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~{Chapter 76}~*This chapter is about Brainy getting "jealous" when Kara tells him that she saw Nia with another guy *at the Park* and his anger😡gets the best of him and thinks💭that his girlfriend was cheating on him with another alien♂️. And he decided to confront her when she got home to find out if it was "true" but it was just a huge misunderstanding😅. I hope you like it, Enjoy!*

*At the NC🏙Park, On a Tuesday afternoon*
*1:33 p.m.*
Kara was on her lunch break from working at *CatCo* she decided to go to the park to get some fresh air and inspiration for the story that she was writing. At this point, that wasn't going to happen😅. She saw Nia with some guy sitting with him at a table talking deep in conversation💬... their hands touched and heard her giggling. Which she only does around her boyfriend, Brainy! So, she used her *super hearing* to gather more intel while hoping that it was not as bad as what she thought in her mind. Because she knew that Nia, one of her best friends would "never" be the kind of person who would hurt Brainy in any way. And what Kara heard was something she'd never thought that Nia would say coming out of her mouth. "Oh, my god. I can't believe it! I have to go tell Brainy at the Tower about this. Which is going to be hard for him to hear... but he has to know the "truth". Kara thought💭to herself loudly in shock. So, She immediately left heading to the *Tower* but what she didn't hear was the rest of the conversation after they touched hands. Nia pulled out her notepad🗒to ask him a few questions Cause This was an "interview" for an article📰that she was writing📝for *CatCo* that Miss Grant secretly assigned her to do. "Thank you so much for your time. Mr.Phlox, I really appreciate it!" Nia said gratefully for doing this interview. "Of course, it's an honor. Miss Nal, happy to help." Gavin Phlox said softly who is a psychic alien who can only give certain information from his mind to a person with a single touch while glad to help a fellow reporter from *CatCo Worldwide Media* with a top story.

*An hour later, at the Tower*
Kara came out of the *tower elevator🛗* to give Brainy the bad news of Nia cheating on him with another alien as she saw him getting ready to leave... without knowing the truth behind all of her lies/excuses that his girlfriend was making up to prevent him from finding out. That's not the truth! well, not the real truth😅. It's just a huge misunderstanding of a "secret" she's been keeping from everyone but it wasn't
Because it's just work for Nia's job! "Oh, greeting! Kara, I don't have the time to chat right now..." Brainy said softly with excitement welcoming his friend at headquarters and was busy getting ready to head out for something. Kara smiled nervously "Well, I think you may have some time... Because this is important what I'm about to tell you," she said. "It's about Nia. I-I, okay, uh. how do I put this? She's cheating on you. Brainy, and I know that this might be hard for you to hear but I saw her at the Park today with another male alien.
And I used my superhearing to overhear their conversation and I heard her say "You're brilliant and the smartest person I know,"
then they touched hands." Kara added breaking the bad news to him gently in the best way that she could😅. "What?!" Brainy questioned loudly in shock. "No, that's not true... I refuse to believe that she would do something like that to me!" He added upset in tears🥺💦refusing to believe that Nia Nal would be the kind of person who would cheat. Kara sighed approaching him to ease his pain. "I'm sorry, Brainy, I wish I was lying but I'm not." She said softly pulling her friend into a hug to comfort him through these hard times about finding that Nia was cheating on him with someone else. After that, Brainy decided to go to Nia's place and wait for her til she got home tonight to talk💬.

*At Night🌃, at Nia's apartment*
*10:00 p.m.*
Brainy was waiting patiently for her and then heard the sound of keys🔑in the door🚪... that's when Nia walked inside the apartment happily for some reason😅and then saw Brainy, her boyfriend delighted to see him. He wasn't sure how to feel having mixed feelings about this whole situation if he was happy to see her or not. "Oh, hey! Brainy, you're here... I'm glad I-I," Nia said excitedly happy to have him home, and then paused sensing that something seemed a little off about him today. "Is something wrong?" She asked softly with concern. Brainy scoffed with a sigh crossing his arms in wanting answers for an explanation of his girlfriend cheating on him with another alien. "You tell me... did you have a dream that I would be angry? knowing the truth about what you did today..." he said upset for dramatic effect.
"What are you talking about?" Nia questioned softly in confusion crossing her arms and looking at Brainy as to what he meant. "Nia, I know everything about what you did in the park today. And don't even try lying to me about it! Kara told me that she saw you there with another alien guy and heard you say "You're brilliant and the smartest alien I know," and hearing that really hurt my feelings... so, how could you?
I can't believe that you cheated on me, Nia Nal!" Brainy explained upset crossing his arms in disappointment and stating the obvious of where she was today and he was not happy about it. Nia sighed. "Okay, I can see where you got the idea. Listen to me, it's not what you think... but first, you need to calm down and I'll explain everything. Because I know how you get when your anger gets the best of you," She said softly in a calming voice. Brainy sighed taking a deep breath in calming himself down and said. "Okay, I'm calm." He said softly letting go of his anger to hear Nia out and what she had to say💬. "Look, the reason why I was with that guy at the Park was because I was interviewing him for a story that Miss Grant assigned me. She asked me to keep it a secret... So, I kept it to myself to prevent from anyone else finding out the truth." Nia explained everything wisely to Brainy in detail about what really happened at the Park today.

Brainy's eyes widened in shock and realized that he may have overreacted just a little bit😅. Okay, a lot! But it's only because of how much he loves Nia with all of his heart💚. And that's "love". "Oh, I see. I guess I may have overreacted..." Brainy said softly realizing his mistake.
"Yeah, I think you did," Nia said softly crossing her arms and agreeing with him on that subject. "I'm sorry, Nia Nal, that I accused you of cheating on me... I should have known better than to think that. It's just that I love you so much! And the thought of you with someone else
It scared me! Because I don't know what I would do without you in my life," He said apologizing for his actions while explaining why.
"It's okay, Brainy, I forgive. Besides, I would "never" do anything to hurt you. After all, I am dating the smartest alien in the World!" Nia said lovely to him meaning every word of it because Brainy is the only "alien guy" for her.

Hearing that really cheered Brainy up which caused him to smile brightly at his girlfriend and then say. "I love❤️you, Nia Nal with every fiber in my body," Brainy said Lovely came straight from the heart💚. "I love you too Querl Dox," Nia said lovely💗gazing into his eyes that looked like bright, brilliant stars💫to her. They were both caught up in the moment and leaned in pressing their lips against each other while wrapping their arms around one another pulling deeper into the kiss and feeling so much "love" right now. Then, Brainy and Nia were on the couch making out! That's when things got really heated🥵. If you know what I mean😏😉...

*Sorry😅, short chapter. I hope you liked it though... until next time. Bye👋, for now!*

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