There's a Love❤️Spell📜over National🏙City!

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~{Chapter 94}~*This chapter is about when a Witch casts a spell in *National🏙City* for everyone to only feel the emotion of love to others around them including, their loved ones. cause she hates seeing humans & aliens show her kind no kindness or love and only assumes the worse. Speaking from the old days when people treated witches differently... so, she wanted revenge and wanted them all to feel love. However, feeling too much "love" can be a problem😅leading to absolute chaos💥in the city. And what's worse the Superfriends won't be able to stop the Earth Witch responsible for this...cause they'll all be affected by her magicspell. Luckily, there's another Witch in town to stop this madness from getting out of control than it already is. And that is "Lena Luthor" and she'll fix things with her magic before time runs out! I hope you like it, Enjoy!*

*Somewhere in National🏙City, in an apartment on Hope Street*
*10:00 a.m.*
There is a Woman mediating spiritual sitting in a circle made of salt🧂with candles🕯️around her while chanting a *spell* to make all Humans & Aliens in the city feel only one emotion🖤and that is "love". Suddenly, the flames of the candles🔥lit up high in her apartment... which meant her Love Spell was complete. "It is done," she said softly opening up her eyes dramatically that the spell she did was finished. Then, she stood up and clapped👏her hands in putting out the candles and then made her way to the window🪟opening it up to see if it worked... unfortunately, it was just in the process of working😅😔. Moments later, Everyone in the city felt a powerful force of a *magical✨energy that hit them including, the "Superfriends" taking away all of their emotions and leaving only "love❤️". As Brainy and Nia got up off the floor in their apartment and then looked into each other's eyes deeply in love and said💬. "I LOVE YOU!!!" they both said to one another out loud in unison with "passion" in their hearts💚💙and immediately ran up to each other in kissing one another passionately. Since their romantic feelings were basically heightened due to the *Love Spell* that was cast on them and every single human and alien in the whole city! However, no one that they were under a spell in the first place and just thought feeling only love was normal and not "Sus". So, how long will this last? Permanently or short term?...

*An hour later, at the Tower*
*11:02 a.m.*
Lena came out of the tower elevator🛗 while holding her mother's grimoire. Cause she felt a powerful magical force in the city she intended to find it but when she saw her friends acting weird/odd more than usual. "I love you guys so much!" John said excitedly with happiness feeling so much "love" for everyone in this room. She knew that they were all under some kind of "Love❤️Spell📜" which meant that another Witch was involved. Then, Alex and Kelly kissed each other passionately❤️. Like married couples do! While Brainy and Nia were dancing together as a couple and laughing to be with one another feeling so much "love". Which kind of scared Lena as she said. "Are you guys okay?" Lena asked her friends with concern in her voice. "We're fine! Lena, don't you feel the love too?" Kara said cheerfully dancing happily feeling "love" as well. Lena smiled happily playing along with her friends so, that they wouldn't notice her odd behavior of not acting like them. You know cause she's an Earth Witch and no magic or spells have an effect on her... meaning that Lena is the only one who can fix this mess. After Kara and the others *tower* go to Al's bar to get drunk and have a ton of fun! Lena took this as an opportunity to do a *locator spell* to find the "Witch" responsible for this!

*An hour later*
An trail of flames🔥emerged when she did the spell acting as a *compass🧭* leading Lena to the Witch responsible for this love spell on her friends and everyone in the city. Then, the fire disappeared when she arrived at Nia's apartment building and at a door that said. "C 11" and then Lena kicked down the door using a *Strength spell* to make her as strong as "Supergirl" temporarily as she kicked down the door 🚪for dramatic effect. "Stop the spell!" Lena urged loudly shouting out at the blond earth witch to reverse what she did to everyone in the city for only feeling "Love". Including, her friends. "Oh, I can't. It last 24 hours. And it's spirit magic," the witch said dramatically. "Spirit magic? Never heard of it." Lena questioned softly in confusion about that she wasn't familiar with the witchcraft known as "Spirit✨magic". "Of course not. You're an Earth Witch who only uses ingredients found in Nature. I can sense that on you." Sasha Fee said stating the facts that she knew that Lena was a *witch*. She sighed annoyed and said. "Never mind. Just tell me the "Cure" or how to reverse the spell you did," Lena said not in the mood for her *mind games* and didn't feel like talking because she just wanted to fix things. "Sorry, Lena. Like I said before... my spell lasts for twenty-four hours." The witch explained her spell can't be reversed and it is only on a certain time frame. "Fine. I'll figure out how to undo your spell myself," Lena said determined to fix this problem no matter what she said and about to leave and go back to the *Tower* and reverse this *love spell*. "No, you won't! You're not going anywhere." She said and began chanting in Latin as vines emerged from the floor dramatically commanding it to wrap around Lena tightly to prevent "Escape". "Thank you," the witch added softly taking Lena's spellbook and holding onto it for safekeeping. "You are an Earth Witch!" Lena said stating the obvious. "That's right, I am. You are not going to reverse the spell that I cast in your "fair🏙city". I am doing this to teach all humans & aliens a lesson about loving❤️each other rather than hating and causing violence to their loved ones. I'm teaching them a lesson without knowing it. And no one is going get in my way... not even you," Sasha said telling Lena why she cast the spell in the first place. "But that's not right. You're taking away from other emotions and their free will! Even if it is just a "Day" what you did to my friends and everyone in this city... is wrong. Using your magic for your own personal gain in revenge is not what Earth Witches are supposed to do. They help the world🌎for the better!" Lena explained wisely speaking like a *true Witch* of the balance of the *Natural Order* of Things and stating the obvious of what Earth Witches were made to do with their powers/magic✨abilities. "That may be true! But I really don't care to be honest. Believe it or not, I'm "167" Years old and I've seen it a million times. People don't change." The witch said out loud admitting that she was older than she looked and believed the worst in people and "never" change their ways.

