Chapter 11- Gage

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I watch as Star walks away. The stupid bitch almost gave away our secret, a secret I'm not ready to have Star involved in. I take a deep breath and remind myself that I can't let my emotions get the best of me. I need to figure out a way to keep Star safe without letting anyone else in on our secret.

As I stand there, a new freshman approaches me. I can tell by her demeanour that Keenan chose her and her friends to join us tonight. She caresses her fingertips across my chest, and begins to flirt.

"You've got some nice muscles. Can I see them?" She pouts. I shake my head no. I look around and block out all the noise around me. The sound of a window opening makes me grin. The girl wraps her arms around my waist and looks up at me. "Wanna have some fun?" She smiles and licks her lips.

Star's voice travels through the wind in a whisper. "If what you said tonight is true, you won't do it." My head slowly turns to face her window, and I chuckle as she ducks. I push the new girl off of me and run until I'm at her front door in no more than a split second. I ring the doorbell, and I can hear from the other side her heart racing. She opens the door, and I look her up and down as she wears only an oversized t-shirt.

I should give her a few of mine to wear. I think to myself. My eyebrow arches as I take in her beauty.

I step inside and close the door behind me, backing her up against the wall. I place my hands on either side of her and look into her eyes. "I want you, and only you. That's the truth."

My lips press against hers. I lead her to her room and lay her on the bed. As I continue to kiss her, my hands explore her body, feeling every curve and contour. I can feel the passion and desire building between us, and I know that this is just the beginning of a long, unforgettable night. I take my time with her, savouring every moment and making sure to please her in every way possible. She responds eagerly to my touch, her body arching with pleasure. I can't help but smile as I realise that this is exactly where I want to be—with her. As the night progresses, we lose ourselves in each other, and the intensity of our connection only grows stronger.

I hold her body close to mine as we lay there. The warmth of her skin against mine makes me feel alive, and I can't help but think that this moment is perfect. I close my eyes and savour the feeling, hoping that time will stand still. The air is quiet and I finally break the silence in the room. "There's a back-to-school dance. Kind of fancy; the university does it every year. You know, the suit and tie type of dance."

"Okay," she says as her hand rubs up and down my chest. Her soft touch sends a tingling feeling through my body, putting my mind at ease.

I finally ask, knowing the only reason I'm nervous is because for the first time, I found my mate. "Will you be my date?" She giggles and says, "I don't know, I barely know you." She laughs. "I'm kidding. Yes, I would love to go to the dance with you."

I lift her chin and plant a soft kiss on her lips. She closes her eyes and leans into me, savouring the moment. I can feel my heart beating faster as our bodies press closer together. I hold her tight and allow the night to help us drift into a sleep.

As the night progresses, I wake to the sound of howling. My eyes open wide, calling for my inner wolf to come out.


I slowly move, not to wake Star. I reach for my phone to check the time, realising it's after midnight. I slip out of bed and grab my clothes. I slowly walk out of her bedroom and head to the front door. I make a run for the back of my house and drop my clothes. Running as fast as I can, my body shifts into that of a wolf, and I keep running toward my pack, howling.

I find Ace and Keenan in the middle of the forest with a girl from earlier tonight. A bite mark lays across her abdomen. I realise that they have already started the transformation ceremony without me.

I growl, showing my anger towards them. The rest of the pack joins us. I jump up onto the rock near the cliff off the woods. My howl echoes through the forest, demanding their attention. They turn to face me, surprised by my sudden appearance. I assert my dominance and remind them that I am the alpha of this pack. My head turns to face Ace.

What made you think you could go against my orders? I question him.

The elders want a new member! Ace states.

I don't care what the elders want. I growl.

I pace back and forth, anger fueling every inch of my bones at their stupidity. I take a deep breath,

What is done is done. There is nothing I can do to stop the process now. My head faces Keenan.

Have you brought a sacrifice?

He puts his head down, nodding in agreement. He howls, and I watch as two of our members in human form approach us with another girl. She struggles to fight off the two males, but it's useless. If the girl they have bitten wants to survive the transformation, she must kill before the night is over. I know the drill, I've seen it myself. The girl's fate is now in her own hands, and we can only hope she has the strength to make it through. As she wakes, fear covers her face. I jump down and nudge her.

I know you're scared, but your instincts will tell you what you need to do to survive. I tell her.

Her eyes widen as she realises she hears my voice in her head. The scream from the sacrifice catch her attention. "No!" She says as she backs away. I let out a low growl, and her eyes change to sapphire blue. She gets up and lunges toward the girl. Her body moves with inhuman speed and strength, fueled by the primal urge of hunger.

The girl screams in terror as she realises that the person in front of her is no longer human. She tries to run, but it's too late, the predator has caught its prey. She rips the girl from limp to limp. Finally reaching her heart and eating it. We, as a pack, howl. The predator's sharp teeth and powerful jaws make quick work of the girl's body. The howling pack celebrates the successful transformation.

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