A Forced Break-Up!

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~{Chapter 55}~*This chapter is set in Season 5 after defeating Lex and Leviathan and when Nia is forced to break up with Brainy by a criminal mastermind who captured her to do his bidding or else... This is gonna be hard because Querl can sense when she's lying but she has no choice. I hope you like it, Enjoy!*

*At Night*
*7:30 p.m.*
Nia got kidnapped by a Criminal mastermind when walking to her apartment from work... excited to see Brainy soon for their date! It was the first❤️date in a long time since they got back together after she forgave him for what he did. She and Brainy both promised each other no more secrets and to be honest no matter what. But sadly😔Nia was about to break that promise! As much as she hated it... Nia had to in order to protect her friends from getting hurt but she'd end up hurting them by breaking Brainy's heart💔and pushing them all away!

*An hour later*
Brainy arrived at Nia's apartment with her favorite💙flowers💐in his hand for their date❤️as he knocked lightly on her door🚪. She sighed sadly opening up the door to reveal Brainy in her doorway holding a bouquet of roses🌹🌹🌹and smiling brightly at her like that. She'd had to break💔his heart💚to protect the love of her from getting hurt if he knew. "Oh, that sweet smile of his, and he even brought me flowers! I don't know if I can do this... breaking his selfless heart💚would just destroy him. But I have no choice, please. Forgive me. Brainy," Nia thought💭sadly to herself. Then She heard him say. "I brought you your favorite flowers. Nia Nal, so Are you ready for our date?" Brainy asked her lovely💗and handed her the flowers... she sniffed them and then smiled back at him. But Nia sighed knowing it was time to get it over with. "Actually, that's what I wanted to talk to you about..." Nia said softly for dramatic effect. "What do you mean?" Brainy asked confused. "I'm sorry to say this but I don't think we should see each other anymore," Nia said finally Breaking the ice... "What you're breaking up with me?!" Brainy questioned out loud in confusion as to why Nia would say something like that. "Yes. And I'm sorry," Nia said softly trying to be strong about to shut the door in his face to make a point. But Brainy stopped her before she could and said. "Nia, please don't do this... it isn't like you! And I can tell that there's something else that you're not telling me... whatever it is I can help," He said dearly with fear in his eyes. "It's nothing, and how can you fix it when it's already broken... but I think this is for the best," Nia said sadly telling Brainy that their relationship can't be fixed anymore. But that wasn't true at all! Their relationship was stronger than ever it was a matter of protecting him and her friends from being in danger or getting hurt in the process. Then she closed her door on him... Brainy stood there in silence for a while not sure what to think. He walked off out of the building and headed to the Tower to the others what happened.

*At the Tower*
*8:30 p.m.*
Brainy had just arrived at the Tower as he told Alex and Kara, that Nia was the one who broke up with him this time. They both were shocked that Nia would do something like that!  because it didn't sound like her...

*Late at Night*
Nia got dressed into her Dreamer🌀suit and then jumped out her window onto her balcony. She looked to see if Supergirl was around anywhere because she couldn't be seen by her friends or Brainy for that matter... from what's she about to do and where she was going.
And the coast was cleared! As she jumped from building to building with her dream🌀energy✨lasso to keep her balance heading to a secret location where she was working in order to protect the people she loves...

*A month later*
*At Night*
It's been 31 days since the breakup, and Nia was fired from CatCo in her absences by Andra. She's been distancing herself from everyone including, her and Brainy. Which led to him finding out what's going on with Nia Nal! So he followed her after seeing Nia leave her apartment as Dreamer🌀heading to... an abandoned warehouse he was on the roof looking through a glass window from above to see Nia with a man whom Brainy recognized from the criminal database before the DEO destroyed 3 months ago, that he was most wanted and dangerous... and he wondered what the hell was Nia doing with him?! And then heard them say as Brainy eavesdrops. "It's Good to see you again. Dreamer, I take that you didn't tell anyone about the secret alliance we share." He asked softly for dramatic effect if She was loyal to their little agreement... "Of course, not. I gave you my word I wouldn't. Whatever it takes to protect my friends," Nia answered softly. When Brainy heard what Nia had said he realized that's why she broke up with him and pushed everyone away to protect them. He did the same thing when teaming up with Lex but this was entirely different from that because Nia was forced into this, not by choice... Brainy knew that he must tell the team about this information so he contacted them on the comms.

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