Lena smiled. "I felt that way about humans too but not everyone in the world is like that... before I knew that I was a witch. I was born into the "Luthor" family who were criminals, and liars. So, I wanted that name to stand for something "good". However, I saw people who were evil and lied to me. I wanted to change the way people think by using *Science* but I took it too far because you can't fix Humanity no matter how hard you try even with Science or in your case "Magic". When I discovered the *truth* about myself I didn't know what to think that magic was actually real and afraid of what my powers as a "Witch" might do if my emotions got out of control👁‍🗨. But I had friends who believed in me and were good people... So, don't assume all are bad people 'cause they just make bad decisions and do not realize the consequences of their actions." Lena said softly sharing her *life story* with another witch that she barely knew but thought "Sasha Fee" needed to hear it. And it worked! "I see. Well, you make a fair point." She said thinking that Miss Luthor was right and maybe people can change after all. Sasha sighed and released Lena as the vines mysteriously disappeared into thin air. Then, she ripped out a page📄of the Spirit magic grimoire with the spell to reverse what she did to everyone in the city for feeling only one emotion. "Here, take this. This spell will fix everything." She said sweetly handing Lena the *spell📜page* to fix things. "Thank you, I appreciate it! But this is a big spell to do alone so, would you like to help me?" Lena said as she took the spell from her and was grateful that she finally came around and asked for her help. "Do you really want me to help you fix my mistake? Even though, I attacked you earlier." Sasha Fee said sadly. "Yes, of course! no one is perfect but I know that you're the kind of person who does the right thing anyway. Besides, two witches reversing a love spell is better than one!" Lena replied with *optimism* and "hope" in her heart. Moments later, They both got the ingredients from the *City garden* and came back to the *Tower* As they held hands channeling each other to do the Spell together as "one" and began chanting in Latin to reverse it in giving everyone back their emotions other then feeling so much "Love❤️".

*One hour later*
*3:33 p.m.*
Everyone got their emotions🖤back! Including, the "Superfriends" as their eyes glowed yellow and immediately stopped what they were doing as one of them said💬. "Woah, what just happened?" Kara asked the obvious question as to what everyone was thinking as it felt like she had a hangover or headache without drinking any *alcohol*😅. As they all looked around them in confusion having no memory of what happened. "Wait, why are we at Al's Bar?" Nia asked the obvious as to how they got here in the first place and why she was sitting on top of a bar table. "No idea. Nia, but I'm sure that it has something to do with our headaches," Brainy added. "It's done, well, even though I'm the one who started this whole mess. I like to Thank you and now I must go," The witch said dramatically as she was about to leave meaning, leaving the city and deciding to travel the world to help all Humans & Aliens alike. "Wait, don't go! I'm still new at this Witch and magic stuff. I could use an mentor," Lena said loudly begging "Sasha Fee" to stay and help her learn more about being a "Witch" since she had not have that much experience. "You don't need my help. Cause I can tell that you are a very powerful Witch! And you are more than capable of handling magic than I ever was at your "age," She added knowing that Lena didn't need her help, and gave her some valuable advice. Lena smiled happy to hear that! After that, she went to tell her friends what happened and how she basically saved the day and the whole city by talking down a Witch with a hopeful speech into standing down without "moral combat". Just like how Kara does when facing a bad guy in doing the right thing. And Kara and the others were impressed with Lena for doing that! She truly did belong on the "Superfriends" team.

*Sorry, short chapter😅. But I do hope that you enjoyed reading📖it though... until my next chapter. Bye👋, for now!*

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