Brainy💚saves Dreamer's life!

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~{Chapter 70}~*This chapter is set in *Season 5* after the Brainia💚💙breakup Dreamer🌀gets captured which leaves Brainy with mixed feelings and then immediately comes to her rescue cause of how much he loves her with all of his heart! Because he refused to let Nia die after everything he did to protect her And would sacrifice his partnership with Lex to save the love of his life and tell her everything too. I hope you like it, Enjoy!*

*Late at Night*
*12:15 a.m*
Dreamer🌀was patrolling the city alone cause everyone was busy doing their own thing tonight and didn't have the time. even Brainy who is working late *at the DEO* doing Lex's dirty work which he hated but had no choice in the matter... in order to save the World🌎 and keep his friends safe and the women he loved from getting hurt. "I can't believe that he's working with Lex! I hate him for what he has done. Deep down I still love Brainy unconditionally❤️." she said to herself softly as she stood from on top of a building rooftop getting down about to use her dream powers to get home and finish with "patrol" for the night. Until someone came behind her with a Taser and shocked Nia knocking her out cold. The person who tasered her was a man wearing a black jacket and mask who took it off to say for dramatic effect.
"Got ya! Sweet dreams✨. Dreamer," he said softly leaning down and looking at her, and quickly took Nia to a secure location in his hideout to turn some tests on her since she was the first Naltorian he'd seen in years.

*The next day, in the morning*
*10:45 a.m.*
*At the DEO*
Brainy was working on the immortality kill code but was having some trouble getting it working then his phone rang and he answered quickly to find who was calling distracting him from his important work of saving the world and his friends... including the woman he loved breaking up with Nia in order to protect her from getting hurt. But in the end, he broke her heart💔and destroyed💥their relationship when she found out that he was working with "Lex Luthor" behind her back she knew that he couldn't be trusted cause he's changed and didn't recognize this Brainy anymore.

[Kara on the phone📲with Brainy]
"Brainy, It's Nia! She's in trouble," she explained loudly urgently.
"Hello, to you Kara Danvers," he replied softly pretending not to care when he obviously did.
"Look, Brainy. I know you broke up with her 3 months ago, but this is Nia we're talking about! She needs you. And I know that you still care about her so please do the right thing," Kara said softly and knew that he still loved❤️Nia deep down inside his heart💚. BeCause that "kinda Love never dies". It stays with you "forever" till the end of space & time.
[Brainy on the phone📲with Kara]
"It's not like I don't want to help... Believe I do. It's just that I have a lot on my plate right now since the *DEO* got destroyed💥
And Lex wants me to," Brainy said stating the facts of his responsibilities.
Kara rolled her eyes annoyed cause the choice was so obvious. "Well, what's really important to you... your partnership with Lex or saving Nia who could be in danger?" Kara asked him softly. She added. "Please, just think about it. Brainy, and make the right decision," Kara said wisely ending the call for dramatic effect of Brainy figuring out himself hoping that he chooses "Nia". After that, he sat at his desk in silence thinking💭it through, and then made the right decision!

*Meanwhile Nia who was strapped to a chair in a dark abandoned warehouse with power-dampening cuffs on*
*4:00 p.m.*
Dreamer cried out loud screaming in pain😣 and agony feeling her powers being drained by a man using a high-tech machine to deplete alien abilities especially, "dream energy" to take away from her by force to use for his own selfish reasons... Nia was holding her own fighting as long as she could refuse to allow her dream🌀powers✨ to be taken away and given into the hands of someone who would use them for evil instead of for the greater good of the world🌎& the universe🌌. But that is just a thought she'd had in mind of why this mad scientist kidnapped her so she didn't really know the real reason why... also, her powers can't be transferred to one person especially, to a male since it's Nia's destiny to be "the Dreamer" and no one could take that away from her. So, the real question is what was his plan with Dreamer exactly? Brainy left the DEO moments later heading to Nia's last location before she went missing then heard screams of horror inside an *abandoned warehouse that used to make military weapons when the owner went out of business years ago, he quickly super jumped on top of the roof looking through the class glass window ceiling and then saw Dreamer in pain being tortured and desperately wanted to help her no matter the cost... as Brainy wanted to get closer to what's going on and why this mad doctor was torturing the woman he loved and carefully opened the window up to get inside without being seen. He quickly hid behind some storage closet watched from a distance and listened to their conversation. "Ow," Dreamer said weakly panting heavily in pain as she finally caught her breath to say. "Why are you doing this to me?" Nia asked softly out of curiosity. "You're the Dreamer, right? A Naltorian woman gifted with dream powers to see into the future and convert it into its physical form..." he explained softly knowing a lot about her powers and Naltorian history. Dreamer nodded in that being "correct" with a confused look on her face. "Well, you see I like to use that energy of yours. Nia Nal, to put it to go use instead you playing "hero" by Electric shock therapy into your brain to force your Naltorian dream energy out of you by force." Dr. Powers said to her dramatically with an evil look in his eyes stating what he wants from her. She gasped in fear as her eyes widened in shock and said. "Wait, no you can't! That would kill me." Dreamer yelled out stated the facts of her dying in her dream powers being pulled out of her body by force cause it's who she is inside. He cackled evilly with a wicked smile and said. "Exactly! Well, it was nice knowing you... not." He said out loud that's "exactly" what he plans on doing and looked at Dreamer with a murderous smile on his face while thrilled to get started.
"No. Please, don't do this... I-I," Nia said fearfully panicking heavily afraid of dying as she closed her eyes hoping that it won't hurt so much if she didn't see. Then, suddenly, the machine automatically turned off without any explanation! She opened her eyes a bit to see Brainy had knocked out the guy and turned off the machine just in time before it drained her powers and killed her. Luckily, he saved her life just at the right moment! She was grateful but didn't quite understand why since Brainy made it pretty clear that he wanted nothing to do with her anymore... so, she had to find out the reason why.

