querl Dox. And I love you for that." Nia said to him as she kissed him on the cheek.

he touched his cheek with his green left hand where Nia kissed him. Feeling so much love❤️.
As they both waved at each other lovely.
"IN LOVE❤️".

Nia walked back inside Catco told Kara what happened...
As for Brainy went back to work at the DEO and told Alex about what happened too.
both were ecstatic💗that those two love💙💚birds share an epic kiss as the heroes they are!

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