The Truth comes out!

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~{Chapter 72}~*This chapter is set in "Season 5" after the *Bottle Episode* about what if Brainy never broke up with Nia in the first place and their relationship stayed the same as before. Now that his inhibitors are off his "feelings" for her💙stronger than ever! But sadly, he still had to work for *Lex Luthor* in secret while having to lie to his girlfriend every day to protect her... if Lena was on the right side of defeating Leviathan for once and she and Kara made up with each other and that she knew about being a *Witch* too😅. However, Nia starts to get suspicious of Brainy's disappearance lately after or during their dates❤️like he was keeping something from her. So, she asks her to do a *truth spell* to help stop the secrets! I hope you like it, Enjoy!*

*At Night🌃, in a local restaurant near the waterfront inside*
*8:39 p.m.*
Brainy and Nia were out to dinner on their date and they were having a wonderful time together! Until he got a text message💬from
"Lex Luthor" said that he needed Director Dox, *ASAP* to report to him at the *DEO*. Brainy had a sad look on his face after reading the text he got on his phone📲but not obvious to Nia and looked at her about to say that would ruin another one of their Date❤️Nights🌃🌙.
"I have to go now, Nia. I'm sorry, it's work." Brainy said urgently about to leave while making up some "fake" excuse of why he had to cut their date short tonight. "Oh, I see. Does Alex need your help at the DEO again?" Nia questioned softly pretending to be "okay" with it and tried hiding her sadness behind her fake smile😁while testing a theory of whether Brainy would lie or be honest with her about where he was really going. Which caught Him by surprise unsure of what to say😰😅until he knew exactly what must be said. "I-I. Uh, Yes! Alex, that's right she needs my help with getting an alien prisoner back in its cell that escaped. So, I should go, but I'll call you." Brainy explained softly stuttering his words a bit and basically repeated what she said but differently in his own way and fiddled with his legion ring nervously telling yet another "lie" to the Woman he loved❤️for the "fifth" time in a row this week. And hated every minute of it as it was killing him inside of being untruthful with her while letting Nia know that he'd definitely call her afterward. Then, he kissed Nia on her cheek and then rushed out of the restaurant, and headed quickly to the *DEO* to see what Lex wanted. Nia sighed sadly when Brainy left her again as she devoured her wine🍷in a matter of seconds drinking her "feelings" and got up taking some cash💵out of her purse👛and placing it on the table to pay for their drinks🍷🥃again without getting to dinner🥘🥗... then, she left the restaurant walking home back to her apartment all "alone" and didn't like it when he was lying to her for no reason.

*Late at Night*
It was a thunderstorm⛈⚡️happening outside in the City🏙as Nia was tossing and turning in bed while talking💬in her sleep😴💤having a "bad dream" about Brainy who was evil laughing inside the dream realm saying... "The truth will set you free. Nia, but it can also get you hurt or worse killed... so I will protect you from it at all costs," Dream🌀Brainy💚said in devotion to protecting her no matter what.
Suddenly, an owl🦉appeared flying above Nia and landed on a nearby tree🌳. Otherwise known as the *symbol* of "Truth". "Owls will bring to light what is in the dark," she thought💭. And it wasn't just any ordinary Owl... it was her "mother's owl" who spoke out with truthful wisdom saying "Honesty will *always* get you farther in life than lies ever could. A "lie" may open many doors but it will only be slammed in your face when the "truth" comes out," It said wisely.

*The next day, on a Saturday morning*
*10:35 a.m.*
Nia gasped awake from her dream✨she had about Brainy keeping "secrets" and lying to her about it. But she knew that he was only doing this out of the goodness in his heart💚... so *in the morning* after breakfast she called Lena telling her about the dream vision🌌about Brainy and thought that he was lying to her and wanted her to come to her apartment asking for help, and she immediately rushed over
as they both sat down on the couch to talk. "Thanks for coming, 'cause I need your help... "Magical Help," Nia said softly asking for her help to get Brainy to admit the truth by force with her witchcraft and spells to do the trick. "So, you're asking me to make a "truth potion" with my magic?" Lena questioned looking at her friend and wondering if this was necessary to do. But to Nia it was!... "Yes, I know it's a lot to ask of you, Lena. But I had a dream flash✨about Brainy that he's keeping a "secret" from me out of protection in order to keep me safe. And I saw an Owl🦉that is the *symbol* of "Truth" in Dream Interpretation. Besides, I know Brainy and that he only does wrong things out of "love" and protecting the people he loves❤️...  including me! Even if it means that he has to lie to me about it and I'm sure it's for a good reason. But l have to know the truth," Nia explained to her why she believes Brainy is lying based on her dream🌌from last night and wants to know what's up with all of the secretaries of her boyfriend being dishonest with her. Lena sighed and finally agreed to make a "truth serum" for Nia to help her know why Brainy is keeping her in the dark and lying to them all... besides, she has noticed his odd behavior whenever around Lex at the *DEO* and then began working on it in secret with the ingredients from the garden in the City🏙.

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