"Brainy?" She questioned softly at the sight of him that he saved her from almost being killed. He ran up to her immediately and unlocked her cuffs with his coluan💚powers/abilities by connecting to the main frame of the tech built inside it that managed to overload the system in letting Nia's hands, arms, and legs be free as he said. "Yes, it's me! Nia, I'm here, and it's okay. I turned the device so you're safe now..." Brainy said softly in a comforting voice that she was going to be "alright" now. "Yeah, I noticed that. Brainy, but why? Last time I checked you didn't care about me, cause you made that pretty clear last week," Dreamer🌀said softly stating the facts of their last fight and asking the obvious question while crossing her arms upset💢and glaring at Brainy annoyed in need of an explanation for saving her life.
He sighed sadly looking at her having a feeling that Nia would ask him that sooner or later😅and then replied giving her an answer. " Why? You ask well it's because I still love you, Dreamer! I always have. I've never stopped loving you...and the only reason I pushed you away and hurt you is to protect you, but I was wrong. Letting you go was the hardest thing I ever had to do," Brainy admitted sadly and confessed the truth of why he did what he had to do for "Love" and saving the world🌎 & the future✨. But then realized that was wrong and stupid for him to do that to Nia and there was no excuse for what he did. She was a bit in shock but then smiled. "Brainy, I can't believe that you would. I-I," She said softly in a weak voice seeing red dots about to lose consciousness but Brainy caught her in time sensing that Nia had been through a lot and needed rest to conserve her energy of her powers being 89% drained... "It's okay, Dreamer, I've got you," he said wrapping his arms around her and then contacting the police to deal with the bad guy cause he wanted to spend this time with Nia to make sure she was "Okay" Then he quickly jumped off the ground and flew out of there in a matter of seconds. "And I'm never letting you go ever again," Brainy said dearly holding Dreamer🌀tightly flying in the air heading in the direction of her apartment to be by her side cause how she meant the absolute world🌎to him with all of his heart💚and refused to let "Nia Nal" out of his sight ever again.

*A few hours later*
Brainy took Dreamer🌀home placing her on the couch to rest... he waited for a while and when she did they talked about their feelings. Nia forgave him and Brainy was so glad that she did! They made up wanting to fix things in their relationship to make it better and stronger than ever based on loyalty, honesty, and trust in staying together with keeping no more secrets... Brainy and Dreamer leaned into a hug wrapping their arms around one another to be this close to each other again! "Can you stay the night? I don't want to be alone tonight," Nia said softly grabbing his hand and asked Brainy to stay overnight at her place if he wanted to. He smiled. "Of course, I'll stay. Besides, I'm pretty sure my partnership with Lex is over. Cause I chose you over everything... and I would do it all over again in a heartbeat❤️if it meant saving your life. Nia Nal, I love you." Brainy said lovely happy to stay and stated the facts of "Lex Luther" being furious with him. But for once he didn't care about that cause all he wanted to do was with here with Nia right now. "Oh, Brainy. I love you too," She said lovely with a smile.

They leaned into a kiss pressing their lips against each other passionately while putting their arms around each other in pulling deeper into the kiss to feel one another's warmth and both felt so much "love" and "happiness" in their hearts💚💙.
"Wow, I missed that so much. You, us, and to be this close to you again! I-I," Brainy said deeply in love after ending the kiss shortly. She smiled. "And I wouldn't have any other way, Brainy," Nia said softly as she laid her head on his shoulder. Then, they stayed like that for hours🔢wanting this moment to last forever❤️. As she closed her eyes drifting off to sleep😴... Brainy noticed that looking at Nia sleep peacefully with her eyes moving and knew that she was dreaming✨of the impossible🌌. "Sweet dreams, Nia Nal," he said softly whispering into her ear and kissing her on the cheek and fell asleep too.

*long chapter, sorry😅. I hope you enjoyed it... until my next chapter. Bye👋, for now!*

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