Chapter 55- Star

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The sun shines brightly as I turn in my bed. The aroma of fresh laundry and sandalwood fills my nostrils. I can feel him still next to me even though he is gone. I grab my phone and look at the time: ten-thirty a.m. I slowly crawl out of bed and head to the bathroom. I splash water on my face to wake me up and then brush my teeth. I quickly get dressed in black leggings and a sports bra that matches before throwing my grey hoodie over my head. I head to the kitchen to make myself some coffee when I realise there is one sitting on the table with a note.

I went out and got everyone coffee, and I thought you would like one too.


I smile at his gesture, but it still doesn't make this hurt any less. I grab the note and read it again, trying to find comfort in his words. As I take a sip of the coffee, I can feel its warmth spreading through my body, but it doesn't ease the pain in my heart. I grab my phone and call my dad.

"Hello?" I hear my mom's voice.

"Hey, mom." I smile.

"Oh, sweety, I miss you so much. I do hope you are safe."

"I am mom. I've been obeying curfew, and since school is on lockdown, I really haven't left the house. And that's the reason I'm calling. Can I talk to dad?"

"Of course." She says with sweetness in her voice. "I love you."

"I love you too." Silence fills the air as I wait for my dad to answer the phone.

"Hey, sweetheart." He says, and I smile.

"Hey, dad."

"Did you get the tires switched?" He questions me, and I roll my eyes. He's always been on top of me to make sure I get things done.

"Yes, I did. But I wanted to ask: Do you know of any boxing gyms around here? Or would I have to leave town? And if I do, how far would I have to drive?"

"Your Uncle Shawn has one a town over from where you are going east." He states.

"Okay, great. Do you think he would mind if I came by to release some energy? I've been feeling a little anxious lately, and I really need something to hit." I laugh as I speak to him.

He laughs along with me and says, "I'm surprised you've lasted this long without the gym. And of course not; he would love to see you. I'll send you the address. Drive safely. I love you."

"I love you too." I hang up the phone and grab the keys to my Jeep and my gym bag. I head out into the cold and start the engine. I wait for my dad to text me as I warm up the vehicle. I can't wait to hit the gym and release some endorphins.

The text comes through, and I put the address into the GPS. I pull out of the driveway and head down the road. The music fills the car, and I drive, leaving all my worries at home. As I get closer to the gym, my excitement builds up. I know that after a good sweat session, I'll feel accomplished and energised for the rest of the day.

The feeling that someone is following me creeps up my spine. I take a look in the rearview mirror, and four cars down behind me, none other than Gage's truck, is coming into view. I sigh and pull into the parking lot of my uncle's gym. I park the car and notice Gage staying far away, watching from a distance. I step out of my car, and my uncle walks out. I kiss his cheek and hug him before walking inside.

I look around and finally walk toward the ring. It's been months since I've last been in one, and I'm excited. I take off my hoodie and wrap my hands.

From the corner of my eye, I see Gage enter with some other gym goers behind him. I ignore him and pretend he isn't here. My uncle approaches and introduces me to his star fighter. I am polite, as I always am, until she says, "Ready to get your ass kicked?"

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