Chapter 3- Star

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The moon rises in the night, and I finally get up off the bed and head to the bathroom attached to my room. I run the shower and let the room fill with steam. I step into the hot shower and let the water wash away all the tension in my body. I try to push the image of Laura and him out of my mind, but it keeps creeping back in. I know I shouldn't be jealous, but I can't help feeling a twinge of envy. I take a deep breath and remind myself that I am in control of my emotions. I focus on the warmth of the water and the sound of it hitting the tiles, letting myself relax completely.

After I dry myself off, I wrap the towel around my body and walk into my room. The cool night breeze hits my face as I open the window, and I take a moment to appreciate the peacefulness of the night before getting ready for bed.

A light glowing in the distance catches my attention. I look at the time and notice that it's just after midnight. I shake the illusion out of my head and start to head to my drawers when I hear howls fill the night. I walk back to my window and look around once more. The howls seem to be coming from the direction of the glowing light. I can't help but feel a sense of unease as I wonder what could be lurking in the darkness beyond my window.

I contemplate whether to investigate the source of the howls or to stay put and ignore them, but my curiosity gets the best of me, so I decide to grab a flashlight after quickly getting dressed and venture outside, hoping that whatever is making those sounds won't harm me.

As I step out into the chilly night, the howls grow louder and more distinct, making my heart race with fear and anticipation. I shine my flashlight towards the light and start walking towards it, wondering what kind of creature could be making such eerie noises.

As I get closer, the light begins to look like eyes dancing in the shadows. A growl comes from the creature, and I step backward, tripping over a rock and hitting my back on the ground below me. I try to get up, but my body feels heavy, like something is holding me down. I turn my head and see the creature's glowing eyes coming closer, and I realise that I might not make it out alive.

I hear the crunch of leaves as I look to see another set of eyes coming toward me. My heart races as I realise that I am surrounded by these creatures, and I know that I need to act fast if I want to survive. But it's too late; the one who is in front of me lunges in my direction. I embrace for impact and close my eyes. I hear growls and open my eyes to see that the one to my right has the other one pinned down. His glowing amber eyes lock onto mine, and he growls. I quickly get up and realise that the growling creatures are actually wolves, and the one who saved me seems to be their alpha. I slowly back away, not wanting to provoke them any further. As I back away, I notice that the alpha wolf is still staring at me, almost as if he's trying to communicate something. Suddenly, he turns around and disappears into the forest, followed by the rest of his pack.

Running as fast as I can, my heart races and my lungs burn, but I push through the pain to reach home. I lock all the doors and windows and make my way to my room. I lay in bed and hope that all this was just a dream.

The next morning, I wake to a knock at the door. "I'll get it!" "Laura shouts. I crawl out of bed, put my robe on over my t-shirt, and walk out. "Well, good morning, hottie." I hear Laura say. I make my way into the main hall to see Gage standing at the door. He runs his hands through his hair and smiles,

"Hey, Star." He says. completely ignoring Laura's advances. She rolls her eyes and turns to me, smiling, and as she walks by, she whispers, "Have fun." I roll my eyes and approach him.

"Hey," I say, stepping outside and taking a seat on the front step as he sits down next to me.

"I brought you coffee," He hands me the warm cup, and I thank him.

We sit in silence for what seems like an eternity. He finally breaks the silence in the air, "There's a party at the lake tonight, and I was wondering if you would be there." He asks me. I think of how Laura will be pissed if I don't go. I know the reason we came here two months early was for this so-called epic party.

I hesitate for a moment, contemplating whether or not to go, but then I remember that I promised myself to step out of my comfort zone and try new things. "Sure, I'll be there," I reply with a smile, taking a sip of my coffee.

"Cool." He smiles and gets up. "I'll see you tonight." His grey eyes lock on mine, and I melt as he looks at me. I nod and smile back. My heart starts to flutter as he walks away. I can't wait to spend the evening with him and get lost in his gaze. It could be the beginning of a beautiful romance or the beginning of a horrifying nightmare.

I watch as he walks away, and my heart freaks out. There is something different about him. I can't quite put my finger on it, but there's a certain aura of mystery and intrigue that surrounds him. I feel drawn to him, and I can't wait to unravel the secrets he's hiding. I sit there, lost in thought, I realise that I want to know more about him. There's a magnetic pull that's hard to resist, and I'm curious to see where it leads me.

He turns around once more and smiles. I bite my tongue and smile back. I get up and walk inside. Laura sits on the couch, and a huge smile crosses her face. "Don't even," I say as I walk by her and head to the kitchen.

"Oh, come on, that boy has his eyes on you. Get it, girl." She wiggles her hips and starts to laugh. "Okay, lake party. Our attire is a bikini and short shorts," she giggles.

I roll my eyes and walk away, heading back to my room. I take a seat by the window and look out. I never noticed that I could see into Gage's backyard. I watch as he sits out there with his friends. His eyes look in my direction, as if he could sense I was watching him. I duck and feel embarrassed.

Taking the day, I work on further organising my room in an effort to turn it into a cozy haven. I plan to add some personal touches like pictures and decorations to make it feel more cozy and inviting. It's important for me to have a comfortable space where I can relax and unwind after a long day.

My phone rings, and I look at the screen to see Levi's name. I decline the call, as I'm not in the mood to be yelled at by him. I know he is furious that another man answered my phone but I don't care. Levi is my past and I'm starting anew. I take a deep breath and remind myself that I deserve to be treated with respect and love. I make a mental note to block his number and move on with my life.

The moon begins to rise , casting a soft glow over the town. As I look out the window, I feel a sense of liberation and excitement for what the future holds. It's time to focus on myself and my own happiness. 

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