Chapter 27- Gage

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I'm in a deep sleep when my alarm goes off. I struggle to open my eyes and reach for my phone to turn off the alarm. Once I finally manage to turn off the alarm, I lay in bed for a few more minutes to fully wake up before starting my day. As I slowly wake up, I realise that it's already time to get to practice. I slowly move out of bed, hoping not to wake Star. I quickly get dressed and brush my teeth. I kiss her cheek as I leave.

"I love you," I whisper.

"Have a good practice," she says with her eyes still closed. "I love you, too." She takes the blanket and covers herself as she moves to the pillow I slept on. I let out a little laugh at her movement.

I walk out the door, taking her keys with me so I can lock up. I grab my equipment and head to my truck. I watch as Ace walks out. "Dude, you look like death." I laugh as I load up my truck.

"Shut up; I didn't get much sleep. Can I get a ride with you? I don't think I can drive."

"Wow, Laura's that big of a freak?" I begin to laugh. "Yeah, I'll drive you, but you'll need someone to drive you back. I promised Star I would be back by seven." He nods his head and shoves his stuff into the bed of my truck. He jumps in, and I drive off.

The smell of fresh ice wakes me up as I walk into the arena. I get dressed and hit the ice. As I glide across the rink, I feel a sense of freedom and escape from the outside world. The sound of my blades cutting through the ice is the only thing I can hear, and it's like music to my ears.

Our coach blows the whistle, signalling the shootout drill. I stand in the net, ready for the pucks. My heart races as I watch my teammates take their turns, trying to score on me. I focus on the puck, anticipating each shot and making split-second decisions to block them. The pressure is high, but I remind myself that this is where I thrive. As a goalie, I live for these moments, and I am determined to come out on top. With each save, my confidence grows, and I feel unstoppable.

Being a goalie is like being the Alpha. You have to lead your team and be the last line of defence. The whistle blows, and we skate off the ice. I head to the locker room, get out of my equipment, and throw on my shorts. I walk out, and the sun is just beginning to come up. I take a deep breath and feel the cool morning air fill my lungs. Sweat drips down my chest as I head to my truck. I throw everything in, start up the truck, and look at the time—six forty-five in the morning.

I sit at the red light outside of the arena, I take my phone, and shoot Star a quick text, telling her I'm on my way back. The light turns green, and I put my foot down. I speed down the road, heading home.

I park my truck in her driveway behind her and grab her keys from the glove compartment. I unlock the front door and enter. I hear the shower run and smile. I decide to surprise her by joining her in the shower. I quickly undress and step into the warm water, wrapping my arms around her waist.

"I told you I would be back in time to join you for your morning shower." I whisper in her ear. Her head leans against my chest, and my grip tightens on her waist. She turns around and kisses me.

"Good morning." She smiles.

"Good morning," I say as I kiss her.

"Okay, quickly shower; I don't want to be late on my first day," she says. I tilt my head back and sigh. "We've got time," I say as I pull her back to me. She smiles before pressing her lips on mine. She pulls away and tells me to finish showering. She steps out as I finish up. Once I'm done, I wrap a towel around my waist and walk into her room. I look around for my bag, and she notices.

"Your clothes are in the top drawer of my dresser." I lick my lips and pull her to me, one hand on her waist and the other on her cheek. "Thank you,"

"You should bring more clothes here for nights like last night." She smiles as she gets dressed. I slip on my jeans and throw on my t-shirt.

"Cologne is in the bathroom," she says as she searches her closet for her bag. I walk in and brush my teeth again before spraying some cologne and putting on deodorant.

I turn to see Star dressed and ready to go. Her hair flows down her shoulders; she wears forest green leggings and a tank top of the same colour and material. The outfit hugs her curves, and I feel a ping of jealousy as I know all the guys will be looking at her. I remind myself that I'm with her, and that's all that matters.

"Are you coming?" she asks.

"Yeah," she takes my hand, and we head out. I help her into the truck, take her bag, and place it in the back seat. I get in and kiss her once more before driving off.

We get to the campus, and I park. Ace pulls up beside me with Laura in his car. I grab Star's bag and mine from the back seat and step out. I take Star's hand and walk her to her first class.

"I'll meet you here after class, and we can walk to bio together."

"Okay." I kiss her and watch as she makes her way into class. I smile and walk away, hoping for the time to pass quickly. As I stroll through the campus, I can't help but think about how much I enjoy spending time with her.

As I sit in class, my mind wanders toward her. Her smile, her eyes, and her laugh are all I can think about. I try to focus on the lecture, but my thoughts keep drifting back to her.

I glance at the clock and realise that only five minutes have passed since she left. It feels like an eternity. I wonder what she's doing in class—if she's paying attention or doodling in her notebook. Maybe she's thinking about me too, or maybe she's not, which makes my heart sink at the thought. I try to shake off these distracting thoughts and refocus on the lecture, but my mind keeps wandering back to her. The summer wasn't long enough for us, and I wish I could just have her in my arms at all times. Class finally ends.

I gather my things and head out of the lecture hall, walking down the hall toward her class. As I make my way through the sea of people, I can feel my heart pounding in my chest. I make my way to her class, and all the girls stare. It's not new, and I would be lying if I said I didn't like the attention before, but now the only girl I want attention from is Star. My eyes shine as I lean against her classroom door and watch as she packs up her bags. I wait for her to exit when a random girl comes up to me, trying her hardest to flirt. I back away, but the girl is persistent until Star pushes past us. 

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