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~{Chapter 92}~*This chapter is about when Dreamer🌀is in danger💥which involves "Snakes🐍" and that could be a problem for Brainy since it's his greatest *fear*. Will he💚conquer it in order to save Nia💙Nal, his girlfriend from becoming "one"? Or is it too late... I hope you like it, Enjoy!*

*A few days later, in National🏙City, inside an abandoned Hospital🏥medical facility*
*In the late morning*
*11:30 a.m.*
Dreamer🌀got captured by a female mad scientist who's been kidnapping Aliens for "Years" to turn them into Earth Animals against their will cause "Doctor Fang" likes to experiment on them by understanding their biology in using their alien powers to help the good of *humanity*. But she shut down a long time ago when it was *illegal* to do that to innocent aliens cause they have "rights" now to be treated like any human would and not be treated like a "test subject". Nia woke up after the chemical reaction testing in an old medical hospital facility that shut down years ago. She's been there for "days" being tested like some lab rat! "So, how are we feeling today? Dreamer," Dr. Fang asked her patient wickedly. Then, Nia panted out of breath not in a talking mood but when she saw the mad doctor putting a snake's scale and grab a snake by the neck took its venom from its "fangs" and dropped both in the chemical bottle to successfully turn Dreamer into a *Naltorian Hybrid Snake*. After seeing that, she had to say something! "Stop it! Please, don't do it!" Dreamer🌀shouted out weakly in pain. Dr. Fang chuckled evilly as she placed the "Venom" into a small syringe to inject the *Snake's DNA🧬* into her💙quickly for her lifetime work on a Half-Human alien to be turned into an animal in bring a "successful trial" in giving humans "powers" from Animal and Alien DNA🧬. "Stop? We're just getting started... now, it's time for the moment of truth to see if my research and crazy Miss Nal "Dreamer" become your animal form. A "snake🐍" to be exact." Doctor Fang said as she held a syringe💉in her hand filled with *snake venom*. Nia gasped in fear struggling to get out of the chair 🪑in power-dampening cuffs. But it was no use! Then, she injected the snake venom into Dreamer's arm and then took it out once it was inside her body while putting the syringe off to the side, and waited to see if it worked or not. All of a sudden, Nia "glowed" blue feeling her temperature in the body went down as she felt cold❄️& hot🔥at the same time and then she shanked down and turned into a *blue💙snake🐍* as the cuffs on her came off when she was small and didn't have any hands anymore. "Yes, success!" Doctor Fang said amazed that it actually worked while looking at the screen on the monitor that she successfully turned one of National🏙City's alien "heroes" into a reptile animal and it was time to get started on phase 3 of her experiment as she stepped away for the moment focusing on her work on what to do next. Snake🐍Nia💙saw this as the "perfect" opportunity to escape and she did when the mad Doctor "Lindsey Fang" was distracted. So, she did but it was hard to make a run for it without legs. "Okay, Dreamer. Now, it's time to..." she said turning around and witnessing that she escaped and saw her slithering away trying to get away. "Hey, get back here! We're not done yet." Dr. Fang yelled out to Snake Nia while trying to grab her. But she was as slippery as *Oil* and then she finally made it out of the *building🏪* through a gutter and into the streets of the city where she was trying to find a place to "lay low". And what better place than the *Tower*😉!

*Meanwhile at the Tower*
*1:04 p.m.*
Brainy and Kara were doing everything in their power to find Nia but nothing sadly. Luckily, Nia was just about to waltz in Or "slither"😅. Lol😂! "Uh, guys? There's a snake in here?..." Lena said softly stating the obvious. "Where?!" Brainy said loudly screaming in "fear" of the mention of a snake🐍being inside the building🏪. "Wait, a second. It's not attacking us or moving? Almost like it's standing up tall like a person and it's pattern on its reptile skin looks familiar somehow... but why?" Kara asked all obvious questions all at once. She gasped when she looked at Nia's *dream🌀symbol* and it was exactly the same... came to the realization that this was no ordinary snake and it was Nia! But the real question is how Dreamer🌀got turned into a "Snake🐍" in the first place. "Oh, my gosh! It's Nia." She added loudly stating the facts of the obvious in figuring it out. Snake Nia nodded her head of that being "correct". Brainy stopped trembling in fear and said. "Wait, what? Nia? Is that really you? You're a snake🐍? How'd this happen to you or who did this to "You?" Brainy asked. Nia wanted to tell him and her friends how this happened to her but couldn't cause all that came out was "Ss". Then, she decided to try something else instead. Such as writing✍️a message💬in ink⚫️on the floor. Snake🐍Nia💙immediately grabbed some ink and dipped her tail and snake-like body in it to write out the message in *English* for her friends to understand her. And that's exactly what happened! The message in ink on the floor said: "I was kidnapped by an evil Mad Scientist "Doctor Fang" who's been testing on Aliens with powers for *Years* to turn them into Earth🌎animals against their will to understand their biology in using their powers to help the greater good of humanity. However, Dr. Fang had never tested on a half-human half-alien Hybrid. Meaning, me. She tested on me for "days" to study me like an animal and when the time was right she injected snake venom into my body and just like that I became a "Snake". Luckily, I escaped her custody when she wasn't looking... which is how I got here." Brainy read Nia's message💬out loud to hear as he looked at her and said. "Oh, Sprock! Nia, I had no idea and I'm so sorry that this happened to you. But I promise you that we will find🔎a way↕️to change you back." He said. Nia Snake nodded that being all "true." Then, Brainy left the room heading into the *Tower Lab* to get right on it! Also, he was avoiding Nia😅. 

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