Chapter 43 - Star

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My window is open, and the cool air fills my room as the sun shines through. I look over to see Gage still asleep. I'm still mad at him and Ace for their idiotic reactions. I get out of bed and head to the bathroom. I splash water on my face and brush my teeth. Once done, I grab a pair of leggings and a hoodie. I throw them on and grab the keys to my Jeep. I walk out the front door and realise that Gage has parked right behind me.

"You've got to be kidding me." I sigh and head back inside. I search around and find the keys to his truck.

I grab them from his jeans pocket. I walk back outside and see Laura and Ace walking out of the house. I motion for Laura to come to me, and she walks over.

"Want to go grab coffee and breakfast for us and these assholes?"

"Sure." She says, "But are we taking my car since Gage is parked behind you?" She asks, and I hold up Gage's keys.

"The man is going to kill you." Ace says as he walks toward us. "He doesn't let anyone drive his truck."

"Well, you're more than welcome to come with us." I say.

"Nah, I'm good. I'm not a part of this. I don't need my ass beaten." He stands back. "Well, suit yourself; make yourself at home." I say as I step into the truck. I look over at Ace. "He's going to be pissed, Star." He tries to warn me.

"Yeah, well, you can tell him to kiss my ass when he gets up." I smile and start the truck while shutting the door.

As I drive, I tell Laura that I think that today and tomorrow she should work on a routine with Ace. We will pair some of the girls with the boys and have them follow. I tell her that I will get a routine for individual dances, and she agrees.

We get to the drive through of the coffee shop, and I order four coffees and four bagels. After placing the order, I turn to Laura and ask her if she has any suggestions for the individual dances. She tells me that she will think about it and get back to me later in the day. I ask the cashier if she could bag the bagels in two bags. She does and hands them to me. I put them in the back seat and hand Laura the coffees before driving away.

As I reach home, I see Gage standing outside, pacing back and forth. I turn the truck off and jump out. I open the back door and grab the bags of bagels. I take his keys and drop them in his hands as I walk by and enter the front door.

I take a seat, and Laura follows, sitting beside Ace. I grab my coffee and hand Laura her and Ace's bagels. Gage walks in and sits down. I hand him the bag, and he looks inside. As if food made him calm, he smiles and pulls out the two bagels.

"Thank you," he says, kissing my cheek. I watch as he devours both bagels in one sitting. The man's appetite seems insatiable, but his smile and gratitude towards the food are heartwarming.

I grab a pad of paper and start writing down songs. I hand the list to Laura, and she smiles. "Let's go, Ace. I have less than forty-eight hours to make you the perfect dance partner."

He swallows hard and chokes on his food. "What?" She grabs his hand, and he thanks me for the coffee. "you're welcome,"

I head to my room and grab my laptop to check my emails. The online sign up list is crazy. "Gage, I need your help." I shout, and like that, he is right behind me.

"What can I help you with?" He asks as he shoves the last piece of the bagel in his mouth. I point to the top of my closet and ask him to hook up my printer. "We've been in school for a month, and you still haven't hooked it up?"

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