Chapter 33- Gage

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I drive to the rink and park, waiting for Ace to pull up. I hear the bass of his audio system as he makes his way into the parking lot. I jump out and jump into his car.

"What did you need to talk to me about?" He asks as he turns his car off.

"Star's ex." I stare at the glass doors of the arena from the car.

"What the fuck does that guy want now? He's got balls after three different guys have told him to back off," he says.

"Yeah, last night was the worst. I heard her yelling from our place. I don't think I've ever seen her so mad."

"Let me guess, you went off on him?" I nod in response to his question. "Great. Now what?"

"If he calls her again, I will hunt him down. If he shows up here, I will kill him." I smile.

Ace's face lights up. "And we will have a sacrifice."

"Exactly." I smirk. Ace and I have been best friends since we were little, and one thing is for sure, we both think alike, which makes us unstoppable. We get out of the car, grab our equipment, and head into the rink. I let the smell of fresh ice calm me and clear my mind.

As I step on the ice, the image of Star's face comes to mind. I can't get past the thought of how scared she was when he called. I try to block it, but I can't stop my mind from wandering back to me taking her phone and yelling at him.

"MOON!" The coach yells.


"What's gotten into you? You haven't made one save." He says.

"Sorry, I've just got a lot on my mind. I'll be good for Friday's game. I promise."

"You better be." He says it with a stern voice.

I take my helmet off and skate off the ice. I look at the time, and it's three-fifteen. I put on my shorts, throw all my stuff in my bag, and grab my pads and stick. I walk out and let the cool September breeze wash away my thoughts. I hop in my truck and text Star.

Hey, I'm on my way to get dinner. What do you want?

I don't care. Maybe a chicken Caesar wrap?

Okay. I'll be there soon.

I start the truck and head to Pita Pit. I step out and grab my shirt from my hockey bag, quickly pulling it over my head. I head in and order what she wants, and I decide on the same thing. I grab the bag and head out, hurling my sweaty shirt into the back seat. I make my way down the road as the sun still sits in the sky. I feel it making me sweat more as I drive. I pull into her driveway and head inside. I walk to her room and knock on the door.

"Come in," she says.

I open the door and walk in. I hand her the bag, and she smiles. I kiss her, and her hands run up my chest as sweat drips down.

"Hmm," she mumbles. "Okay, go take a shower; I'll wait for you." She states. I rub my face and shake my head as I let out a little laugh.

I quickly head home and drag my bag into the house, throwing it into the spare room. I head to the shower and let the cool water drown out my thoughts. I have a bad feeling about this guy stalking Star, but it will be a fun hunt if he tries again. I smile at the thought and step out, putting on some shorts and a muscle shirt. I grab my fitted cap and slip on my runners. I head over to Star's, and as I walk in, Ace and Laura are sitting on the couch. Ace hands me a beer, but I say no as I walk to my girl's room.

"Hey, grab the food and come with me." I tell her. She jumps up and grabs the bag. I take her hand and head out to my truck.

"Where are we going?" she asks as I take her hand. "To watch the sunset," I tell her.

I start the truck and drive to the other side of campus, where the cliffs are. I park my truck with the bed facing the cliff. I get out and grab the blanket from the backseat. I place it on the bed as she walks around the truck. I take her hand and help her up. We sit down and begin to eat as we watch the sun go down. The sky turns into a beautiful mix of orange and pink hues, casting a warm glow over the landscape. We both take a deep breath and enjoy the peaceful moment together.

I pull her in between my legs as I lean back against the truck. I hold her close as we watch the beautiful picture in front of us. She begins to laugh, and I ask, "What's so funny?"

"You," she starts, "You have so many different styles. Basketball shorts and a muscle shirt; jeans and a hoodie; sweats and a t-shirt; and I can't forget your black leather jacket." She turns her head to face me and says, "And yet, they all suit you. No matter what you wear, you're still a stupid amount of good looking," she smiles.

I look into her eyes, and I can see that all she has is love for me. My heart flutters as she looks at me. Her breath slowly trickling my skin. I feel like I am the luckiest person in the world to have her by my side, and I know that I will do everything in my power to make her happy for the rest of our lives.

Her eyes shine in the glow that surrounds us. My heart is beating faster and faster. I smile at her and say, "I've waited for someone like you for a long time. I knew that night on the side of the road that I was going to be with you. I didn't know how, but I was determined to find you."

Her mouth presses against mine, and I pull her closer. I lay back in the bed of the truck as she straddles me, her lips never leaving mine. Her mouth presses against mine, and I pull her closer. My hands wander down her back, feeling the warmth of her skin through the thin fabric of her shirt. The sound of the crickets and the rustling of leaves are the only sounds that fill the air as we lose ourselves in each other. It feels like time has stopped, and all that exists is her and me, tangled up in this moment of pure bliss.

"Star," I say in between breaths, "are you sure you want to do this here?" I ask her; in my mind, I don't care, but I want her to be comfortable.

Her eyes lock on mine, and she shakes her head. I tuck the strand of hair behind her before cupping her face and kissing her again. I flip her over and kiss down her neck, moving to her collarbone. I make my way down to her jeans and unbutton them. Kissing her against her pantie line. She moans softly as I tease her, and I can feel the heat emanating from her body. As I finally remove her jeans and panties, I take my time exploring every inch of her skin with my lips and tongue.

My mouth makes its way back up her body, finding her lips. My length begins to throb with anticipation as we deepen the kiss, our bodies pressing closer together. The heat between us intensifies; I can feel her hands exploring my back, pulling me in closer. The desire to be with her grows stronger with each passing moment, and I know that I won't be able to resist for much longer.

I slowly enter her, feeling her sensitive core tighten around me as we move together in perfect rhythm. Our bodies become one, and the pleasure we give each other is beyond anything I have ever experienced before.

We explore each other until the sun completely sets, and all that can be heard around us is the crickets and the wrestling of the leaves that blow in the wind. The moonlight shines above us as we lie there, entwined in each other's arms, catching our breaths and basking in the afterglow of our love-making.

I wrap the end of the blanket around her so her naked bottom doesn't become cold in the cool night air. I kiss her hair and tell her how much I love her.

"I love you, Gage Moon." I smile at her, and in this moment of peacefulness, I know that one day I'm going to make her my wife.

Her eyes begin to close, and I quietly say to her, " Let's go home." I take her hand in mine as I drive, the night sky above us filled with stars. I make my way down our street and park my car.

"I'll see you tomorrow morning." I say as I walk her to her door.

She smiles and says goodnight. I kiss her and watch as she closes the door. I head home and walk in to see Ace playing NHL on my Xbox. He hands me the other controller, and I sit down and join. 

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