Chapter 23- Star

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I step out of the car, not waiting for Laura as she kisses Ace goodbye. I roll my eyes; I'm used to her flings, but they've never lasted as long as hers and Ace's have. I take a look around the campus grounds before I head inside, and I'm instantly introduced to the dean of the school. I shake his hand and introduce myself to the rest of the council. As I make my way through the halls and down to the auditorium. I can't help but look at all the pictures on the wall.

One catches my attention: Gage, in his hockey gear, standing in front of the net. Player of the year. Engraved on the frame. I smile and continue walking. My heart swells with pride as I think about how hard Gage worked to earn that title. I hear chatter as girls walk by, talking about how attractive he is. Sadness consumes me when I realise that once upon a time he was mine, and now I don't know if I will ever have that chance with him again. As I stand there, someone from the council stands on the stage to introduce himself.

"Welcome, freshman, to tonight's mixer. I'm Professor Stark. It's great to see such fresh new faces at our school this year. I won't take up much of your time; I just wanted to say welcome, and if you have any questions, myself and the rest of the staff will be just over there." He points to the other side of the auditorium. "Enjoy yourselves and meet some new classmates. Have fun." The music begins to play, and Laura is on the dance floor.

"Hi, I'm Lilly." A girl says, I look at the blonde, with glasses and a smile. "Hi, I'm Star." I introduce myself.

"Star? That's a cool name." I smile at her compliment. "What's your major?" She questions me.

"Science. You?"

"Me too. Maybe we could be lab partners." She grins with a cheerful look.

"Yeah, maybe." I smile. I look around and say, "Sorry, I need a drink."

"I'll get it. What would you like?" She says.

"Vodka." She smiles and shrugs her shoulders as she hops away.

She's peppy.

As she walks by, the crowd starts to scream, or, I should say, the girls begin to scream. Lilly walks back, and hands me the shot glass; I thank her. "Oh, my god. The hockey team is here." She says all giddy.

"What?" I feel a lump in my throat, hoping I heard her wrong. There is no possible way the hockey team is here; this mixer is meant for freshmen.

"The boys hockey team, with their star player, Gage Moon." I watch as the crowd parts like the Red Sea as the guys make their way to the middle of the floor. "Oh my god, he is even sexier in person." Lilly adds. Gage's eyes lock on mine, and I throw back my shot.

I look him up and down. He wears dark blue jeans and a white hoodie with a white gold chain around his neck. His right hand's index finger wears a white gold ring.

"Oh my god, he's looking this way." Lilly puts her head down and starts muttering to herself. "Be cool, be cool." As Gage walks toward us, my phone rings. It's an unknown number, so I ignore it. He approaches with Keenan by his side.

"Ladies," Keenan says. I look at Lilly, who is red in the face from blushing so hard. I can't help but laugh. "Lilly, this is Gage, and this is Keenan." I say as my phone rings again. "Be nice," I tell them. "I have to get this." I take my phone and answer as I walk out of the building.


"You blocked my fucking number?" Levi yells from the other end. Keenan was right; I need to change my number.

"Yeah. I did it because you won't stop harassing me." I look back at Lilly and mouth, I'll be right back as I step out of the auditorium, making my way to the front doors.

"Star, all I want is you back. I'm sorry for the way I treated you."

"Seriously. Levi, I'm sick and tired of all the games you play. You really need to get your shit together. You always say you want me, but it's too late. I've moved on; I wasn't going to wait forever for you to man up. Now you're ringing up my phone, talking about how you miss me." I say to him.

"Please, Star, I'll drive up to your place so we can talk in person." Before I can say anything, my phone is ripped out of my hands. I turn to see Ace.

Seriously? not him too?

"Listen, dude, she has said it over and over again: leave her alone. You're not coming up here to talk to her. I'm not sure how many of us have to tell you to back the fuck off." Ace states before beginning to laugh at whatever Levi says to him.

"Come up here and see what happens." His voice stern, "Fuck around with Star, and no one will ever find you." He hangs up and hands me my phone. He looks at me and shakes his head.

"Yeah, I know. I need a new number." I look at the phone in my hand and toss it to the ground, then dig my heel into it.

Ace begins to laugh as he throws his arm around my shoulder and says, "Come on." We head in, and he stops me before we enter the auditorium. "You know, I've known Gage my whole life; I've seen him with plenty of girls."

"Well, that makes me feel better," I say, rolling my eyes.

"You know what I mean. What I'm trying to say is that he's never loved anyone before, and the guy loves you."

"So you're telling me this pretty boy, this fuckboy, loves me?" I question him as I point to Gage's hockey picture.

"Yes." He looks me in the eye, and I can tell he is telling me the truth. "He's complicated, but he's a good person. Can you at least try to forgive him?" He smiles.

"I'll think about it." I open the doors and head in. I make my way to the dance floor and look over at Lilly, who is smiling from ear to ear as Keenan talks to her. But as I look around, I don't see Gage anywhere.

Ace is right; I must be stupid and crazy to say the things I had said to him. I let my pride get in the way. I'm to blame for not allowing him to explain and just walking away. At the end of the day, I don't care where he went; I just wanted him to wrap his arms around me.

Laura grabs me and guides me to the dance floor. The music runs through my veins, and I'm lost in my own world. I'd do anything to have Gage's body pressed up against me. As Laura and I dance, I notice all the freshman boys looking at us. The girls gasp around us as Ace approaches Laura and begins to dance with her. I realise the gasps are because Gage is around. His strong arms wrap around my waist.

"I miss you," he whispers in my ear before kissing my neck. My head falls back into his chest as we dance to the music. The warmth of his embrace and the familiarity of his touch make me forget all the worries that have been weighing me down. Being in his arms feels like home, and I never want to leave this moment.

As the song ends, Gage pulls away slightly and looks down at me with a smile. "I've missed you so much," he says, and I can see the love in his eyes. I feel my heart swell with happiness, knowing how much I've missed him too.  

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